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Current weekly ad H-Mart - Valid from 02/06 to 02/12 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad H-Mart 02/06/2025 - 02/12/2025


Products in this weekly ad

AZ WEEKLY SALE FEB. 6th - FEB. 12th, 2025 20. 99 | h S| 19% “OL 69) CUSTOMER SERVICE T. 877.427.7386 For events, coupons & exclusive deals, subscribe at, and Visit ‘our Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest & Instagram to stay up to date on special offers! "$1.49. - 51,99 nee 202514 yadieas Looking for the perfect snack to elevate 28 1284) 2 ine \ S your big game night? Try Balloon Shrimp! st) COME CELEBRATE WITH H MART! | pacsrneiee ene sims ¢ o Vege HBAS HS ys WE SRO! H OFSOLA Sule ATRL, BR SAID et oH SO19] Za weo| Saha. | ¥f Hel Go|] FeBo] sjojsaar e wane KOREA) a AW NATUREToRU Korean Jeju fadsh Shishito Sweet Pepper Tomato Retains 7 Green Seedless Grape White Nectarine SMES 1B Be] DE i sE0HS T4OUPKG WME ARE 1B WIE SSO we ONO 9 en'2A9, © ,} Korean Organic KOREA) King Oyster Mushroom I Rls SRA ASO] ‘Mandarin Haabona Mana 7 pert apse] Orri Mandarin NHR sossouris cre! _2LB/PKG siehs ) uonHeDUN- 1202/6 | Qe B $3.99 Fresh Pork Spare Rib Center Cut for Stew ie SHA] EO 2th] j 4% 99 aa & — $499 3.49 . Nt & Chicken Thigh aA 52.99 Maniated Tiny Sed Shou Bu Bulge W eee "$5.49 $3.49 | SPECIAL SALE ELT CE Se ea ac *Be eligible forthe discounted prices onthe items below when you spend $50 or more on any products in a single transaction “ae JINGA SAHMYOOK Soymilk Beef Bone Flavored Soup 1 as 2eaz/iAss yeee A}S=S SUGARBEE Apple Marinated ee Short Rb (LA) a7} Nese KOREA aS BLACK BEAN/PLAIN A #7 tb] Abt BOX “te Mackerel S01 SILA ZIU|FAMILYPACKLB ‘16.9 FLOZX 6 EA/BOX Korean Radish St "#{% S7. 6.5 FLOZ $ $1. _3 he BOX =— = - . ze ; ae ott a i Sei taervo HELLO t HOME HARU HARU 100% Eel @ OTOKI NONGSHIM Ges = Seasoned iN EL California Grown Mi ‘Jin Ramen’ Udon Premium? Geer ) " Bean Paste Med. Grain Miled Rice... | E7] Noodle Soup tse) A} 255435 OFF ole a $9 ui sa dues ASA #8 317 Ya WS $8. SPICY/MILD nS 9.73 02 $1. 4.2301 XSEA 15 1B X4EA/PKG i 1B enamere SEMPIO Cooking Sauce ~ _ PLANTERS Soy Sauce C Korean BBQ ABH SAt 100% i , Peanut Oil ae Orgies Sauce § AZ QOHAL IF E 2 BeHE|A Bz as ABu7|/ GINGER & UME ~-| Be2e GOLDS/1.7L Scat one Stas 28.06 FLOZ lee 24FLOZ Se, § MARINADE a 1.85 1B . ~~ cHloRipDONG Se KTOWN HAIOREUM F L oy Rl Boiled © MI Dukboki AL, Imitation Crab E Sweet Corn aioe 4) ORION | om HOES: Meat Sticks i 2HS0| Savas O!Tube Sy ae sic se) RS sas Bg go) Alotet | 2844 Seaben 95 mi ORIGINAL $ SPICY/ 83. a. SELECTED SELECTED MAD SPICY VARIETIES VARIETIES 1 132LB 2218 22.2-29.9 01 2s 4,06 02 : ay " SAPPORO [ |, LOTTE Moncher Dream Cake Rusa $ ORIGINAL ICACAO . 14.39 02 Chips 272 nes sg. am CHURROS 19.76 02 Er 2. HY Probiotics Will Yogurt HY BEHO|OEIA a 7S We ORIGINAL/ $ LOWFAT 5.07 FLOZ . X4EA/PKG AH ORO! Ls $12.99 saronn F " a iP. 12FLOZ XT2EA/PKG HAIO Copy | el tS ce pe arms : pat Tee Pee pale oie ed Poh eg eH 59] tS bY pete HLS MES Sale ag aes PREMIUM ROASTED SEAWEED GREEN LAVER GIFT SET CANADIAN PREMIUM RED GINSENG EXTRACT 2.7 FLOZX 36 EA/BOX Only pertains to our AZ locations. During the editing process there may be mistypes or misprints. SABLE SSIUS HHUA NS AHEM! Each branch may be subject to limited availability along as well as their sale prices. Products may be sold out. If the product is not listed as a boxed sale item,the item cannot be purchased as a boxed unit. All H Marts accept every major credit card. fwsq|(S=)[Ea)=] 2 Mesa, AZ 85201 T=] | Have a great idea for a restaurant, we have the perfect busy location for you.

Latest weekly ads

AZ WEEKLY SALE FEB. 6th - FEB. 12th, 2025 20. 99 | h S| 19% “OL 69) CUSTOMER SERVICE T. 877.427.7386 For events, coupons & exclusive deals, subscribe at, and Visit ‘our Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest & Instagram to stay up to date on special offers! "$1.49. - 51,99 nee 202514 yadieas Looking for the perfect snack to elevate 28 1284) 2 ine \ S your big game night? Try Balloon Shrimp! st) COME CELEBRATE WITH H MART! | pacsrneiee ene sims ¢ o Vege HBAS HS ys WE SRO! H OFSOLA Sule ATRL, BR SAID et oH SO19] Za weo| Saha. | ¥f Hel Go|] FeBo] sjojsaar e wane KOREA) a AW NATUREToRU Korean Jeju fadsh Shishito Sweet Pepper Tomato Retains 7 Green Seedless Grape White Nectarine SMES 1B Be] DE i sE0HS T4OUPKG WME ARE 1B WIE SSO we ONO 9 en'2A9, © ,} Korean Organic KOREA) King Oyster Mushroom I Rls SRA ASO] ‘Mandarin Haabona Mana 7 pert apse] Orri Mandarin NHR sossouris cre! _2LB/PKG siehs ) uonHeDUN- 1202/6 | Qe B $3.99 Fresh Pork Spare Rib Center Cut for Stew ie SHA] EO 2th] j 4% 99 aa & — $499 3.49 . Nt & Chicken Thigh aA 52.99 Maniated Tiny Sed Shou Bu Bulge W eee "$5.49 $3.49 | SPECIAL SALE ELT CE Se ea ac *Be eligible forthe discounted prices onthe items below when you spend $50 or more on any products in a single transaction “ae JINGA SAHMYOOK Soymilk Beef Bone Flavored Soup 1 as 2eaz/iAss yeee A}S=S SUGARBEE Apple Marinated ee Short Rb (LA) a7} Nese KOREA aS BLACK BEAN/PLAIN A #7 tb] Abt BOX “te Mackerel S01 SILA ZIU|FAMILYPACKLB ‘16.9 FLOZX 6 EA/BOX Korean Radish St "#{% S7. 6.5 FLOZ $ $1. _3 he BOX =— = - . ze ; ae ott a i Sei taervo HELLO t HOME HARU HARU 100% Eel @ OTOKI NONGSHIM Ges = Seasoned iN EL California Grown Mi ‘Jin Ramen’ Udon Premium? Geer ) " Bean Paste Med. Grain Miled Rice... | E7] Noodle Soup tse) A} 255435 OFF ole a $9 ui sa dues ASA #8 317 Ya WS $8. SPICY/MILD nS 9.73 02 $1. 4.2301 XSEA 15 1B X4EA/PKG i 1B enamere SEMPIO Cooking Sauce ~ _ PLANTERS Soy Sauce C Korean BBQ ABH SAt 100% i , Peanut Oil ae Orgies Sauce § AZ QOHAL IF E 2 BeHE|A Bz as ABu7|/ GINGER & UME ~-| Be2e GOLDS/1.7L Scat one Stas 28.06 FLOZ lee 24FLOZ Se, § MARINADE a 1.85 1B . ~~ cHloRipDONG Se KTOWN HAIOREUM F L oy Rl Boiled © MI Dukboki AL, Imitation Crab E Sweet Corn aioe 4) ORION | om HOES: Meat Sticks i 2HS0| Savas O!Tube Sy ae sic se) RS sas Bg go) Alotet | 2844 Seaben 95 mi ORIGINAL $ SPICY/ 83. a. SELECTED SELECTED MAD SPICY VARIETIES VARIETIES 1 132LB 2218 22.2-29.9 01 2s 4,06 02 : ay " SAPPORO [ |, LOTTE Moncher Dream Cake Rusa $ ORIGINAL ICACAO . 14.39 02 Chips 272 nes sg. am CHURROS 19.76 02 Er 2. HY Probiotics Will Yogurt HY BEHO|OEIA a 7S We ORIGINAL/ $ LOWFAT 5.07 FLOZ . X4EA/PKG AH ORO! Ls $12.99 saronn F " a iP. 12FLOZ XT2EA/PKG HAIO Copy | el tS ce pe arms : pat Tee Pee pale oie ed Poh eg eH 59] tS bY pete HLS MES Sale ag aes PREMIUM ROASTED SEAWEED GREEN LAVER GIFT SET CANADIAN PREMIUM RED GINSENG EXTRACT 2.7 FLOZX 36 EA/BOX Only pertains to our AZ locations. During the editing process there may be mistypes or misprints. SABLE SSIUS HHUA NS AHEM! Each branch may be subject to limited availability along as well as their sale prices. Products may be sold out. If the product is not listed as a boxed sale item,the item cannot be purchased as a boxed unit. All H Marts accept every major credit card. fwsq|(S=)[Ea)=] 2 Mesa, AZ 85201 T=] | Have a great idea for a restaurant, we have the perfect busy location for you.

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