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Current weekly ad Meijer - Valid from 09/25 to 10/01 - Page nb 5

Weekly ad Meijer 09/25/2022 - 10/01/2022


Products in this weekly ad

FETED oo occ cc cccccccccccccccccccccccecs ‘Yasso Frozen Yogurt Bars 4 ct,/10.6-14 az. and Poppables 6 ct /4.8 az. Dole and Welch's Frozen Smoothies 6-40 oz. Select varieties. 2 ron) /S, een ‘Simply Drinks* 52 az. Select varieties. Excludes orange juice. ‘Quantities less than 2 are at engular price. Pillsbury Crescents 8 ov or Cinnamon Rolis* 12.4-13.9 oz Select vaseties. Quantities less than 2 are at regular price. a e os PS ae uta Aiea reat ge Bs a = x 2/ Pore) 2/$ Tart re re e ‘Sweet Earth Frozen Meal* Hungry Jack or Funfetti Frozen Waffles" ‘Tyson Prepared Frozen Chicken 16-28.05 oz. 5-9 az Select varieties. 14.1-14.8 oz. Select varieties. ‘or Smart Chicken 16 or Select varieties. ‘Quantities less than 2 are at regular price. Quantities less than 2 are at regular price. 7.99 Starbucks Coffee 9-12 ov. bag ‘or K-Cups 6-10 ct. or Peet's Coffee 10.5 cz. bag, Select varieties. 2 Pirub i /S ae 's Chunky or Homestyle Soups* 18.6-18.9 oz. Select varieties. (Quantities less than 2 are at regular pice. General Mills Family Size Cereal 16.1-20.3 02 Select varieties, SBQLAVA Lp MIX sale 4.49 PAM Avocado Oil or Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil Cooking Spray 5 oz. 255 ro Campbell's Stow Cooker, Oven or Skillet SaucesÂź 11-13 oz Select varieties. ‘Quantities less than 2 are at regular pice. @| Aunt Millie's Stadium Buns GB ct/12.5-17 oz. Select varieties. M&M’S Share Size Bags* 7.4-10.7 ox Select varieties. Quantities less than 2 are at regular price. WF A \ Triscuit 2/Sg 2/56 Cor ees Nabisco Triscuits 7.1-9 or. or Good Thins* 3.5-7.5 oz Select vanities. Quantities less than 2 are at regutar ice. mite 3/6 mo 8.99 2/515 Grom 9. ont G-~ -50° Grom 82 ont final final final meed/ $B me 49 ma/$13 Pringles Party Stacks* Liquid 1.V, Electrolyte Drink MixÂź Red BullÂź 4 pk,/8.4 2. cans, Select varies, 6:84-7.16 cz. Select vais. 6a rus deposit where appicoble 2.79 Boston Market Frozen Meal 10.15-16 oz. Select varieties. Br} erry 2/S Land O'Lakes Butter 15-16 oz. or Kraft Stick or String Cheese* 7.5-12 o7 Select varieties. ‘Quantities less than 2 are at regular price. ? 7 » 5 Ny = fe 7 349 Me 6.49 Totino’s Pizza Rolls 80 ct,/39.10 oz. or Brew Pub Frozen Pizza 20-30.75 az. Select varieties, Kellogg's Pop-Tarts 12 ct,/20.3 oz. or Pop-Tarts Bites* 5 ct/ 1.4 oz Select varieties. $ Kraft Original Macaroni & Cheese 725 ie Jell-O Small Box Pudding or Gelatin Mix 3.3.9 ow. Select varieties. 283 buy Sache ‘Twizzlers Licorice* 11-16 ov. Select varieties. Quantities less than 3 are at regular price. wie 2/88 Gre $4. o2 hs final 2/ $7 Propel Water 6 pk,/16.9 oz botties. Select varieties. HISAR Oe CPO CCCOCCCCCCCCOCLCOOCEOEEEOe me 17.99 Gre -8Y mL. 6.99 Meijer Ultra Bath Tissue 24 mega rots Or Ultra Paper Towels* 8 tiple rolls. Arm & Hammer Detergent 118.1-144.5 02. or Ultra Power Plus Paks* 42 ct *While supplies last. No rainchecks or substitutions. Downy Infusions 81 ov.. Wrinkle Guard or Infusions 71 oz., Liquid Fabric Softener 129 oz. Bounce Dryer Sheets 250 ct. or Mega Sheets 150.ct oF Scent Boosters Beads* 14.8 oz. Mf.

Latest weekly ads

FETED oo occ cc cccccccccccccccccccccccecs ‘Yasso Frozen Yogurt Bars 4 ct,/10.6-14 az. and Poppables 6 ct /4.8 az. Dole and Welch's Frozen Smoothies 6-40 oz. Select varieties. 2 ron) /S, een ‘Simply Drinks* 52 az. Select varieties. Excludes orange juice. ‘Quantities less than 2 are at engular price. Pillsbury Crescents 8 ov or Cinnamon Rolis* 12.4-13.9 oz Select vaseties. Quantities less than 2 are at regular price. a e os PS ae uta Aiea reat ge Bs a = x 2/ Pore) 2/$ Tart re re e ‘Sweet Earth Frozen Meal* Hungry Jack or Funfetti Frozen Waffles" ‘Tyson Prepared Frozen Chicken 16-28.05 oz. 5-9 az Select varieties. 14.1-14.8 oz. Select varieties. ‘or Smart Chicken 16 or Select varieties. ‘Quantities less than 2 are at regular price. Quantities less than 2 are at regular price. 7.99 Starbucks Coffee 9-12 ov. bag ‘or K-Cups 6-10 ct. or Peet's Coffee 10.5 cz. bag, Select varieties. 2 Pirub i /S ae 's Chunky or Homestyle Soups* 18.6-18.9 oz. Select varieties. (Quantities less than 2 are at regular pice. General Mills Family Size Cereal 16.1-20.3 02 Select varieties, SBQLAVA Lp MIX sale 4.49 PAM Avocado Oil or Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil Cooking Spray 5 oz. 255 ro Campbell's Stow Cooker, Oven or Skillet SaucesÂź 11-13 oz Select varieties. ‘Quantities less than 2 are at regular pice. @| Aunt Millie's Stadium Buns GB ct/12.5-17 oz. Select varieties. M&M’S Share Size Bags* 7.4-10.7 ox Select varieties. Quantities less than 2 are at regular price. WF A \ Triscuit 2/Sg 2/56 Cor ees Nabisco Triscuits 7.1-9 or. or Good Thins* 3.5-7.5 oz Select vanities. Quantities less than 2 are at regutar ice. mite 3/6 mo 8.99 2/515 Grom 9. ont G-~ -50° Grom 82 ont final final final meed/ $B me 49 ma/$13 Pringles Party Stacks* Liquid 1.V, Electrolyte Drink MixÂź Red BullÂź 4 pk,/8.4 2. cans, Select varies, 6:84-7.16 cz. Select vais. 6a rus deposit where appicoble 2.79 Boston Market Frozen Meal 10.15-16 oz. Select varieties. Br} erry 2/S Land O'Lakes Butter 15-16 oz. or Kraft Stick or String Cheese* 7.5-12 o7 Select varieties. ‘Quantities less than 2 are at regular price. ? 7 » 5 Ny = fe 7 349 Me 6.49 Totino’s Pizza Rolls 80 ct,/39.10 oz. or Brew Pub Frozen Pizza 20-30.75 az. Select varieties, Kellogg's Pop-Tarts 12 ct,/20.3 oz. or Pop-Tarts Bites* 5 ct/ 1.4 oz Select varieties. $ Kraft Original Macaroni & Cheese 725 ie Jell-O Small Box Pudding or Gelatin Mix 3.3.9 ow. Select varieties. 283 buy Sache ‘Twizzlers Licorice* 11-16 ov. Select varieties. Quantities less than 3 are at regular price. wie 2/88 Gre $4. o2 hs final 2/ $7 Propel Water 6 pk,/16.9 oz botties. Select varieties. HISAR Oe CPO CCCOCCCCCCCCOCLCOOCEOEEEOe me 17.99 Gre -8Y mL. 6.99 Meijer Ultra Bath Tissue 24 mega rots Or Ultra Paper Towels* 8 tiple rolls. Arm & Hammer Detergent 118.1-144.5 02. or Ultra Power Plus Paks* 42 ct *While supplies last. No rainchecks or substitutions. Downy Infusions 81 ov.. Wrinkle Guard or Infusions 71 oz., Liquid Fabric Softener 129 oz. Bounce Dryer Sheets 250 ct. or Mega Sheets 150.ct oF Scent Boosters Beads* 14.8 oz. Mf.

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