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Current weekly ad Shaws - St. Patrick's Day 2023 - Valid from 03/17 to 03/23 - Page nb 1


Weekly ad Shaws 03/17/2023 - 03/23/2023


Products in this weekly ad

Go shopping, get rewards. Download the for U" app. Signature Select aN White Potatoes 5 ib. bag 4 Corned Beef # # Yellow Onions 3». mo POINt CUE ince scr ox - NiiZ r ae Nutrition joxa€ a cery elivery SINE wesc Fresh Ground Beef 80% Lean, 3 Ibs. or more Shady Brook Farms Ground Turkey 93% Lean, 16 oz. Haddock Fillet Limit 2 frozen at sea eu) Premio Italian a 24 02. Limit 2 end Samal General Mills Cereal 8.9-11.9 oz. A Uy Quaker Instant Oatmeal Coca-Cola or \ , 7.4-12.1 02. Pepsi 8 Pack 12 oz. bits. Yoplait Yogurt Nature Valley | Granola Bars Refreshe Spring Water 10 Pack 7.5 oz. mini cans 4-6 02. 24 Pack 16.9 07. bs. Gatorade 8 Pack 21 20 oz. bits. select varieties select varieties + Oepoat where ao + Gepost where ae ‘W) ma A ‘ae. 977 = 497 E Umit 2 tims Uma 6 Dole Salad Blends 6-12 0z., select varieties Bellafina Peppers 1 |v. Signature Farms Grape Tomatoes 16 oz. 8 Piece Fried, Roasted or Mango Habanero Chicken 2 Breasts, 2 Wings, 2 Thighs & 2 Legs =: = Lay's Potato Green Chips or Lucerne Bar Mountain Popcorners or Shredded =Me» fle Coffee 5-8 02. Cheese son 10-12 oz. bags Fritos 6-8 07. 10-12 ct. K-cups 9.25 oz. select varieties select varieties select varieties Simply Orange Juice Progresso, 52 oz. ., Friendly’s Planet Oat 3 a cmay: - Ice Cream Creamers or OAT a and son Bowls or Novelties i 3 = 16.1-19 02, 16.5-48 02. select varieties select varieties oat re aa A AL THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 2023 Fri. | Sun. ‘ue. | Wed. | Thu 17 18 | 19 30 3 22 | 23 iS ttfective in: os boitone +107 East Brockton, ‘110 Hanson, "12. Fall River, 113 North Attleboro, SMA Wepre 8 dl 18 Randolph, *123 Ashland, * aE werent 4 Wonca febster Sq, oe, so etinent eee 165 Mansfield, *168 Carver, "169 Worcester: Gold Star Blvd, “172 Groton, "173 Northbridge, buy, "3 Auburn, *332 Sturbridge, °33 en, "3 Mile * “24 Peabody, 387 Newburyport, 359 Salem, ‘361 Wakeield, ‘seaming ag wantnone G0 River St, *398 fost Beste," ‘isa, sameeren. seenston, 554 Plymouth: Cedarville, °570 Gloucester: Eastern Ave, ‘571 Gloucester: Railroad Ave, *572 Ipswich, *589 Hudson (039723 _SHW_CIROI_S_VOI_MARI-I04 Not ail items available in all stores.

Latest weekly ads

Go shopping, get rewards. Download the for U" app. Signature Select aN White Potatoes 5 ib. bag 4 Corned Beef # # Yellow Onions 3». mo POINt CUE ince scr ox - NiiZ r ae Nutrition joxa€ a cery elivery SINE wesc Fresh Ground Beef 80% Lean, 3 Ibs. or more Shady Brook Farms Ground Turkey 93% Lean, 16 oz. Haddock Fillet Limit 2 frozen at sea eu) Premio Italian a 24 02. Limit 2 end Samal General Mills Cereal 8.9-11.9 oz. A Uy Quaker Instant Oatmeal Coca-Cola or \ , 7.4-12.1 02. Pepsi 8 Pack 12 oz. bits. Yoplait Yogurt Nature Valley | Granola Bars Refreshe Spring Water 10 Pack 7.5 oz. mini cans 4-6 02. 24 Pack 16.9 07. bs. Gatorade 8 Pack 21 20 oz. bits. select varieties select varieties + Oepoat where ao + Gepost where ae ‘W) ma A ‘ae. 977 = 497 E Umit 2 tims Uma 6 Dole Salad Blends 6-12 0z., select varieties Bellafina Peppers 1 |v. Signature Farms Grape Tomatoes 16 oz. 8 Piece Fried, Roasted or Mango Habanero Chicken 2 Breasts, 2 Wings, 2 Thighs & 2 Legs =: = Lay's Potato Green Chips or Lucerne Bar Mountain Popcorners or Shredded =Me» fle Coffee 5-8 02. Cheese son 10-12 oz. bags Fritos 6-8 07. 10-12 ct. K-cups 9.25 oz. select varieties select varieties select varieties Simply Orange Juice Progresso, 52 oz. ., Friendly’s Planet Oat 3 a cmay: - Ice Cream Creamers or OAT a and son Bowls or Novelties i 3 = 16.1-19 02, 16.5-48 02. select varieties select varieties oat re aa A AL THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 2023 Fri. | Sun. ‘ue. | Wed. | Thu 17 18 | 19 30 3 22 | 23 iS ttfective in: os boitone +107 East Brockton, ‘110 Hanson, "12. Fall River, 113 North Attleboro, SMA Wepre 8 dl 18 Randolph, *123 Ashland, * aE werent 4 Wonca febster Sq, oe, so etinent eee 165 Mansfield, *168 Carver, "169 Worcester: Gold Star Blvd, “172 Groton, "173 Northbridge, buy, "3 Auburn, *332 Sturbridge, °33 en, "3 Mile * “24 Peabody, 387 Newburyport, 359 Salem, ‘361 Wakeield, ‘seaming ag wantnone G0 River St, *398 fost Beste," ‘isa, sameeren. seenston, 554 Plymouth: Cedarville, °570 Gloucester: Eastern Ave, ‘571 Gloucester: Railroad Ave, *572 Ipswich, *589 Hudson (039723 _SHW_CIROI_S_VOI_MARI-I04 Not ail items available in all stores.

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