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Current weekly ad Kroger - Valid from 09/28 to 10/04 - Page nb 6

Weekly ad Kroger 09/28/2022 - 10/04/2022


Products in this weekly ad

1022235 COCOL Use each coupon up to 5 times a Uso In! ; 5 : ele eRe vaileis) in one transaction with Card. digital coupons. 5 Trt Sls *When you buy participating items in the same transaction with Digital WITH DIGITAL COUPONS itesetess. Sereno eater pen EARN 2X REWARDS POINTS WHEN YOU SPEND ‘30 a a 2 on participating items with Card. Visit for details eek! = 2.69 brs Goldfish 1.00 on: DIGITAL COUPON OFFER. 2.99 Sis on wh. ~ «399% $949 Ss 7 -1.00 4; JEA* CHEDDA Goidtist $16 169 sex DIGITAL COUPON OFFER vat JEA* — = aaah Pepperidge Farm Kroger oe soe cet cut S FF) OC @ Goldfish Crackers <== Orange Juice oO < Y D y / ‘ 2 Select Varieties, Q Not from Concentrate, i EA* 5.9-8 02 6 , 52 fl oz or Wonder Bread, = / 20 oz; Select Varieties y . Dannon Oikos APack 6.3 02 or Act I or Light & Fit Microwave Popcorn, 6 ct; Greek Yogurt Select Varieties 5.99 Sits -1.00 oF: DIGITAL COUPON OFFER. j JEA* Freschetta Pizza 1.49 Si 2.49 win, om DIGITAL COUPON OFFER. 199% _.. s199 50° on picitaL COUPON OFFER 17.65-30.88 02 Baty Ciockes & Kroger Sour Cream atin Favorites Cake Ss or Farr as aie or Cottage Cheese Appetizers, 16-24 oz; : 4 Select Varieties, Select Varieties <woGoop 4 / 15.25-20.5 oz or sre Dannon Two Good Core Greek Yogurt, 5.3 oz; Select Varieties 1.00 on DIGITAL COUPON OFFER our oaT 2 era &s Almond Breeze DIGITAL COUPON OFFER Almondmilk =: 2179 ee, , Ty) YG - 96 fi oz or Planet Oat 50 , y Oatmilk, 86 fl oz; Bee ik off Select Varieties Sscor Mayer DIGITAL COUPON OFFER ae /EA* a pay Natural Plates F or P3 Protein Packs S Doritos L : ¢ Select Varieties, 9.25-10.75 02 Rutfies Potato Chips, Boas 29 5.58.5 07; Select Varieties _ BiTES ee ||) a 1.79 exoncearrer MN OOo tera 299 Wits DIGITAL COUPON OFFER 3 ore I B ASE DIGITAL COUPON OFFER al orreR -50° IST DIGITAL COUPON OFFER 2 ey S 249 $ JEA* 2 9 CRUNCHMASTER Private Selection @ 249 x48 Hummus : ! Sales Voit: FR EREANY 10 02 or Crunchmastor WEY Sa lishire snaked 4,945.57 oz Crackers or Bistro Crisps, i y or Small Plates ‘ 3.54-4 07; Select Varieties, Le gz Select Varieties, = 2.8-3.92 oz In the Deli nm oS DIGITAL COUPON OFFER 2.49 2, : 2/582: DE “1.00011 Haagen dacs 1.000. | Y eel Chex Mix, DIGITAL COUPON OFFER Ice Cream DIGITAL COUPON OFFER Bugles or 14 flozor Ice Cream ; Te y = Ge /EA* Gardetto's $14 Bars, 3 ct or Edy's $ 115 fl oz or Pods or Power Tide Select Varieties, Ice Cream, 48 fi oz; Pods, 32-57 ct or Gain Liquid i ea 78.75 oz 49 Select Varieties Laundry Detergent, 154fioz; Liquid Laundry Select Varieties Ag9 Me Detergent DD cates wait em 8.49 eae 1.00 011 6,49 wi, = tee ¢ DIGIALCOUPONOFFER = 50° on enone.) DIGITAL COUPON OFFER. $ ae Ce Uae 329 EA‘ JEA* ’ 2 DIGITAL COUPON OFFER. 27 ” Kroger Ultra see z | Select-a-Size aoe Seaie: Paper Towels Pampers Wipes 3202 2 Double Plus Rolls Select Varieties, 168-216 ct tra | HONG Ee 11.99% -2.00 =r, DIGITAL COUPON OFFER 26.99 bir Downy Unstopables, -2. 00 Off Pampers a ers -3, 00 Off Kr ‘oger Ultra Soft Light or Gain ng DIGITAL COUPON OFFER Super : +r Pac! i DIGITAL COUPON OFFER. or Ultra Strong zo-ea es Doe o7. ctor oor ts $ ; raining Pants Bath Tissue =O cesdetamntins Liquid Fabric Softener, D re Pack, 56-74 ct; 9 99 101-164 fl oz; an 9 Select Varieties Select Varieties, 12 Mega Rolls

Latest weekly ads

1022235 COCOL Use each coupon up to 5 times a Uso In! ; 5 : ele eRe vaileis) in one transaction with Card. digital coupons. 5 Trt Sls *When you buy participating items in the same transaction with Digital WITH DIGITAL COUPONS itesetess. Sereno eater pen EARN 2X REWARDS POINTS WHEN YOU SPEND ‘30 a a 2 on participating items with Card. Visit for details eek! = 2.69 brs Goldfish 1.00 on: DIGITAL COUPON OFFER. 2.99 Sis on wh. ~ «399% $949 Ss 7 -1.00 4; JEA* CHEDDA Goidtist $16 169 sex DIGITAL COUPON OFFER vat JEA* — = aaah Pepperidge Farm Kroger oe soe cet cut S FF) OC @ Goldfish Crackers <== Orange Juice oO < Y D y / ‘ 2 Select Varieties, Q Not from Concentrate, i EA* 5.9-8 02 6 , 52 fl oz or Wonder Bread, = / 20 oz; Select Varieties y . Dannon Oikos APack 6.3 02 or Act I or Light & Fit Microwave Popcorn, 6 ct; Greek Yogurt Select Varieties 5.99 Sits -1.00 oF: DIGITAL COUPON OFFER. j JEA* Freschetta Pizza 1.49 Si 2.49 win, om DIGITAL COUPON OFFER. 199% _.. s199 50° on picitaL COUPON OFFER 17.65-30.88 02 Baty Ciockes & Kroger Sour Cream atin Favorites Cake Ss or Farr as aie or Cottage Cheese Appetizers, 16-24 oz; : 4 Select Varieties, Select Varieties <woGoop 4 / 15.25-20.5 oz or sre Dannon Two Good Core Greek Yogurt, 5.3 oz; Select Varieties 1.00 on DIGITAL COUPON OFFER our oaT 2 era &s Almond Breeze DIGITAL COUPON OFFER Almondmilk =: 2179 ee, , Ty) YG - 96 fi oz or Planet Oat 50 , y Oatmilk, 86 fl oz; Bee ik off Select Varieties Sscor Mayer DIGITAL COUPON OFFER ae /EA* a pay Natural Plates F or P3 Protein Packs S Doritos L : ¢ Select Varieties, 9.25-10.75 02 Rutfies Potato Chips, Boas 29 5.58.5 07; Select Varieties _ BiTES ee ||) a 1.79 exoncearrer MN OOo tera 299 Wits DIGITAL COUPON OFFER 3 ore I B ASE DIGITAL COUPON OFFER al orreR -50° IST DIGITAL COUPON OFFER 2 ey S 249 $ JEA* 2 9 CRUNCHMASTER Private Selection @ 249 x48 Hummus : ! Sales Voit: FR EREANY 10 02 or Crunchmastor WEY Sa lishire snaked 4,945.57 oz Crackers or Bistro Crisps, i y or Small Plates ‘ 3.54-4 07; Select Varieties, Le gz Select Varieties, = 2.8-3.92 oz In the Deli nm oS DIGITAL COUPON OFFER 2.49 2, : 2/582: DE “1.00011 Haagen dacs 1.000. | Y eel Chex Mix, DIGITAL COUPON OFFER Ice Cream DIGITAL COUPON OFFER Bugles or 14 flozor Ice Cream ; Te y = Ge /EA* Gardetto's $14 Bars, 3 ct or Edy's $ 115 fl oz or Pods or Power Tide Select Varieties, Ice Cream, 48 fi oz; Pods, 32-57 ct or Gain Liquid i ea 78.75 oz 49 Select Varieties Laundry Detergent, 154fioz; Liquid Laundry Select Varieties Ag9 Me Detergent DD cates wait em 8.49 eae 1.00 011 6,49 wi, = tee ¢ DIGIALCOUPONOFFER = 50° on enone.) DIGITAL COUPON OFFER. $ ae Ce Uae 329 EA‘ JEA* ’ 2 DIGITAL COUPON OFFER. 27 ” Kroger Ultra see z | Select-a-Size aoe Seaie: Paper Towels Pampers Wipes 3202 2 Double Plus Rolls Select Varieties, 168-216 ct tra | HONG Ee 11.99% -2.00 =r, DIGITAL COUPON OFFER 26.99 bir Downy Unstopables, -2. 00 Off Pampers a ers -3, 00 Off Kr ‘oger Ultra Soft Light or Gain ng DIGITAL COUPON OFFER Super : +r Pac! i DIGITAL COUPON OFFER. or Ultra Strong zo-ea es Doe o7. ctor oor ts $ ; raining Pants Bath Tissue =O cesdetamntins Liquid Fabric Softener, D re Pack, 56-74 ct; 9 99 101-164 fl oz; an 9 Select Varieties Select Varieties, 12 Mega Rolls

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