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Current weekly ad CTown - Valid from 01/24 to 01/30 - Page nb 1


Weekly ad CTown 01/24/2025 - 01/30/2025


Products in this weekly ad

SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY» WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY ‘325 26 27 28 29 30 se TONY WHOLE a f Imported PORK : GLEMENTINES SHOULDER 5° g ‘oe os Sodas KEEBLER EXPORT SODA Li | Regstar Low Fat or Fo Free ber = my Erviced, Long Gain CARNATION é KRASDALE @IEVAPORATED "9 Oo ee I Ce i as Gio’ i La, me se ae 3 ° BOUNTY ESSENTIALS at LE ROLL TOWELS een oa * CHARMIN ESSENTIALS TRA SOFT POST ae MEGA ROLL eee ee TISSUE “HONEY BUNCHES OF OATS ; = Pree — FAMILY SIZE —- Nay vpreeles PASTA SAUCE CEREAL battsue" Ae PASS! ates a wae LEMONADE . | il POEs feral wees CAPRI SUN 4 FEU ay gg 2s 9 IE pee Oy FS ° COUNTRY TIME’ J TORTILLA CHIPS MANNS LEMONADE im BOE aus Maron QP LITLE BITES Cod vegetables oy) Ugo KRASDALE CHEESE Assorted KRASDALE 4 ) VEGETABLES ror wy 4” (i! Lie A Bl = Cy ay ya ies Hs, Samp | et & eS Acai Bons (6 Oz. Cntr: Pius Deposit in NY, CT. ME Pius Deposit In CT Assorted Varieties ‘Gonene Dipper (2 Oc or | CT. Assorna vorties MASECA Pl FE SIMPL' EDY'S | CORN | FLOUR PURIFIED WATER ORANGE JUICE FRUIT ICE CREAM L E Pic enan evict ae sacarsscemmeepnt LM SJ J Beverge depos not peice nj Aecsgwats sa Na BA seo te sees wth ema © Alpha! Morelia A ed Reopnetien eta te sugnes een carat 6 Ai Hac eb sty probed. elem bred to 1 pe family woes otherwise noted. ens & pices effecove inthis Sore ony. Pres Effective Fi, January 26th thru Thurs. January 30th, 2028. Urban Baste. anaes

Latest weekly ads

SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY» WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY ‘325 26 27 28 29 30 se TONY WHOLE a f Imported PORK : GLEMENTINES SHOULDER 5° g ‘oe os Sodas KEEBLER EXPORT SODA Li | Regstar Low Fat or Fo Free ber = my Erviced, Long Gain CARNATION é KRASDALE @IEVAPORATED "9 Oo ee I Ce i as Gio’ i La, me se ae 3 ° BOUNTY ESSENTIALS at LE ROLL TOWELS een oa * CHARMIN ESSENTIALS TRA SOFT POST ae MEGA ROLL eee ee TISSUE “HONEY BUNCHES OF OATS ; = Pree — FAMILY SIZE —- Nay vpreeles PASTA SAUCE CEREAL battsue" Ae PASS! ates a wae LEMONADE . | il POEs feral wees CAPRI SUN 4 FEU ay gg 2s 9 IE pee Oy FS ° COUNTRY TIME’ J TORTILLA CHIPS MANNS LEMONADE im BOE aus Maron QP LITLE BITES Cod vegetables oy) Ugo KRASDALE CHEESE Assorted KRASDALE 4 ) VEGETABLES ror wy 4” (i! Lie A Bl = Cy ay ya ies Hs, Samp | et & eS Acai Bons (6 Oz. Cntr: Pius Deposit in NY, CT. ME Pius Deposit In CT Assorted Varieties ‘Gonene Dipper (2 Oc or | CT. Assorna vorties MASECA Pl FE SIMPL' EDY'S | CORN | FLOUR PURIFIED WATER ORANGE JUICE FRUIT ICE CREAM L E Pic enan evict ae sacarsscemmeepnt LM SJ J Beverge depos not peice nj Aecsgwats sa Na BA seo te sees wth ema © Alpha! Morelia A ed Reopnetien eta te sugnes een carat 6 Ai Hac eb sty probed. elem bred to 1 pe family woes otherwise noted. ens & pices effecove inthis Sore ony. Pres Effective Fi, January 26th thru Thurs. January 30th, 2028. Urban Baste. anaes

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