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Current weekly ad Sunshine Foods - Valid from 09/21 to 09/27 - Page nb 5

Weekly ad Sunshine Foods 09/21/2022 - 09/27/2022


Products in this weekly ad

SESH) PIRATE ANY 5 PARTICIPATING PRODUCTS! Oe SE aC aL) 8.99. NABISCO FAMILY SIZE il OU))| eer OREO COOKIES, CHIPS AHOY! a Ce Sots COOKIES OR SNACK CRACKERS coffee . Selected Varieties 11.5-20 Oz. Selected Varieties wrrupucuaseors —_ | 10-12 Ct or WITH PURCHASEOF 5 }22.6-25.9 Oz. ___ PARTICIPATING 10-12 02. PARTICIPATING PRODUCTS. Selected Varieties E any ies a HUNT'S HOSTESS BU tae SNACK PACK vows: Ce / PuppIne 2 Cas a RS OSS) | ier. 9.99. -1.0 for Uo ¥ _71.00 ——— Rachael Ray 8 99 fi Nutrish . a i ane Dog Food ru puncusse ors ined Fut . 6b Pacing PRooUcTS — ™ DOLE eg pare FRUIT BOWLS * 145-20 Oz. Can 2-4 Pk es Pineapple, Peaches, Pears Selected Varieties Roeosee or rut Cocktail c == ——==—= wa for -1.00 BOUNTY ESSENTIALS —— PAPER TOWELS , 3 99 6 Roll or { FS tx Pupperoni CHARMIN ESSENTIALS Selected Varieties wnupuncmseors | Dog Treats wr puncnase ors BATH TISSUE 3-3.5 Lb. PARTICIPATING PRODUCTS 22.5 Oz. PARTICIPATING PRODUCTS: 6 Mega Roll ny KLEENEX FACIALTISSUE | 4Pk Selected Varieties VV, “a a | ae a 3.99., 8.99 ioon wou OR -1.00 -1.00 30 08 f “> fy Milk Bone 2 99 7 Dog Treats . ea Milk Bone . a Selected Varieties wrt puncHase oF 5 Dog Treats (WITH PURCHAS! 9-24 02. PARTICIPATING PRODUCTS |] 4 LD. PRTICIPATING| A. COUNTRY HEARTH DAKOTA 12-GRAIN PREMIUM BREAD 24 02. EOF 5 PRODUCTS SBASE erence pos cari

Latest weekly ads

SESH) PIRATE ANY 5 PARTICIPATING PRODUCTS! Oe SE aC aL) 8.99. NABISCO FAMILY SIZE il OU))| eer OREO COOKIES, CHIPS AHOY! a Ce Sots COOKIES OR SNACK CRACKERS coffee . Selected Varieties 11.5-20 Oz. Selected Varieties wrrupucuaseors —_ | 10-12 Ct or WITH PURCHASEOF 5 }22.6-25.9 Oz. ___ PARTICIPATING 10-12 02. PARTICIPATING PRODUCTS. Selected Varieties E any ies a HUNT'S HOSTESS BU tae SNACK PACK vows: Ce / PuppIne 2 Cas a RS OSS) | ier. 9.99. -1.0 for Uo ¥ _71.00 ——— Rachael Ray 8 99 fi Nutrish . a i ane Dog Food ru puncusse ors ined Fut . 6b Pacing PRooUcTS — ™ DOLE eg pare FRUIT BOWLS * 145-20 Oz. Can 2-4 Pk es Pineapple, Peaches, Pears Selected Varieties Roeosee or rut Cocktail c == ——==—= wa for -1.00 BOUNTY ESSENTIALS —— PAPER TOWELS , 3 99 6 Roll or { FS tx Pupperoni CHARMIN ESSENTIALS Selected Varieties wnupuncmseors | Dog Treats wr puncnase ors BATH TISSUE 3-3.5 Lb. PARTICIPATING PRODUCTS 22.5 Oz. PARTICIPATING PRODUCTS: 6 Mega Roll ny KLEENEX FACIALTISSUE | 4Pk Selected Varieties VV, “a a | ae a 3.99., 8.99 ioon wou OR -1.00 -1.00 30 08 f “> fy Milk Bone 2 99 7 Dog Treats . ea Milk Bone . a Selected Varieties wrt puncHase oF 5 Dog Treats (WITH PURCHAS! 9-24 02. PARTICIPATING PRODUCTS |] 4 LD. PRTICIPATING| A. COUNTRY HEARTH DAKOTA 12-GRAIN PREMIUM BREAD 24 02. EOF 5 PRODUCTS SBASE erence pos cari

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