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Current weekly ad Green Hills Farms - Valid from 02/11 to 02/17 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Green Hills Farms 02/11/2024 - 02/17/2024


Products in this weekly ad

Open 7 Days/6éam - 9pm Prices in effect February 11th - February 17th, 2024 qi {ie eet | Fresh - Grade A 7 Whole Fryer b x Chickens | | A Se 1% USDA Choice Beef Green Hills Aged Black Angus Beet Bone-In| | Gauri: misces | a NewYork Strip } 99 Steaks | |+ oe: ‘Green HilsyAged Black Angus Beef - Fresh - American Fresh=GradeA | Sty! % = Bot Round | @Bone-in Assorted J “Chicken ST aa eZ Roast |, Pork Chops Lage I — at B Ms S$ 99 422 aay 249| 999 Ib. Ib. Ib. ib. Made In-Store ~Ready To Cook | _ Fresh Grade A | BobjEvane-Asconga varios = a \Couil Style Chicken Leg fans Side Ereshya ned Hine SS me, ' Quarters a; (Dishes aha : 2] *goe| tae 8) ny G== Gram ", san me Wunderb: Walnut Creek Fresh Baked i S$ 99 ©) cerman pRoasted ee ciub Artisatieieya Bologna | T ey Breast) [7 Rolls oo ; ag BS 399) S 999] Fwd 39] Alpine Lace Jf BelGioidso Blueberry or Blood Orange Dinner Swiss] (=) Artigiano 4 Rolls 2m Cheese | Cheése Wedges | | , 769] © 329] | F. 399/S =f Kretschmar - Regular or Honey Store Made Cupcakes el Ggnatigears é f > Lobster - gy Wraps e roo Junbe ngs Filled Turnovers _ Bewnies ie La 749] g9929) | ano | ee 99) Washington State lorthwest USA each Honeycrisp reen |R Peter Pan 4 m - Pl plou q rs Peanut A 49 ana Butter wei 49 6? int 16.3 oz. California |] Tender - Long - Green US #1 Fresh - Peeled | Fresh - All Purpose limit 4 Asparagus Mini} Cooking Carrots Onions oe wn “S| Eee 5933 SOUTH SALINA STREET - 315-492-1707 - 3ouisos $n Seis i See store for details. We reserve the right to limit quantities on all sale items. Not responsible for typographical or pis ssa nee UG eee oc uc ens

Latest weekly ads

Open 7 Days/6éam - 9pm Prices in effect February 11th - February 17th, 2024 qi {ie eet | Fresh - Grade A 7 Whole Fryer b x Chickens | | A Se 1% USDA Choice Beef Green Hills Aged Black Angus Beet Bone-In| | Gauri: misces | a NewYork Strip } 99 Steaks | |+ oe: ‘Green HilsyAged Black Angus Beef - Fresh - American Fresh=GradeA | Sty! % = Bot Round | @Bone-in Assorted J “Chicken ST aa eZ Roast |, Pork Chops Lage I — at B Ms S$ 99 422 aay 249| 999 Ib. Ib. Ib. ib. Made In-Store ~Ready To Cook | _ Fresh Grade A | BobjEvane-Asconga varios = a \Couil Style Chicken Leg fans Side Ereshya ned Hine SS me, ' Quarters a; (Dishes aha : 2] *goe| tae 8) ny G== Gram ", san me Wunderb: Walnut Creek Fresh Baked i S$ 99 ©) cerman pRoasted ee ciub Artisatieieya Bologna | T ey Breast) [7 Rolls oo ; ag BS 399) S 999] Fwd 39] Alpine Lace Jf BelGioidso Blueberry or Blood Orange Dinner Swiss] (=) Artigiano 4 Rolls 2m Cheese | Cheése Wedges | | , 769] © 329] | F. 399/S =f Kretschmar - Regular or Honey Store Made Cupcakes el Ggnatigears é f > Lobster - gy Wraps e roo Junbe ngs Filled Turnovers _ Bewnies ie La 749] g9929) | ano | ee 99) Washington State lorthwest USA each Honeycrisp reen |R Peter Pan 4 m - Pl plou q rs Peanut A 49 ana Butter wei 49 6? int 16.3 oz. California |] Tender - Long - Green US #1 Fresh - Peeled | Fresh - All Purpose limit 4 Asparagus Mini} Cooking Carrots Onions oe wn “S| Eee 5933 SOUTH SALINA STREET - 315-492-1707 - 3ouisos $n Seis i See store for details. We reserve the right to limit quantities on all sale items. Not responsible for typographical or pis ssa nee UG eee oc uc ens

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