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Current weekly ad IGA - Valid from 09/07 to 09/13 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad IGA 09/07/2022 - 09/13/2022


Products in this weekly ad

3 Lbs. or more, IGA TTS T-Bone Steaks SALT ro SEAR USDA CHOICE TBONE STEAK Ls aie ele [3 Black Sweet Sapphire 10 Lb. Bag EST Potatoes 9 SMe melee Lol Assorted Bone-iIn Pork Chops rer Conroe 299 18: 209) 14.87-24.45 Oz. caer 7 Select Varieties BTS add aaa Red Baron Be Ice Cream Draeyea Re ee ee Pes foes Bakes ee tag ims Re Ae ea a Pao Be boty rot) 2-097 ES aaa Rea er ER Betty Crocker el a: (1 Clg SOU cg YE axvisonarn Ada ? 7-12.5 Oz. oF PRLI2 On) ae ss Boose uc ea Varker asso Frito-Lay Select Varieties __ Pe Pepsi Led cole ltd ty ce Pea P Wasa coLen-leh ae} OR $7.99 EACH Peay. WHEN YOU BUY 3 tole Taal) Te rer 6.5-20 Oz. Varieties 16.9-24 Oz. Nabisco Oreos, Prope 1 Wate is ropel Water Chips Ahoy! or Gatorade or Family Size G Fit Snack Crackers S| Saran cons BELEN) Taba Rens TRANSACTION Sale price without Sale price without Digital Coupon 5/*5 Digital Coupon 2/8 Hundreds of Digital Coupons! 5-12 Oz. Select Varieties Borden ee ol Blab AL cup coupons Nee Sale price without Digital Coupon 2/°5 Any Springer Mountain Farms Chicken + Social - SMFchicken Antibiotic-Free Chicken Springer DCTS Maa L cup coupons Aeron Select Varieties Florida’s Natural li Sale price without Digital Coupon 2/87 Poa hk bE 59 02. Florida’s Natural Lemonade Sale price without Digital Coupon 2/5 Peano TRANSACTION 12 Rolls Fiora Bath Tissue, Paper Towels ‘or 500 Ct Sale price without Digital Coupon *4.99 Toara TT fej Raut 13-16 O2. Select Varieties Post Great Grains Cereal Sale price without Digital Coupon 3.99 Paaraniy LN 118:-144.5 02. or 42 Ct. Select Varieties Arm & Hammer Detergent or Oxi Clean Power Paks Peed Peaks Sale price without TRANSACTION Digital Coupon *6.99 SELECTION MAY VARY BY STORE. LIMITED TO STOCK ON HAND. THANK YOU FOR YOUR UNDERSTANDING. serve The Right To Correct Printing Error: Quantity Rights May Not IGA South - IGA South Page 1

Latest weekly ads

3 Lbs. or more, IGA TTS T-Bone Steaks SALT ro SEAR USDA CHOICE TBONE STEAK Ls aie ele [3 Black Sweet Sapphire 10 Lb. Bag EST Potatoes 9 SMe melee Lol Assorted Bone-iIn Pork Chops rer Conroe 299 18: 209) 14.87-24.45 Oz. caer 7 Select Varieties BTS add aaa Red Baron Be Ice Cream Draeyea Re ee ee Pes foes Bakes ee tag ims Re Ae ea a Pao Be boty rot) 2-097 ES aaa Rea er ER Betty Crocker el a: (1 Clg SOU cg YE axvisonarn Ada ? 7-12.5 Oz. oF PRLI2 On) ae ss Boose uc ea Varker asso Frito-Lay Select Varieties __ Pe Pepsi Led cole ltd ty ce Pea P Wasa coLen-leh ae} OR $7.99 EACH Peay. WHEN YOU BUY 3 tole Taal) Te rer 6.5-20 Oz. Varieties 16.9-24 Oz. Nabisco Oreos, Prope 1 Wate is ropel Water Chips Ahoy! or Gatorade or Family Size G Fit Snack Crackers S| Saran cons BELEN) Taba Rens TRANSACTION Sale price without Sale price without Digital Coupon 5/*5 Digital Coupon 2/8 Hundreds of Digital Coupons! 5-12 Oz. Select Varieties Borden ee ol Blab AL cup coupons Nee Sale price without Digital Coupon 2/°5 Any Springer Mountain Farms Chicken + Social - SMFchicken Antibiotic-Free Chicken Springer DCTS Maa L cup coupons Aeron Select Varieties Florida’s Natural li Sale price without Digital Coupon 2/87 Poa hk bE 59 02. Florida’s Natural Lemonade Sale price without Digital Coupon 2/5 Peano TRANSACTION 12 Rolls Fiora Bath Tissue, Paper Towels ‘or 500 Ct Sale price without Digital Coupon *4.99 Toara TT fej Raut 13-16 O2. Select Varieties Post Great Grains Cereal Sale price without Digital Coupon 3.99 Paaraniy LN 118:-144.5 02. or 42 Ct. Select Varieties Arm & Hammer Detergent or Oxi Clean Power Paks Peed Peaks Sale price without TRANSACTION Digital Coupon *6.99 SELECTION MAY VARY BY STORE. LIMITED TO STOCK ON HAND. THANK YOU FOR YOUR UNDERSTANDING. serve The Right To Correct Printing Error: Quantity Rights May Not IGA South - IGA South Page 1

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