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Current weekly ad Fiesta Mart - Valid from 09/07 to 09/13 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Fiesta Mart 09/07/2022 - 09/13/2022


Products in this weekly ad

Follow us at: €> (@) ¥ or at inos oo 4/99 Fecha de Pollo Entera Fresh Whole Chicken Breast Melén 2/9 9 Chuletas de Puerco Suita Cantaloupe Fresh Assort Melons Pork Chop & y Ibs Famdy Pack Uva Verde G/® mee} 0 Trozo de Diezmillo de Res J sin Semilla 4 J Green Seediess i) bet twas Steak ag int = Grapes oR BZ Solamente Midrcoles By sorts rs ‘Wedinesciny Only - = 109 = gel 3°! Ee GE Queso Fresco : 3 Jamén Original La Chona dela | 0 Jamén Bajo Fresh Cheese i tb fn Sodio i g MO est td De ed ty eo) wor | QT is | ATO Fortvce™ mee La Banderita Lunchables Bacon White or Yellon Orange Juice 89-108 07 12 o2., Assorted Corn Tortiltas ~ 1 Galion Selected Sas vors, rE 80 ct ° Flavors | tee =o ee 3 cel Be a 704 cm wt A Ae Crunch e Pure Cane Sugar 2102 Jacques 11.7-12.6 o2. - 40. All Flavors Ketchup = 3%: lee Le } 2402 tists 's Back or cate ted oa Brio Beans| | wy 5-27 02 oe bates S80 Jugo Jumex : Mattesos Glass Bottle Soles Brand 4 Multi Surface == Cleaner Lemon, as Tropical or Lavender, 33.802 Canesta, Core & Havors Miller Lite or tok 1202. cans Tecate Light Cirueta 3 a Oot oe & Favors cans tek ee Coorg & Lame Powerade oy Spon Drink to, 08 te, 79 a 3 as, ge Solamente Miéccoles Wednescioy Only one 281 sr [OMe tee DIT es (1987 fone Lot Cinnamon Rol i Heineken Cup Cakes, om Site Chocolate 0 Powdered aman Donuts, 10-11.5 02 Nex Duraznos Costillas pan Grandes 0 9 tb “\ 471 | 22 ate: de Res 397 is 738 Nectarinas Fup Large Peaches Turkey or le Taos « Or Nectarias seme Low Sodium Farm Raised Shrimp Goonies Chicken Leg Meat Res Hannted Beet Stir Steak : Turkey Regular or *~ Fresh Be beet ak Short Ribs yj Marinated “ or noel fucks es, Bulk of Style ais i 4 “4 Family Pack Peau a : J we or Family Pack "a 090722 CIRCULAR PAGE 1 - VERSION'Y

Latest weekly ads

Follow us at: €> (@) ¥ or at inos oo 4/99 Fecha de Pollo Entera Fresh Whole Chicken Breast Melén 2/9 9 Chuletas de Puerco Suita Cantaloupe Fresh Assort Melons Pork Chop & y Ibs Famdy Pack Uva Verde G/® mee} 0 Trozo de Diezmillo de Res J sin Semilla 4 J Green Seediess i) bet twas Steak ag int = Grapes oR BZ Solamente Midrcoles By sorts rs ‘Wedinesciny Only - = 109 = gel 3°! Ee GE Queso Fresco : 3 Jamén Original La Chona dela | 0 Jamén Bajo Fresh Cheese i tb fn Sodio i g MO est td De ed ty eo) wor | QT is | ATO Fortvce™ mee La Banderita Lunchables Bacon White or Yellon Orange Juice 89-108 07 12 o2., Assorted Corn Tortiltas ~ 1 Galion Selected Sas vors, rE 80 ct ° Flavors | tee =o ee 3 cel Be a 704 cm wt A Ae Crunch e Pure Cane Sugar 2102 Jacques 11.7-12.6 o2. - 40. All Flavors Ketchup = 3%: lee Le } 2402 tists 's Back or cate ted oa Brio Beans| | wy 5-27 02 oe bates S80 Jugo Jumex : Mattesos Glass Bottle Soles Brand 4 Multi Surface == Cleaner Lemon, as Tropical or Lavender, 33.802 Canesta, Core & Havors Miller Lite or tok 1202. cans Tecate Light Cirueta 3 a Oot oe & Favors cans tek ee Coorg & Lame Powerade oy Spon Drink to, 08 te, 79 a 3 as, ge Solamente Miéccoles Wednescioy Only one 281 sr [OMe tee DIT es (1987 fone Lot Cinnamon Rol i Heineken Cup Cakes, om Site Chocolate 0 Powdered aman Donuts, 10-11.5 02 Nex Duraznos Costillas pan Grandes 0 9 tb “\ 471 | 22 ate: de Res 397 is 738 Nectarinas Fup Large Peaches Turkey or le Taos « Or Nectarias seme Low Sodium Farm Raised Shrimp Goonies Chicken Leg Meat Res Hannted Beet Stir Steak : Turkey Regular or *~ Fresh Be beet ak Short Ribs yj Marinated “ or noel fucks es, Bulk of Style ais i 4 “4 Family Pack Peau a : J we or Family Pack "a 090722 CIRCULAR PAGE 1 - VERSION'Y

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