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Current weekly ad Cashwise - Valid from 09/28 to 10/04 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Cashwise 09/28/2023 - 10/04/2023


Products in this weekly ad

in 535 Kraft Macaroni & Cheese, Premiums Or Shapes Buffalo Wild Wings Sa lect Varieties or feuemttaas Post Kids Cereal Limit 1 Coupon Discount Per Guest Pepsi, Diet Pepsi Orn Mtn Dew 6 Pack 5 Liter Bottles When You Buy 3 39" ‘nae Bubly Sparkling Wat Gatorade Or Propel 24-28 Oz, $ elect Varieties Feaneds igen Coes0n Tide Liquid Or Pod: $16.98 Furious, Variety Pack & Controlled Chaos Bud Light & Michelob Golden Draft ight 24 Pack 14949 12” SON SS 1 Potatoes 1.5-4.1 02. 254 SS 254 Zatarain's nce of Bean Mi: Dz. Select Varieties Chick-fil-A Sauce 16 Oz Select Varieties SIZA9 Seo rice — Action Dish Detergent 28-60 C ts Keystone Light 30 Pack 12 Oz. Cans ae 13° Idahoan Mashed a pe eA Faas Size Candy Bars ereely'O ‘a c Red juntain Brands Wide Awake Coffe Ba al is i+) t Varieties $3.99 Sale Price 31.00.011 4 Pudding Or Gelatin 6 Pack Select Varieties Mott's 100% Juice 64 Ox, Select Varieties Sor EES PREMIUM SWE RUsED ecg san Mrs. Butterworth’s Syrup Hershey’s Snack 9-11.3 Oz $ elact Varieties 52:99 Selec caer Dog Treats Windsor Canadian 1.75 Liter Mars Halloween Fun Size Candy Bars 26.92-34.44 O7 Select Varieties . TopCare Shampoo Or Conditioner 7 13 Oz. Select Varieties y 978 Buttercup $17.98 Cabernet, Chardonnay, Dark Red, Merlot, Moscato Types & White Zinfandel re "1°"! Bogle & Starling Castle 750ml Select Varieties oS

Latest weekly ads

in 535 Kraft Macaroni & Cheese, Premiums Or Shapes Buffalo Wild Wings Sa lect Varieties or feuemttaas Post Kids Cereal Limit 1 Coupon Discount Per Guest Pepsi, Diet Pepsi Orn Mtn Dew 6 Pack 5 Liter Bottles When You Buy 3 39" ‘nae Bubly Sparkling Wat Gatorade Or Propel 24-28 Oz, $ elect Varieties Feaneds igen Coes0n Tide Liquid Or Pod: $16.98 Furious, Variety Pack & Controlled Chaos Bud Light & Michelob Golden Draft ight 24 Pack 14949 12” SON SS 1 Potatoes 1.5-4.1 02. 254 SS 254 Zatarain's nce of Bean Mi: Dz. Select Varieties Chick-fil-A Sauce 16 Oz Select Varieties SIZA9 Seo rice — Action Dish Detergent 28-60 C ts Keystone Light 30 Pack 12 Oz. Cans ae 13° Idahoan Mashed a pe eA Faas Size Candy Bars ereely'O ‘a c Red juntain Brands Wide Awake Coffe Ba al is i+) t Varieties $3.99 Sale Price 31.00.011 4 Pudding Or Gelatin 6 Pack Select Varieties Mott's 100% Juice 64 Ox, Select Varieties Sor EES PREMIUM SWE RUsED ecg san Mrs. Butterworth’s Syrup Hershey’s Snack 9-11.3 Oz $ elact Varieties 52:99 Selec caer Dog Treats Windsor Canadian 1.75 Liter Mars Halloween Fun Size Candy Bars 26.92-34.44 O7 Select Varieties . TopCare Shampoo Or Conditioner 7 13 Oz. Select Varieties y 978 Buttercup $17.98 Cabernet, Chardonnay, Dark Red, Merlot, Moscato Types & White Zinfandel re "1°"! Bogle & Starling Castle 750ml Select Varieties oS

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