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Current weekly ad Michaels - Valid from 03/16 to 03/22 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Michaels 03/16/2025 - 03/22/2025


Products in this weekly ad

50% Spring Stems by Ashland* 50% Spring Deluxe Bushes & Containers by Ashland* 50% Spring Greenery & Containers by Ashland* - 50% Spring Floral Craft Supplies by Ashland” we or BGS 50% Beotles & Blooms DĂ©cor Collection by AshlandÂź 50% Lily Pond DĂ©cor Collection by Ashland BUY 1, GET1 FREE* Home Collection Wall Frames by Studio DĂ©cor* BUY 1, GET1 FREE* ALL artist's Loft» Back-Stapled & Gallery Wrapped vas, Levelt: Academic. Level 2: Artist. Level 3: Professional. Fine Art Paint, Mediums & Brushes Excludes Arist Loft EES fo tnt OVER 1,800 STYLES «08% rs ‘important Stuff We Have to Tell You io BUY 1, GET 1 FREE: Guy one tom at ropulr price & got tho second of equal or lesser value f nd equal or lester valve S0% of, Exckudes clearanc Rem at reguae price & get the 2c ‘and get tive second &: Bord lems of ecuel or lesser valve fee. Exclodes clearence. PM eg 31999 Excludes clearance. BUY 2, GET 1 FREE: Buy two items at regu price & got the thid of equa o esse value roe. Excludes cloaca 4,GET 2 FREE: Buy one tem at regula price & got the socond & third of equal o lesser value ree. Excludes clearance, BUY'2, GET 2 FREE: Buy vo items at reguld price SS, > ey lee BUY 1, GET 150% OFF: Guy ono us

Latest weekly ads

50% Spring Stems by Ashland* 50% Spring Deluxe Bushes & Containers by Ashland* 50% Spring Greenery & Containers by Ashland* - 50% Spring Floral Craft Supplies by Ashland” we or BGS 50% Beotles & Blooms DĂ©cor Collection by AshlandÂź 50% Lily Pond DĂ©cor Collection by Ashland BUY 1, GET1 FREE* Home Collection Wall Frames by Studio DĂ©cor* BUY 1, GET1 FREE* ALL artist's Loft» Back-Stapled & Gallery Wrapped vas, Levelt: Academic. Level 2: Artist. Level 3: Professional. Fine Art Paint, Mediums & Brushes Excludes Arist Loft EES fo tnt OVER 1,800 STYLES «08% rs ‘important Stuff We Have to Tell You io BUY 1, GET 1 FREE: Guy one tom at ropulr price & got tho second of equal or lesser value f nd equal or lester valve S0% of, Exckudes clearanc Rem at reguae price & get the 2c ‘and get tive second &: Bord lems of ecuel or lesser valve fee. Exclodes clearence. PM eg 31999 Excludes clearance. BUY 2, GET 1 FREE: Buy two items at regu price & got the thid of equa o esse value roe. Excludes cloaca 4,GET 2 FREE: Buy one tem at regula price & got the socond & third of equal o lesser value ree. Excludes clearance, BUY'2, GET 2 FREE: Buy vo items at reguld price SS, > ey lee BUY 1, GET 150% OFF: Guy ono us

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