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Current weekly ad Kroger - Valid from 09/28 to 10/04 - Page nb 7

Weekly ad Kroger 09/28/2022 - 10/04/2022


Products in this weekly ad

1A03_2235_ COCOL Use each coupon up to 5 times eter eos aoa M elated Ine 1 Ko Mle S *When you buy participating items Cae cu N EARN 2X REWARDS POINTS WHEN YOU SPEND ‘30 q — on participating items with Card. Visit for details “ee ey NAAT) with 449 &: a off DIGITAL COUPON OFFER Kellogg's Kellogg's with > Fe CHE Town House ans Pop-Tarts = 89 om > = 2 vy Y Crackers 70% on Select Varieties, = Select Varieties, DIGITAL COUPON OFFER 8 ct DIGITAL COUPON OFFER. 1,00 OFFER cA Totino's 9-13.8 oz Ă© “ai ino! $ 229 $189 = Pizza Rolls JEA* JEA* Select Varieties, 50 ct 3 69 a / $969 Pepperidge Farm Family Size Goldfish & pe with, DIGITAL COUPON OFFER 1,00 on "52? Lipton Tea Select Varieties, DIETGREEN ac. erSiaus,. Goldist ass aay Crackers 12Pack, 16.9 fl oz GEASS 20) Select Varieties, 10 02 4 a Cores DIGITAL omar QO on, OntR "21? * Country Crock Spreadable Butter Select Varieties, 15 ozTub ‘smmcomecnm 10. OPEN ox! q et DIGITAL oon 500 ot, onte 992? Monster or Java Monster Energy Drink Select Varieties, 6Pack, 11-12 floz Cans SSS > a0 ears DIGITAL COUPON OFFER 1,00 orrer 77° DIGITAL COUPON OFFER: my A nr) Gye stl : mae Goldtsh seer en = — ee - USTERINE Pepperidge Farm CLENRAQ 18 ct escmm Listerine Goldfish Crackers [geass Egglone's Besttges = § Mouthwash Large, Select Varieties, Select Varieties, 30 oz Grade A 4 49 1.5 Liter % 99 Bits O or ona, Gouron oFFen 89° eats -20° on DIGITAL COUPON OFFER BANANA $ aacksersy- Me = Baty Foon punts ANANA, BLUEBERR) 129 2 = JEA* B © Gain Flings e Comforts Select Varieties, ©. Baby Food PurĂ©e 60ct Âź Select Varieties, pe 2 » 4.02 Pouch Fevwrxorciia Prices good Wednesday, September 28 through Tuesday, October 4, 2022.

Latest weekly ads

1A03_2235_ COCOL Use each coupon up to 5 times eter eos aoa M elated Ine 1 Ko Mle S *When you buy participating items Cae cu N EARN 2X REWARDS POINTS WHEN YOU SPEND ‘30 q — on participating items with Card. Visit for details “ee ey NAAT) with 449 &: a off DIGITAL COUPON OFFER Kellogg's Kellogg's with > Fe CHE Town House ans Pop-Tarts = 89 om > = 2 vy Y Crackers 70% on Select Varieties, = Select Varieties, DIGITAL COUPON OFFER 8 ct DIGITAL COUPON OFFER. 1,00 OFFER cA Totino's 9-13.8 oz Ă© “ai ino! $ 229 $189 = Pizza Rolls JEA* JEA* Select Varieties, 50 ct 3 69 a / $969 Pepperidge Farm Family Size Goldfish & pe with, DIGITAL COUPON OFFER 1,00 on "52? Lipton Tea Select Varieties, DIETGREEN ac. erSiaus,. Goldist ass aay Crackers 12Pack, 16.9 fl oz GEASS 20) Select Varieties, 10 02 4 a Cores DIGITAL omar QO on, OntR "21? * Country Crock Spreadable Butter Select Varieties, 15 ozTub ‘smmcomecnm 10. OPEN ox! q et DIGITAL oon 500 ot, onte 992? Monster or Java Monster Energy Drink Select Varieties, 6Pack, 11-12 floz Cans SSS > a0 ears DIGITAL COUPON OFFER 1,00 orrer 77° DIGITAL COUPON OFFER: my A nr) Gye stl : mae Goldtsh seer en = — ee - USTERINE Pepperidge Farm CLENRAQ 18 ct escmm Listerine Goldfish Crackers [geass Egglone's Besttges = § Mouthwash Large, Select Varieties, Select Varieties, 30 oz Grade A 4 49 1.5 Liter % 99 Bits O or ona, Gouron oFFen 89° eats -20° on DIGITAL COUPON OFFER BANANA $ aacksersy- Me = Baty Foon punts ANANA, BLUEBERR) 129 2 = JEA* B © Gain Flings e Comforts Select Varieties, ©. Baby Food PurĂ©e 60ct Âź Select Varieties, pe 2 » 4.02 Pouch Fevwrxorciia Prices good Wednesday, September 28 through Tuesday, October 4, 2022.

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