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Current weekly ad Western Beef - Valid from 12/26 to 01/01 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Western Beef 12/26/2024 - 01/01/2025


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ELEN ai of toh cet TN PARTY WINGS \ —— i aS i) ar LS Limit] Bag y (“7/77 SMe) GREEN SEEDLESS ie) Te eee o) Gee Lot 19 7: ae = Nol ote to Aa Limit 1 PKG YOUR CHOICE! ec 8 ts Cee: AMERICAN CHEESE F We sya Hn =10) ACT yeaa Ry team t=t Ler ae Wee ara ae Limit iia ij ih _ PEPSI. 2 LITER ASST. Limit 2

Latest weekly ads

ELEN ai of toh cet TN PARTY WINGS \ —— i aS i) ar LS Limit] Bag y (“7/77 SMe) GREEN SEEDLESS ie) Te eee o) Gee Lot 19 7: ae = Nol ote to Aa Limit 1 PKG YOUR CHOICE! ec 8 ts Cee: AMERICAN CHEESE F We sya Hn =10) ACT yeaa Ry team t=t Ler ae Wee ara ae Limit iia ij ih _ PEPSI. 2 LITER ASST. Limit 2

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