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Current weekly ad Ingles - Valid from 09/21 to 09/27 - Page nb 7

Weekly ad Ingles 09/21/2022 - 09/27/2022


Products in this weekly ad

vom ee BLUE BUNNY Sw DEVOUR ICE CREAM [ DINNER ENTREE 46-48 Oz. - 9-12 Oz. - pclected Varieties S ea ; — creef\cont Eg el SIMPLY: STEAM 5 Green({\|Giant nan } SIMPLY¢STEAM. ee GREEN GIANT ‘het Peon SIMPLY STEAM EGGO SAUCED VEGETABLES WAFFLES 7-10 Oz. Box - 10.75-12.7 Oz. - Selected Varieties Selected Varieties ) ON 10 SAVE 2.74 ON YASSO ae GREEK YOGURT JIMMY DEAN SANDWICHES OR BREAKFAST SANDWICHES CRUNCH BARS 4 Count - 4 Count - Selected Varieties Selected Varieties RS a . J _ ; (ee SOD, =a Y ce apoE 5 ; Benin 1926, iq j rail gs x Q TG Ol DIV ‘K TOTINO’S ————CGODIVA PIZZA ROLLS ; ICE CREAM 15 Count - 14 Oz. - ieti / Selected Varieties TURKEY HILL i MAYFIELD PREMIUM ICE CREAM SUPER NOVELTIES 48 Oz. - 4-6 Count - Selected Varieties ’ Selected Varieties a x lornin Meng "Mornin Moning 2 FARMS BERTOLLI * MORNINGSTAR FARMS MEALS == VEGGIE CUISINE 22 Oz. - 5,.25-12 Oz. - Selected Varieties Selected Varieties VE 3.40 ea. SAVE 1.36 ON 2 GT3 FRONT

Latest weekly ads

vom ee BLUE BUNNY Sw DEVOUR ICE CREAM [ DINNER ENTREE 46-48 Oz. - 9-12 Oz. - pclected Varieties S ea ; — creef\cont Eg el SIMPLY: STEAM 5 Green({\|Giant nan } SIMPLY¢STEAM. ee GREEN GIANT ‘het Peon SIMPLY STEAM EGGO SAUCED VEGETABLES WAFFLES 7-10 Oz. Box - 10.75-12.7 Oz. - Selected Varieties Selected Varieties ) ON 10 SAVE 2.74 ON YASSO ae GREEK YOGURT JIMMY DEAN SANDWICHES OR BREAKFAST SANDWICHES CRUNCH BARS 4 Count - 4 Count - Selected Varieties Selected Varieties RS a . J _ ; (ee SOD, =a Y ce apoE 5 ; Benin 1926, iq j rail gs x Q TG Ol DIV ‘K TOTINO’S ————CGODIVA PIZZA ROLLS ; ICE CREAM 15 Count - 14 Oz. - ieti / Selected Varieties TURKEY HILL i MAYFIELD PREMIUM ICE CREAM SUPER NOVELTIES 48 Oz. - 4-6 Count - Selected Varieties ’ Selected Varieties a x lornin Meng "Mornin Moning 2 FARMS BERTOLLI * MORNINGSTAR FARMS MEALS == VEGGIE CUISINE 22 Oz. - 5,.25-12 Oz. - Selected Varieties Selected Varieties VE 3.40 ea. SAVE 1.36 ON 2 GT3 FRONT

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