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Current weekly ad Fiesta Foods - Valid from 01/15 to 01/21 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Fiesta Foods 01/15/2025 - 01/21/2025


Products in this weekly ad

Trac) SP ae eden) Paper Towels $ (@) fe) 5 Coca Cola Products Bean Ppgnaas Alaa 20 oz., Selected Variety, Bimbo Sa cme ae eed your Pine ees) Oa $50 Prantl CE en Jarritos White or ‘ ‘ Poteet Lele Se Ks cao) eee ach {Sets Rie Biren iek cern Stay up to date on all the best deals. Track your Points valid from & THEAPPCARD APP _ Prosress, get digital receipts and view your rewards 1/1/25 to 1/31/25 COUPONS ORC) Ko, oS * ‘. ee OS x" SS AY) a S AY) oo WO 3, OSE Ove" O Son Wr Ns” NS # es om ¥ OP ue : ss se Pu se ae eee oe ee Ponek oe sa Braet rawns Ste Poets. oe ea eo ea en ea ie ea. Cebolla amarila Chiles serrano Paquete econémico $2.28lb Paquete econémico aN “ $5.88 Ib Whole inthe Bag, Beef Value Pack, Lean Carne de res moida, paquete econémico Hombra de puerco, Musto de pollo fresco sin cuero y hueso, entero en bolsa Pulpa de es entera en bolsa ppaquete econémico Whole in the Bag Value Pack, Fresh, Boneless & Skinless Nee A Ht Hct w Ea Aer) Scotch ern Pe —: alec a 8 pk,, 16 02. Cans, | Cana) a Modelo Budweiser & Bud Light i ik i , sar 0 a Lt % H Available at all of our locations vy instacart eae Prices effective the week of CE January 15 - January 21, 2025 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Open Every Day 6:00 AM - 10:00 PM Finn uson| i Flesta Foods cannot be held responsible for typogrophical or pictorial errors. ‘Quantity limit rights reserved, @ Fiesta Foods 2028, Products subject to avail. 4 Money Orders + Utility Payments mom fi, Prices valid at our Pasco, Sunnyside and Yakima Locations. __ Check Cashing * Fax Services * Lottery — a

Latest weekly ads

Trac) SP ae eden) Paper Towels $ (@) fe) 5 Coca Cola Products Bean Ppgnaas Alaa 20 oz., Selected Variety, Bimbo Sa cme ae eed your Pine ees) Oa $50 Prantl CE en Jarritos White or ‘ ‘ Poteet Lele Se Ks cao) eee ach {Sets Rie Biren iek cern Stay up to date on all the best deals. Track your Points valid from & THEAPPCARD APP _ Prosress, get digital receipts and view your rewards 1/1/25 to 1/31/25 COUPONS ORC) Ko, oS * ‘. ee OS x" SS AY) a S AY) oo WO 3, OSE Ove" O Son Wr Ns” NS # es om ¥ OP ue : ss se Pu se ae eee oe ee Ponek oe sa Braet rawns Ste Poets. oe ea eo ea en ea ie ea. Cebolla amarila Chiles serrano Paquete econémico $2.28lb Paquete econémico aN “ $5.88 Ib Whole inthe Bag, Beef Value Pack, Lean Carne de res moida, paquete econémico Hombra de puerco, Musto de pollo fresco sin cuero y hueso, entero en bolsa Pulpa de es entera en bolsa ppaquete econémico Whole in the Bag Value Pack, Fresh, Boneless & Skinless Nee A Ht Hct w Ea Aer) Scotch ern Pe —: alec a 8 pk,, 16 02. Cans, | Cana) a Modelo Budweiser & Bud Light i ik i , sar 0 a Lt % H Available at all of our locations vy instacart eae Prices effective the week of CE January 15 - January 21, 2025 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Open Every Day 6:00 AM - 10:00 PM Finn uson| i Flesta Foods cannot be held responsible for typogrophical or pictorial errors. ‘Quantity limit rights reserved, @ Fiesta Foods 2028, Products subject to avail. 4 Money Orders + Utility Payments mom fi, Prices valid at our Pasco, Sunnyside and Yakima Locations. __ Check Cashing * Fax Services * Lottery — a

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