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Current weekly ad Meijer - Valid from 12/04 to 12/10 - Page nb 3

Weekly ad Meijer 12/04/2022 - 12/10/2022


Products in this weekly ad

low prices MWA gL eet) Coy aa ¢ Buddig Chipped Meats 2 oz. > » & z 3.29 ‘eS /@& 15 0r Seed wee waco 4.59. Meijer Butter Quarters 16 ov. Salted or unsated. Select varieties, 3.39 ‘Sara Lee Bread 16-20 oz Select varieties. 1.15 Sparkling Ice 17 ov. bottle, Select ‘varieties. Plus deposit where applicable, Pampers Super Pack Swaddlers Diapers* Sie 3. 78 ct. Baby Dept. onty. “While supplies last. No rainchecks or substitutions.

Latest weekly ads

low prices MWA gL eet) Coy aa ¢ Buddig Chipped Meats 2 oz. > » & z 3.29 ‘eS /@& 15 0r Seed wee waco 4.59. Meijer Butter Quarters 16 ov. Salted or unsated. Select varieties, 3.39 ‘Sara Lee Bread 16-20 oz Select varieties. 1.15 Sparkling Ice 17 ov. bottle, Select ‘varieties. Plus deposit where applicable, Pampers Super Pack Swaddlers Diapers* Sie 3. 78 ct. Baby Dept. onty. “While supplies last. No rainchecks or substitutions.

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