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Current weekly ad Randalls - Valid from 01/22 to 01/28 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Randalls 01/22/2025 - 01/28/2025


Products in this weekly ad

Sey , Saree treed eather errant Guiana ee eteca armies: mrirecrteemceceoma tama smereice Ds te crs ts rs ct rece Seiseae eterna eateries eget Soom ‘Smoked Spiral Half Ham or Ib Chicken Breasts o Thighs a Hormel Cure 81 : = bf vi Fresh Boneless Skinless ab ee Fresh 0% tte es OD 13 i Bugle ach TE Yai Pack oy Gop iorsiioee. Pillsbury Grands! Biscuits 16.3 o2 Crescent or Cinnamon Rolls 8-13.9 oz ‘Sume Citrus Nabisco Chips Ahoy! Cookies 95-13 oz Small Snack Crackers 3.5-8.5 02 Lay's Potato Chips 4.75-8 or Tostitos Tortilla Chips 9-14.425 oz ee aes fmf oY my my Charen 65-100 Poperers 5-7 oe Rite Crackers 13,6-19,7 oz. or Daisy Cottage Cheese 24 oz. or 2 Oa9 M&M's Share Size Bags Premium Saltine Crackers 9-17 02 Philadelphia Original Cream Cheese STRRSTSIUWIY 7 4-10.05 02. Selocted Varieties Select Varieties MIX OR MATCH ese Mix OR MATCH 8 or., Select Varieties MIX OR MATCH n for |] Coca-Cola Sack 12 ox Bottes 4 Powerade 8 Pack 2002 ‘Starbucks Coffee 10 ct. K-Cup, General Milis Cereal 8.9-12 oz. Select Verietion f ap arc ope toaien ae Coy BM toe at crs ose rasa al 1 Samuas aes ps tenon preter Fh Bal tra Nestlé Coffee Mate Creamer 64 07 LT Lucerne* Milk Gallon, Select Vanetes, - a at ‘Select Varieties MIX OR MATCH MIX OR MATCH, WHEN YOU BUY 3 Single Layer Cakes 8 inch WHEN You BUY 3 Marie Catsnder’s Entrées 115-8400 Pot Pies 1002 Bows 10 ‘Lucerne® Cheese Slices or Shredded Cheese 6-8 oz. Select Vavetos, Mission Tortilla Soft Taco 10 ct. Lucerne® Liquid Eggs All Whites. 32 02. or Wonder Classic White Bread 20 oz s 30 1 =i set < ICE CREAMG Aah a wrt! 07 at SELECT 7 a ‘hex Sed Bacon 2 ‘Signature SELECT* Bath Tissue ae, oe Siareucsaeer ne een nate a feo g vane red Wes big Poper owes 6 ot < Sao | q ae Gree NV \ce ete 2 ics a pe ances Sine x ws wn Sa Sos bas Goation Thad JANUARY Tus Coopeainnsts tooinacd oton bce tx swoon po pacon eae catnemety tna teehee cen omens one var oumaaesiane WIC. eeoceae WIKDS_SOU_RAN.WC.CiROY_T103

Latest weekly ads

Sey , Saree treed eather errant Guiana ee eteca armies: mrirecrteemceceoma tama smereice Ds te crs ts rs ct rece Seiseae eterna eateries eget Soom ‘Smoked Spiral Half Ham or Ib Chicken Breasts o Thighs a Hormel Cure 81 : = bf vi Fresh Boneless Skinless ab ee Fresh 0% tte es OD 13 i Bugle ach TE Yai Pack oy Gop iorsiioee. Pillsbury Grands! Biscuits 16.3 o2 Crescent or Cinnamon Rolls 8-13.9 oz ‘Sume Citrus Nabisco Chips Ahoy! Cookies 95-13 oz Small Snack Crackers 3.5-8.5 02 Lay's Potato Chips 4.75-8 or Tostitos Tortilla Chips 9-14.425 oz ee aes fmf oY my my Charen 65-100 Poperers 5-7 oe Rite Crackers 13,6-19,7 oz. or Daisy Cottage Cheese 24 oz. or 2 Oa9 M&M's Share Size Bags Premium Saltine Crackers 9-17 02 Philadelphia Original Cream Cheese STRRSTSIUWIY 7 4-10.05 02. Selocted Varieties Select Varieties MIX OR MATCH ese Mix OR MATCH 8 or., Select Varieties MIX OR MATCH n for |] Coca-Cola Sack 12 ox Bottes 4 Powerade 8 Pack 2002 ‘Starbucks Coffee 10 ct. K-Cup, General Milis Cereal 8.9-12 oz. Select Verietion f ap arc ope toaien ae Coy BM toe at crs ose rasa al 1 Samuas aes ps tenon preter Fh Bal tra Nestlé Coffee Mate Creamer 64 07 LT Lucerne* Milk Gallon, Select Vanetes, - a at ‘Select Varieties MIX OR MATCH MIX OR MATCH, WHEN YOU BUY 3 Single Layer Cakes 8 inch WHEN You BUY 3 Marie Catsnder’s Entrées 115-8400 Pot Pies 1002 Bows 10 ‘Lucerne® Cheese Slices or Shredded Cheese 6-8 oz. Select Vavetos, Mission Tortilla Soft Taco 10 ct. Lucerne® Liquid Eggs All Whites. 32 02. or Wonder Classic White Bread 20 oz s 30 1 =i set < ICE CREAMG Aah a wrt! 07 at SELECT 7 a ‘hex Sed Bacon 2 ‘Signature SELECT* Bath Tissue ae, oe Siareucsaeer ne een nate a feo g vane red Wes big Poper owes 6 ot < Sao | q ae Gree NV \ce ete 2 ics a pe ances Sine x ws wn Sa Sos bas Goation Thad JANUARY Tus Coopeainnsts tooinacd oton bce tx swoon po pacon eae catnemety tna teehee cen omens one var oumaaesiane WIC. eeoceae WIKDS_SOU_RAN.WC.CiROY_T103

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