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Current weekly ad Stater Bros - Valid from 11/13 to 11/19 - Page nb 4

Weekly ad Stater Bros 11/13/2024 - 11/19/2024


Products in this weekly ad

Butterball Premium Turkey Pavo Premium USDA Grade A Fresh All-Naturol Honeysuckle Young Turkey Pavo Natural Avg. Wt. 12 to 20 Ibs. While Supplies Lost. Ib. Not availabe in store until Saturday, November 16. elected ft the Mghest qohty. moking yur rep ond cooking cpen parton, bapped pti ALL com or1-800-BUTTEROAL (00) 288-8572 no metal cle. wwe BUT - &» f ) —— 4 @f# \b. Ib. Ib. tof Ib. Cut Fresh Dolly Pork Shoulder Pork Loin Back Ribs Costillas de Fresh Foster Farms Whole Chicken Bone-In Turkey Breast Pechuga Bone-In Butt Roast Trozo de Paleta Lomo de Puerco Frozen or Defrosted —_—Pollo Entero USDA Grade A de Pavo con Hueso Frozen de Puerco con Hueso ef 7 Ib. e . fel Fresh All Natural Stater Bros. Cut Fresh Daily USDA Choice Beet ‘Stater Bros. Extra Jumbo Raw Shrimp —_Stater Bros. Extra Jumbo Cooked 100% Pure Ground Beet Come Moliia Chuck Bone-In Flanken or Short Ribs Camaron Crudo to 20.ct. Z Peel & Shrimp Comarén Cocinado 85% Lean Sold in 2b. pkg. 1398Each —Costillas de Res Estilo Flankeno Corto Deveined Tail-On 16 oz. bag Frozen 26 to 30 ct. Peeled & Deveined 20 ct/8 oz. Peeled & Deveined Tol-On Tall-On 16 02. bag Frozen Shrimp with 4 02. Sauce Frozen ee 24.99 Cleo & Leo Signature Cakes Pastel Pumpkin Spice 34 oz. oF Coromel Apple 44 07, ¢5 5 eq t) 2/$10 & Oo2 4 2 De > Cofé Valley Bundt Cakes Postel de Cinnamon Rolls Posteles de Rollos de Bolthouse Farms Baby-Cut Pesled Low Price Every Day Bundt 20 08. Selected Varieties Canola 16 02. Selected Varieties Corrots Zanahorias Baby Pelodas Fresh Made Guacamole Reguic’ ot 500 Each 280 Each Spicy Avclloble in Stores whth Fresh Cut Stations ea = > — 1 ( / Go & $8 Oo » Fresh Cravings Hummus Stonefire Naan Dippers 1 Guope Chile Pods 2 of 25 07. pkg Fresh Cut Fruit Tray Bondeja de W o7. Selected Varieties 4.00 Eoch 705 02. 4,00 Each Selected Vorieties 150 Each oe Fresca 72 oz. Selected Varieties in Stores with Fresh ut Sesion 9.99 16.99 Will's Fresh Foods Potato Salad Fresh, Never Frozen Cleo & Leo Culinary Tours Charcuterie Tray Ensalado de Popa Cheesy Baked Golden Fried Chicken Pollo Frito Bandeje de Charcuteria Potato or San Francisco Style 8 Piece includes 2 Split Breasts 12oz. Artisan or Specialty 2 Thighs 2 Drumsticks 2 Wings STATER BROS. MARKETS IN-AD COUPON 13 IR P ey PRE-BLACK FRIDAY SALE! ma eelee) Sree Beacies cs > ioe) aS tag rth OFFER VALID 11/13/24-12/3/24 on participating gift cards only. Receive: $10 off grocery basket at checkout when you purchase $50 or more : il EXCLUDES: Tobacco, lottery tickets, postage stamps, sales tax, ¢ -RV, money orders and gift cards. details, terms, condit u Cardholder reement for details. Valid in US only. Choice & Spafinder Gift Cards are issued by Pathward’, N.A., Member FOI Orde Sr ATER BROS. Prices EFFECTIVE WEDNESDAY, 11-13-24 THROUGH TUESDAY, 11-19-24, NOT ALL ITEMS AVAILABLE IN ALL STORES

Latest weekly ads

Butterball Premium Turkey Pavo Premium USDA Grade A Fresh All-Naturol Honeysuckle Young Turkey Pavo Natural Avg. Wt. 12 to 20 Ibs. While Supplies Lost. Ib. Not availabe in store until Saturday, November 16. elected ft the Mghest qohty. moking yur rep ond cooking cpen parton, bapped pti ALL com or1-800-BUTTEROAL (00) 288-8572 no metal cle. wwe BUT - &» f ) —— 4 @f# \b. Ib. Ib. tof Ib. Cut Fresh Dolly Pork Shoulder Pork Loin Back Ribs Costillas de Fresh Foster Farms Whole Chicken Bone-In Turkey Breast Pechuga Bone-In Butt Roast Trozo de Paleta Lomo de Puerco Frozen or Defrosted —_—Pollo Entero USDA Grade A de Pavo con Hueso Frozen de Puerco con Hueso ef 7 Ib. e . fel Fresh All Natural Stater Bros. Cut Fresh Daily USDA Choice Beet ‘Stater Bros. Extra Jumbo Raw Shrimp —_Stater Bros. Extra Jumbo Cooked 100% Pure Ground Beet Come Moliia Chuck Bone-In Flanken or Short Ribs Camaron Crudo to 20.ct. Z Peel & Shrimp Comarén Cocinado 85% Lean Sold in 2b. pkg. 1398Each —Costillas de Res Estilo Flankeno Corto Deveined Tail-On 16 oz. bag Frozen 26 to 30 ct. Peeled & Deveined 20 ct/8 oz. Peeled & Deveined Tol-On Tall-On 16 02. bag Frozen Shrimp with 4 02. Sauce Frozen ee 24.99 Cleo & Leo Signature Cakes Pastel Pumpkin Spice 34 oz. oF Coromel Apple 44 07, ¢5 5 eq t) 2/$10 & Oo2 4 2 De > Cofé Valley Bundt Cakes Postel de Cinnamon Rolls Posteles de Rollos de Bolthouse Farms Baby-Cut Pesled Low Price Every Day Bundt 20 08. Selected Varieties Canola 16 02. Selected Varieties Corrots Zanahorias Baby Pelodas Fresh Made Guacamole Reguic’ ot 500 Each 280 Each Spicy Avclloble in Stores whth Fresh Cut Stations ea = > — 1 ( / Go & $8 Oo » Fresh Cravings Hummus Stonefire Naan Dippers 1 Guope Chile Pods 2 of 25 07. pkg Fresh Cut Fruit Tray Bondeja de W o7. Selected Varieties 4.00 Eoch 705 02. 4,00 Each Selected Vorieties 150 Each oe Fresca 72 oz. Selected Varieties in Stores with Fresh ut Sesion 9.99 16.99 Will's Fresh Foods Potato Salad Fresh, Never Frozen Cleo & Leo Culinary Tours Charcuterie Tray Ensalado de Popa Cheesy Baked Golden Fried Chicken Pollo Frito Bandeje de Charcuteria Potato or San Francisco Style 8 Piece includes 2 Split Breasts 12oz. Artisan or Specialty 2 Thighs 2 Drumsticks 2 Wings STATER BROS. MARKETS IN-AD COUPON 13 IR P ey PRE-BLACK FRIDAY SALE! ma eelee) Sree Beacies cs > ioe) aS tag rth OFFER VALID 11/13/24-12/3/24 on participating gift cards only. Receive: $10 off grocery basket at checkout when you purchase $50 or more : il EXCLUDES: Tobacco, lottery tickets, postage stamps, sales tax, ¢ -RV, money orders and gift cards. details, terms, condit u Cardholder reement for details. Valid in US only. Choice & Spafinder Gift Cards are issued by Pathward’, N.A., Member FOI Orde Sr ATER BROS. Prices EFFECTIVE WEDNESDAY, 11-13-24 THROUGH TUESDAY, 11-19-24, NOT ALL ITEMS AVAILABLE IN ALL STORES

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