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Current weekly ad King Soopers - Valid from 10/05 to 10/11 - Page nb 6

Weekly ad King Soopers 10/05/2022 - 10/11/2022


Products in this weekly ad

Jumbo peers $499 With Card Cinnamon Stick Bouquet 10 Stem om Kroger Single Serve Salad Bowls Select Varieties, 45-65 oz 3/$11 I With Card Large Mangos 5/85 With Card Colorado’s #1 Natural _ and Organic Grocer Sun Gold Kiwi Fruit lib Package $ 349 With Card Fresh Asparagus or Brussels Sprouts da Boulder Organic | Creamy Tomato Basil Soup | or Other Varipties, 24 oz J ! ! BDO4_ 2236 KSMET 99 /LB With Card Bottom Round Roast or TriTip Roast Fresh Tilapia Fillets Farm-Raised With Card: | a U Blueberry Muffins ‘B or Other Varieties, ! 3 act | : 1B 3 3 Havarti Cheese: M7, ae, lll With Corel ! i T B Grab & Go Shrimp Bow! Wild Side Entrees Select Varieties, 12 oz Select Varieties, 13 oz With Card Oscar Mayer Beef, Angus or | Natural Turkey Hot or Dinner Sausage, | Select Varieties, 12-16 o: | 248 With Card * Johnsonville Breakfast Sausage or Kroger Bacon, Select Varieties, 12 oz gs " Organic Air-Chilled BOTTLES & BREWS Founders, Blue Moon, Leinenkugel's or Colorado RNa Bcc) Native Select Varieties, 12-15 Pack, 12 floz Bottles or Cans 18.99 esis -2.00 on: WITH MANUFACTURER'S, Busch, Miller High Life, Natural Light or Keystone Light DIGITAL COUPON Select Varieties, 30-Pack, STAD 12floz Cans 9 99 . simply Spiked, White Claw, Truly or Topo Chico Select Varieties, 12Pack, 12 floz Cans 16 With Card New Belgium, Odell or Denver Beer Select Varieties, 12Pack, 12 floz Bottles or Cans Select Varieties, Modelo s 2 6 12 fl oz Cans wie Denver Beer, Dry Dock or Avery Select Varieties, Pack, 12 floz Cans $999 With Card ee WNT Wie yal Blue Moon, 999 with, Leinekugel's, _ Colorado Native WITH MANUFACTURER'S or Redd's DIGITAL COUPON Select Varieties, 6Pack, 12 floz $799 Bottles or Cans 99 “When you buy participating items with Digital Coupon. Participating item \atetes and sizes may vary by sor. Se App for deta. .Chicken Sale, “No Antibiotics Ever

Latest weekly ads

Jumbo peers $499 With Card Cinnamon Stick Bouquet 10 Stem om Kroger Single Serve Salad Bowls Select Varieties, 45-65 oz 3/$11 I With Card Large Mangos 5/85 With Card Colorado’s #1 Natural _ and Organic Grocer Sun Gold Kiwi Fruit lib Package $ 349 With Card Fresh Asparagus or Brussels Sprouts da Boulder Organic | Creamy Tomato Basil Soup | or Other Varipties, 24 oz J ! ! BDO4_ 2236 KSMET 99 /LB With Card Bottom Round Roast or TriTip Roast Fresh Tilapia Fillets Farm-Raised With Card: | a U Blueberry Muffins ‘B or Other Varieties, ! 3 act | : 1B 3 3 Havarti Cheese: M7, ae, lll With Corel ! i T B Grab & Go Shrimp Bow! Wild Side Entrees Select Varieties, 12 oz Select Varieties, 13 oz With Card Oscar Mayer Beef, Angus or | Natural Turkey Hot or Dinner Sausage, | Select Varieties, 12-16 o: | 248 With Card * Johnsonville Breakfast Sausage or Kroger Bacon, Select Varieties, 12 oz gs " Organic Air-Chilled BOTTLES & BREWS Founders, Blue Moon, Leinenkugel's or Colorado RNa Bcc) Native Select Varieties, 12-15 Pack, 12 floz Bottles or Cans 18.99 esis -2.00 on: WITH MANUFACTURER'S, Busch, Miller High Life, Natural Light or Keystone Light DIGITAL COUPON Select Varieties, 30-Pack, STAD 12floz Cans 9 99 . simply Spiked, White Claw, Truly or Topo Chico Select Varieties, 12Pack, 12 floz Cans 16 With Card New Belgium, Odell or Denver Beer Select Varieties, 12Pack, 12 floz Bottles or Cans Select Varieties, Modelo s 2 6 12 fl oz Cans wie Denver Beer, Dry Dock or Avery Select Varieties, Pack, 12 floz Cans $999 With Card ee WNT Wie yal Blue Moon, 999 with, Leinekugel's, _ Colorado Native WITH MANUFACTURER'S or Redd's DIGITAL COUPON Select Varieties, 6Pack, 12 floz $799 Bottles or Cans 99 “When you buy participating items with Digital Coupon. Participating item \atetes and sizes may vary by sor. Se App for deta. .Chicken Sale, “No Antibiotics Ever

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