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Current weekly ad Market Basket - Valid from 09/25 to 10/01 - Page nb 4

Weekly ad Market Basket 09/25/2022 - 10/01/2022


Products in this weekly ad

40 oz. PKG. « ee *Cheese *Meat Boneless Chicken Tenders a Ham [American kf Ib. Natural Casing { anser Mild Meat — Skinless Franks atez) a Franks @=~CsBeef Franks FRANKS) NOS! mS Pras 12 0z. 14.02. — 2.5 LB. pMashed F Smithfield : > Ground n= Potatoes or é A , Mac & Cheese Baby Back Ribs | ¢"** pe Marche! Lamb * Original Fully ti vie t + Sou Cream Cooked Gk ‘ nee ry eee ie 12-24 o2. ; 38 oz. = 16 oz. ~~~ Smoked ~~ ~~ Breakfast ~ Veal Inhneanville sonville Pa Johnsonville Sausage Spe SES Johns onville. Sausage 1 Medallions Polish =| = = : “Be hed Ss) «Gluten Free a “Cheddar Links ee “Breakfast Patties ' 13.5-14 oz. FROZEN “Maple Breakfast Links 1202. a Ib. ors ote = E bel: Johnsonville aes Sausage 8S (a Sausage Rolls CH mel) Bites a 4 HONE: tial W) ee ee Sweet Italian Links *Bratwurst (El: i oe s *Chorizo 3 Cheese FROZEN «Gluten Free _19 02. FROZEN 16 02. 4.2 oz. Old Tyme Prarie Fresh =, Natural Casing ranks | FS am Fork atural Casing Franks | (Ej, Loin Fillet | ash. SB — ae ; Pasta *Apple Bacon 2BOX. Garlic Herb 27.20 oz. * Chicken Tortellini *Cheese Ravioli NG ma Fully Gaspar’s |‘irsmrtoctin "ay on (Ai Hormel) @anked Linguica : : Entrees | § j or Chourico Macaroni : = & Cheese oe “Beet Roast a aS . 7 peg 15 oz. — ——— 16 02. noe a FROZEN Zi Golden Hardwood cs 7 Blinizes Smoked pie Centerville “Cheese Ham Slices Shepherd’s Pie *Blueberry Gasitins *Strawberry . 13 02. a 1802, ee 7s 15) arber 7 Stuffed Buitoni ee NE Nee ans Chicken Impossible | & icken 11e *Cordon Bleu 5 = =~ We ate Ravioli: <1 FROZEN 10 oz. + Sausage 902. | FROZEN _540z. 5, Beyond Meat “Cookout Classic Plant Based Burger i Patties | fom SapaTTES | | cam cana eee FROZEN 32 oz. Effective 9-25-22 to 10-1-22. Quantity Rights Reserved. Not Responsible for Typographic or Illustration Errors. Bottle Deposit & Tax Where Applicable.

Latest weekly ads

40 oz. PKG. « ee *Cheese *Meat Boneless Chicken Tenders a Ham [American kf Ib. Natural Casing { anser Mild Meat — Skinless Franks atez) a Franks @=~CsBeef Franks FRANKS) NOS! mS Pras 12 0z. 14.02. — 2.5 LB. pMashed F Smithfield : > Ground n= Potatoes or é A , Mac & Cheese Baby Back Ribs | ¢"** pe Marche! Lamb * Original Fully ti vie t + Sou Cream Cooked Gk ‘ nee ry eee ie 12-24 o2. ; 38 oz. = 16 oz. ~~~ Smoked ~~ ~~ Breakfast ~ Veal Inhneanville sonville Pa Johnsonville Sausage Spe SES Johns onville. Sausage 1 Medallions Polish =| = = : “Be hed Ss) «Gluten Free a “Cheddar Links ee “Breakfast Patties ' 13.5-14 oz. FROZEN “Maple Breakfast Links 1202. a Ib. ors ote = E bel: Johnsonville aes Sausage 8S (a Sausage Rolls CH mel) Bites a 4 HONE: tial W) ee ee Sweet Italian Links *Bratwurst (El: i oe s *Chorizo 3 Cheese FROZEN «Gluten Free _19 02. FROZEN 16 02. 4.2 oz. Old Tyme Prarie Fresh =, Natural Casing ranks | FS am Fork atural Casing Franks | (Ej, Loin Fillet | ash. SB — ae ; Pasta *Apple Bacon 2BOX. Garlic Herb 27.20 oz. * Chicken Tortellini *Cheese Ravioli NG ma Fully Gaspar’s |‘irsmrtoctin "ay on (Ai Hormel) @anked Linguica : : Entrees | § j or Chourico Macaroni : = & Cheese oe “Beet Roast a aS . 7 peg 15 oz. — ——— 16 02. noe a FROZEN Zi Golden Hardwood cs 7 Blinizes Smoked pie Centerville “Cheese Ham Slices Shepherd’s Pie *Blueberry Gasitins *Strawberry . 13 02. a 1802, ee 7s 15) arber 7 Stuffed Buitoni ee NE Nee ans Chicken Impossible | & icken 11e *Cordon Bleu 5 = =~ We ate Ravioli: <1 FROZEN 10 oz. + Sausage 902. | FROZEN _540z. 5, Beyond Meat “Cookout Classic Plant Based Burger i Patties | fom SapaTTES | | cam cana eee FROZEN 32 oz. Effective 9-25-22 to 10-1-22. Quantity Rights Reserved. Not Responsible for Typographic or Illustration Errors. Bottle Deposit & Tax Where Applicable.

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