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Current weekly ad Super Dollar Stores - Valid from 02/26 to 03/04 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Super Dollar Stores 02/26/2025 - 03/04/2025


Products in this weekly ad

Super Dollar (00 * LIMITS ARE PER DAY Great Low Prices! Mix or match any five specially marked meat items for $14.95 after $5 discount. Limit 2. mer $1995 ae 600 Ground Chuck Value Pack, Per Lb. $395 SAVE $3 ON PICK 5 PRODUCE Mix or mateh any five specially marked produce items for $4.95 after $3.00 discount. mas $795 224, $300 2 Day $495 su — Fresh, Bone-in Mixed Pork Chicken Leg Chops 5 145 Quarters 79° Family ae Per Lb. Selected Varieties Lay’s , Party Size \ | Pearce Chips = ; ae in $95 12.5-13 Oz. zs Basket & Bushel ; Florida $395 & i ai Strawberries 9 Food City Old Fashioned ; Bread A eee 4 $145 Aaaiencs$ 25 Dali hae ee Selected Varieties . ico $95 ws Pe psi 345 a Snack Cakes Cosmic ie Chisn 16851.78 08 eee $ each Apples $ 15 yn Per Lb, a Selected varieties, Fae Selected Varieties . sss Prego Pasta st a neue Preg? Cheese 5 6-8 Oz m7 $475 $495 | a Individually Wrapped Food Club American Singles 24 Slices, 16 Oz. singles Selected Varieties oreties ©=$50 $950 sete’ $950 - Rogersville + KY - Pikeville « Prestonsburg eas Pe A es ee 14.3 Oz. Ate errey

Latest weekly ads

Super Dollar (00 * LIMITS ARE PER DAY Great Low Prices! Mix or match any five specially marked meat items for $14.95 after $5 discount. Limit 2. mer $1995 ae 600 Ground Chuck Value Pack, Per Lb. $395 SAVE $3 ON PICK 5 PRODUCE Mix or mateh any five specially marked produce items for $4.95 after $3.00 discount. mas $795 224, $300 2 Day $495 su — Fresh, Bone-in Mixed Pork Chicken Leg Chops 5 145 Quarters 79° Family ae Per Lb. Selected Varieties Lay’s , Party Size \ | Pearce Chips = ; ae in $95 12.5-13 Oz. zs Basket & Bushel ; Florida $395 & i ai Strawberries 9 Food City Old Fashioned ; Bread A eee 4 $145 Aaaiencs$ 25 Dali hae ee Selected Varieties . ico $95 ws Pe psi 345 a Snack Cakes Cosmic ie Chisn 16851.78 08 eee $ each Apples $ 15 yn Per Lb, a Selected varieties, Fae Selected Varieties . sss Prego Pasta st a neue Preg? Cheese 5 6-8 Oz m7 $475 $495 | a Individually Wrapped Food Club American Singles 24 Slices, 16 Oz. singles Selected Varieties oreties ©=$50 $950 sete’ $950 - Rogersville + KY - Pikeville « Prestonsburg eas Pe A es ee 14.3 Oz. Ate errey

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