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Current weekly ad Key Food - Valid from 09/22 to 09/28 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Key Food 09/22/2023 - 09/28/2023


Products in this weekly ad

as Emre CoD LS CaS mae 22 Cael Natta ty bs ce 23 Re Te ai 24 28 |r’ VISA SS EE oscery ~~ mm Pec U RASS TUESDAYS oscever, UNLOCK MORE SAVINGS@) —=— ? @ ENTER @ CLIP Washington Stat at PEE my |) B,THe Head Bartlett Singar ols Iceberg 7 NYSI j Bosc or: % wysiaey) | Lettuce , pples§ a Anjou Pears 3) $449 oni | $49 BREE sce 2601809 3b Bag ssorted Giorgio Seedless Baby Bella . helt ited S rooms Clementines Fresh Potatoesza 210 “in $399 Blends 5:11 02629 1 Select Varieties = Fresh Express} Organic Gi Crunchy or, Tender) Leaf | ener scone em pesn cee Perdue | Boar’s Head¼ Hee e | Carolina Urban Meadow Chicken Leg snes Turkey: f Chicken Breast or, Drumsticks ‘| or Thighs Seated With Brown Sugar Spice For A Sweet Fla =~ — Suet aa Py Virginia Ham, aa ‘a $4 ee $699 Clube Pack 1b OD sce Toone Farm Raleed 4002 Cont Alpine Lace 16 02 Pkg Fresh. AquaStar, vipa | Siss oF Plain or With Raisins Atlantic Salmonggs Shrimp leadow. | Moshe Hy Baked Fillet ee ing Muenster | Round 2 Cheese or, _ *6ℱ Yellow or White $895 995 a Challah American Aquast ari ee ‘Aquastar ‘oa Cooked $ 99 3499) Sliced To Order = 5 eee ee ethetatie — |fingdnwnaeor | 12410: can Regular, | $1 Pe es | Soya” | 2782207, firm on Urban Meadow, Urban Meadow Carnation den Meadow, | Conilla Yellow ea a a esnbie Boe Cooking Stites Evaporated. } Long Grain say Mult Packt Sardines, Light ere il =a fb Milk [pala Rice sagt ad, | Sardines on $593 Pasta Cini 3 ei | i $7992, 21S3" Flos 20088 48.1902Can srozey 784909 Assorted Hunt's Assorted. Assorted Wish-Bone’ Tomato Progresso pion 1 : | Ketchup Dressing Vegetable; Classics, al 283 a win cue cara SG ae iu Gepost Where Appia, 444 F102 Pkg. 12 02 Cans 7502 Pkg BES em | srertorey warren Assorted Varies Teoehin tans (Excludes: Schweppes Seltzer) Assorted Varieties Snapple 2 r ce Coca-Cola Te 10 Packs) 2 | 255 a ‘oe sal weed ar 7 esis es wneeg eae tn ch Car Lil fe at By 9, + Tide Simply Detergent avender Ore en’ on 20 Roll Pack Urban Meadow || Bath Paper Towels Bath issue why Fabric Softener DIGITAL Co FINAL COST: oa al th club Card, Lint Offers of Exch os tn Club Car Limit + Ofer. LIMIT 1 OFFER. 8.0260x esereme, | segenocne BAOro pe | 475.802 Bag Mallomars [fre Soland Spring | Onan Reger o Kets ; rene ep Kettle Cookies Chips Deluxe ir Spring ppl Ger } Lay's = ips Vinegar || Tissue a oz 302m Chick Peas, Pi Shaina Foc Kinoy, Re oa Dark Red Kidney, Black, ‘Small White, mt romat fackaye or Smallted | Sauce (Excludes? Low Soaiom) Goya - Beans 2st 194.4-144 F102 Pkg 41.2512 Oz Assorted White Claw Hard Seltzer * or Mike’s 12 Packs $ ee eee Essential El Shoat or Select A Sie 8224 Triple Rolls. ‘ae2d Doub is, With Cb Card, Limit 2 Ors URIBE 44 Foz Cont sorted Haagen-Dazs Ice Cream, Ea iS AMA FLOZPKg ..120z | 72 Gramorteg Bey, Assorted Beer or fan's Blue Moon"ors Heinekalt Brooklvngant | Coronalor, 1 Model $4133 {| 12 Packs. i aaa | at Wy $1853 §6.57.6F102Cont Aecorted Xtra Laundry Detergent $999 ‘1 DIVE_KF_PG1SIG.9.22.23

Latest weekly ads

as Emre CoD LS CaS mae 22 Cael Natta ty bs ce 23 Re Te ai 24 28 |r’ VISA SS EE oscery ~~ mm Pec U RASS TUESDAYS oscever, UNLOCK MORE SAVINGS@) —=— ? @ ENTER @ CLIP Washington Stat at PEE my |) B,THe Head Bartlett Singar ols Iceberg 7 NYSI j Bosc or: % wysiaey) | Lettuce , pples§ a Anjou Pears 3) $449 oni | $49 BREE sce 2601809 3b Bag ssorted Giorgio Seedless Baby Bella . helt ited S rooms Clementines Fresh Potatoesza 210 “in $399 Blends 5:11 02629 1 Select Varieties = Fresh Express} Organic Gi Crunchy or, Tender) Leaf | ener scone em pesn cee Perdue | Boar’s Head¼ Hee e | Carolina Urban Meadow Chicken Leg snes Turkey: f Chicken Breast or, Drumsticks ‘| or Thighs Seated With Brown Sugar Spice For A Sweet Fla =~ — Suet aa Py Virginia Ham, aa ‘a $4 ee $699 Clube Pack 1b OD sce Toone Farm Raleed 4002 Cont Alpine Lace 16 02 Pkg Fresh. AquaStar, vipa | Siss oF Plain or With Raisins Atlantic Salmonggs Shrimp leadow. | Moshe Hy Baked Fillet ee ing Muenster | Round 2 Cheese or, _ *6ℱ Yellow or White $895 995 a Challah American Aquast ari ee ‘Aquastar ‘oa Cooked $ 99 3499) Sliced To Order = 5 eee ee ethetatie — |fingdnwnaeor | 12410: can Regular, | $1 Pe es | Soya” | 2782207, firm on Urban Meadow, Urban Meadow Carnation den Meadow, | Conilla Yellow ea a a esnbie Boe Cooking Stites Evaporated. } Long Grain say Mult Packt Sardines, Light ere il =a fb Milk [pala Rice sagt ad, | Sardines on $593 Pasta Cini 3 ei | i $7992, 21S3" Flos 20088 48.1902Can srozey 784909 Assorted Hunt's Assorted. Assorted Wish-Bone’ Tomato Progresso pion 1 : | Ketchup Dressing Vegetable; Classics, al 283 a win cue cara SG ae iu Gepost Where Appia, 444 F102 Pkg. 12 02 Cans 7502 Pkg BES em | srertorey warren Assorted Varies Teoehin tans (Excludes: Schweppes Seltzer) Assorted Varieties Snapple 2 r ce Coca-Cola Te 10 Packs) 2 | 255 a ‘oe sal weed ar 7 esis es wneeg eae tn ch Car Lil fe at By 9, + Tide Simply Detergent avender Ore en’ on 20 Roll Pack Urban Meadow || Bath Paper Towels Bath issue why Fabric Softener DIGITAL Co FINAL COST: oa al th club Card, Lint Offers of Exch os tn Club Car Limit + Ofer. LIMIT 1 OFFER. 8.0260x esereme, | segenocne BAOro pe | 475.802 Bag Mallomars [fre Soland Spring | Onan Reger o Kets ; rene ep Kettle Cookies Chips Deluxe ir Spring ppl Ger } Lay's = ips Vinegar || Tissue a oz 302m Chick Peas, Pi Shaina Foc Kinoy, Re oa Dark Red Kidney, Black, ‘Small White, mt romat fackaye or Smallted | Sauce (Excludes? Low Soaiom) Goya - Beans 2st 194.4-144 F102 Pkg 41.2512 Oz Assorted White Claw Hard Seltzer * or Mike’s 12 Packs $ ee eee Essential El Shoat or Select A Sie 8224 Triple Rolls. ‘ae2d Doub is, With Cb Card, Limit 2 Ors URIBE 44 Foz Cont sorted Haagen-Dazs Ice Cream, Ea iS AMA FLOZPKg ..120z | 72 Gramorteg Bey, Assorted Beer or fan's Blue Moon"ors Heinekalt Brooklvngant | Coronalor, 1 Model $4133 {| 12 Packs. i aaa | at Wy $1853 §6.57.6F102Cont Aecorted Xtra Laundry Detergent $999 ‘1 DIVE_KF_PG1SIG.9.22.23

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