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Current weekly ad Vallarta - Valid from 12/18 to 12/25 - Page nb 8

Weekly ad Vallarta 12/18/2024 - 12/25/2024


Products in this weekly ad

Cc El R V E Z A ARCTIC GLACIER Modelo Especial or Modelo Negra Extra, ight, Promiee or Familiar, ee eee Los Michelores ee eee ee re El Chamoy, Cachi-Pica $a oe Cam orbenies 12 Pack or Cam or Cachito Tamarindo Whe to tose poe, 12 Pack. Dips sidels Ageas forsee ‘ \ 12.8 Bottles or Cans Selected Varietion. 8 os. wf Taek Mon toman BD in agitate Mon = so X\ — Modelo Especial Michelob Ultra or betpobartay 7 ode lop jal ons cx Bonies Modelo Especial ee Pacifico, 16 Pack, ae $2.2 Cans Coonan 12 Pack, Not, Bates ‘a2. Cans, Beat Box Variety Pack ea 1a m Jinro Soju CD, @' ire se mm Oe [HF Soonhari Seco Varies ’ = . ’ Selected Varieties 4 Pack, 385 mk. Cans. SF ww = wirrniens1iteicize Md cw 575 Be iw Min Rata IMAC OA Meee sires Korbel Kendal Jackson 4 Champagne Chardonnay @ 750m i 750 MLL | fr 4 Stella Rosa Stella Rose | uu I Black Lux, Rosso / Rosso Black, Pink, Ciel e Lux or Imperial ( Peach, Berry or : Tropical Mango: Stella Rosa pr ea Variety r “ GG ' oF S PIR ATS covoranowmenoravanasisin ALLOCATIONS GIFT PACKS AYALABLEWHLESUPPUESLAST 4 T*. Carmelita Romy Wf eeeacas aaa tees IB Rancho Escondido Liqueur . Wome se oppor cing - Rancho Escondido | & Ranch La Gloria TD DT aeaaa, = Mags EM St unsees 15 une Aguardiente ~ dors Cuervo Tequila ected Vien ae or Silver a" a 2 2 | Bw vw S Gew DS ew . Jose Cuervo Don Ramon Traditional Tequila Sai Oop em A eee it alle ieee OR Agre 750 farses 100% Agave, 750 ml fet agent, Yi Son Remon UR Tito’s Handmade Don Jutio Aguve, 750 ol Tequila Reposado Vodka Bu) Tequila Blanco Tequila Rose Liqueur 100% Agave , 750 ml nsf © 100% Agave, 375 ml SO ee. El dimador Bacardi Gold or {00 ‘Tequila Silver Tequila Reposado Silver 100% Agave: 750 100% Agave 750 mL 175 Lee €@=OG i aD tw ub +e = eeeeeiaeen Soult Atgjor” ites Cazadores Tequila eee [eos Agoe y, id _ Be 90% Apr, 780 lie 150 ml 100% Agave, 750 sl pases Seana Doi Ramon Tequila ies Cenelos by ivy Goose a scotch Don Julio Tequila Saney Finca Reposade, 100% Agave, som WS 1800 Tequila - 0% Agave, 750 7 = a7 eee ee ecw / ‘Tres Generaciones Patron Tequila Afejo ‘Tequila Silver 300% Agave, 750 mt aestro Dabel 100% Agave, 780 mt Cazadores Tequila Diamante Tequila Hennessy V5 Cosine Reposada, 100% Aguen 1.75 User Milagre Tequila Anejo 100% Agave. 750 mi 2OP% Agave, 750: 1800 Tequits 1800 Tequila Silver Casa Amigos Mandala * edo Tequila Anejo Tequila Blanco 100% Agus; 1.25 Uner 100% Agave, 750 ml TOO Agave, 1 Liner Don Armando Cincoro Don Julio 70th vila Cristal Tequila Blanco Tequila Afiejo Claro Entra Ao 100% Agave, 100% Apove, 750 ml 100% Apive, 730 780 ml Rerny Martin fequila San Matias Tequila gnac far aj 105 ee Bom 250 mi = neo 100% Agave, 750 mi - I I Herdez Guacamole Salsa ' cc] Doha Maria Mole ry Bis. ae 8250 - Herdez Roasted Salsa Dofia Marla Nopalitos Selected Voreten. 15.702. 9 see Spam Herdez Salsa Casera SPAM ees Selected Vorieties, 16 oz Vo. 9 SA 95S | 9 é 4 au | T Platers Peanut Oil, Honnel Glock Bufalo Hot Sauce Label Bacon : 24 foe - Selected Vases = yr S302. won | Yala TOVSZE-FHGE DO NOT ESVOO TTT TESTS QRH TET SOS SNOT aN TOTO OTT ST NOTE AOA TES OT VOTH AT HESS STS STIS DSTA Ve

Latest weekly ads

Cc El R V E Z A ARCTIC GLACIER Modelo Especial or Modelo Negra Extra, ight, Promiee or Familiar, ee eee Los Michelores ee eee ee re El Chamoy, Cachi-Pica $a oe Cam orbenies 12 Pack or Cam or Cachito Tamarindo Whe to tose poe, 12 Pack. Dips sidels Ageas forsee ‘ \ 12.8 Bottles or Cans Selected Varietion. 8 os. wf Taek Mon toman BD in agitate Mon = so X\ — Modelo Especial Michelob Ultra or betpobartay 7 ode lop jal ons cx Bonies Modelo Especial ee Pacifico, 16 Pack, ae $2.2 Cans Coonan 12 Pack, Not, Bates ‘a2. Cans, Beat Box Variety Pack ea 1a m Jinro Soju CD, @' ire se mm Oe [HF Soonhari Seco Varies ’ = . ’ Selected Varieties 4 Pack, 385 mk. Cans. SF ww = wirrniens1iteicize Md cw 575 Be iw Min Rata IMAC OA Meee sires Korbel Kendal Jackson 4 Champagne Chardonnay @ 750m i 750 MLL | fr 4 Stella Rosa Stella Rose | uu I Black Lux, Rosso / Rosso Black, Pink, Ciel e Lux or Imperial ( Peach, Berry or : Tropical Mango: Stella Rosa pr ea Variety r “ GG ' oF S PIR ATS covoranowmenoravanasisin ALLOCATIONS GIFT PACKS AYALABLEWHLESUPPUESLAST 4 T*. Carmelita Romy Wf eeeacas aaa tees IB Rancho Escondido Liqueur . Wome se oppor cing - Rancho Escondido | & Ranch La Gloria TD DT aeaaa, = Mags EM St unsees 15 une Aguardiente ~ dors Cuervo Tequila ected Vien ae or Silver a" a 2 2 | Bw vw S Gew DS ew . Jose Cuervo Don Ramon Traditional Tequila Sai Oop em A eee it alle ieee OR Agre 750 farses 100% Agave, 750 ml fet agent, Yi Son Remon UR Tito’s Handmade Don Jutio Aguve, 750 ol Tequila Reposado Vodka Bu) Tequila Blanco Tequila Rose Liqueur 100% Agave , 750 ml nsf © 100% Agave, 375 ml SO ee. El dimador Bacardi Gold or {00 ‘Tequila Silver Tequila Reposado Silver 100% Agave: 750 100% Agave 750 mL 175 Lee €@=OG i aD tw ub +e = eeeeeiaeen Soult Atgjor” ites Cazadores Tequila eee [eos Agoe y, id _ Be 90% Apr, 780 lie 150 ml 100% Agave, 750 sl pases Seana Doi Ramon Tequila ies Cenelos by ivy Goose a scotch Don Julio Tequila Saney Finca Reposade, 100% Agave, som WS 1800 Tequila - 0% Agave, 750 7 = a7 eee ee ecw / ‘Tres Generaciones Patron Tequila Afejo ‘Tequila Silver 300% Agave, 750 mt aestro Dabel 100% Agave, 780 mt Cazadores Tequila Diamante Tequila Hennessy V5 Cosine Reposada, 100% Aguen 1.75 User Milagre Tequila Anejo 100% Agave. 750 mi 2OP% Agave, 750: 1800 Tequits 1800 Tequila Silver Casa Amigos Mandala * edo Tequila Anejo Tequila Blanco 100% Agus; 1.25 Uner 100% Agave, 750 ml TOO Agave, 1 Liner Don Armando Cincoro Don Julio 70th vila Cristal Tequila Blanco Tequila Afiejo Claro Entra Ao 100% Agave, 100% Apove, 750 ml 100% Apive, 730 780 ml Rerny Martin fequila San Matias Tequila gnac far aj 105 ee Bom 250 mi = neo 100% Agave, 750 mi - I I Herdez Guacamole Salsa ' cc] Doha Maria Mole ry Bis. ae 8250 - Herdez Roasted Salsa Dofia Marla Nopalitos Selected Voreten. 15.702. 9 see Spam Herdez Salsa Casera SPAM ees Selected Vorieties, 16 oz Vo. 9 SA 95S | 9 é 4 au | T Platers Peanut Oil, Honnel Glock Bufalo Hot Sauce Label Bacon : 24 foe - Selected Vases = yr S302. won | Yala TOVSZE-FHGE DO NOT ESVOO TTT TESTS QRH TET SOS SNOT aN TOTO OTT ST NOTE AOA TES OT VOTH AT HESS STS STIS DSTA Ve

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