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Current weekly ad Sunshine Foods - Valid from 09/21 to 09/27 - Page nb 3

Weekly ad Sunshine Foods 09/21/2022 - 09/27/2022


Products in this weekly ad

mate ini nn Bone In Ham Steaks with Pineapple Ingredients: + 11/2 pounds bone-in ham steaks + Itablespoon light brown sugar + 8pineapple rings, drained, reserve 2 table- + 1/8 teaspoon ground cloves spoons juice HB - 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard @} Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Qo i asmall bowl, combine the pineapple juice, mustard, brown sugar, and cloves. © Place the ham steaks on a baking sheet and ~~ top with the pineapple rings, and with the glaze. I ©} Bake for 10-15 minutes until ham steaks are hot and the glaze is slightly browned. a= re Wastes casera au Z > \ eA v 2 ANNIVERSARY, OFFICE PARTY, ETC. ALSO, FRESH ae erCra ryan) y= 4 -_ = . CAFE VALLEY MUFFINS ACE, Selected Varieties hen ok BaD CHEDDAR PECAN RING aus BUNS [a P. ma em Aer, ” am itd \a¢ ic ye — - VAN HOLTEN'S: t s as a CUTZ PICKLES ( HY + = : eugncmus ) Me ee 'S = = ‘CLYDE'S VARIETY > PACK DONUTS P 2 SUCE ‘CHEESECAKE Selected Varieties Bila ict ‘SFBASE ‘SFRASE_PG3_092122

Latest weekly ads

mate ini nn Bone In Ham Steaks with Pineapple Ingredients: + 11/2 pounds bone-in ham steaks + Itablespoon light brown sugar + 8pineapple rings, drained, reserve 2 table- + 1/8 teaspoon ground cloves spoons juice HB - 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard @} Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Qo i asmall bowl, combine the pineapple juice, mustard, brown sugar, and cloves. © Place the ham steaks on a baking sheet and ~~ top with the pineapple rings, and with the glaze. I ©} Bake for 10-15 minutes until ham steaks are hot and the glaze is slightly browned. a= re Wastes casera au Z > \ eA v 2 ANNIVERSARY, OFFICE PARTY, ETC. ALSO, FRESH ae erCra ryan) y= 4 -_ = . CAFE VALLEY MUFFINS ACE, Selected Varieties hen ok BaD CHEDDAR PECAN RING aus BUNS [a P. ma em Aer, ” am itd \a¢ ic ye — - VAN HOLTEN'S: t s as a CUTZ PICKLES ( HY + = : eugncmus ) Me ee 'S = = ‘CLYDE'S VARIETY > PACK DONUTS P 2 SUCE ‘CHEESECAKE Selected Varieties Bila ict ‘SFBASE ‘SFRASE_PG3_092122

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