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Current weekly ad Hannaford - Valid from 09/18 to 09/24 - Page nb 3

Weekly ad Hannaford 09/18/2022 - 09/24/2022


Products in this weekly ad

18.8 07 Campbell's Chunky Spicy Sirloin Burger Soup 225 the freshest fruits & veggies High in Nutrients and Bulk Z Y/ Antioxidants Gold Sweet 49575 Gs Green Seedless Potatoes or 7 e Grapes Sweet Onions 4 t > a 32 Oz Pacific Foods Swanson Organic Chicken Chicken Broth Noodle Soup Ais | Ai 199 «#8 99° URS | Bree Roiion alee) 2 3 — Granny Smith ‘ Campari Take the stress out of meal planning with Apples Tomatoes Zz , n 149° 2 99 = our wide variety of pre-cut vegetables. 16 02. Pkg. Cr 3 Lb. Bag Hannaford pe its] Sunray F Rainbow eee Mandarins Peppers sed : 399 399 4 Ct. Bag - Naturally Good Fats and Cholesterol Free Hannaford Hass Avocados B49 ix Oz. Pkg. ere eon Peace > Eierscina se CUCL) PE UU eli) Neer Cy Cyt Lag Green Beans 8-10 Oz. Pkg. - Whole or Sliced Hannaford Baby Bella Mushrooms 199 5 Lb. Bag - U.S. #1 2 Lb. Pkg. Hannaford 10 Oz. Bi-Color Maine White \ Orcas 40 Oz, Grapes Potatoes 3 ee ee x Hannaford } = Olen Wee ae acg 4 99 2 99 Eyal PT we 17 02. 5102. Select Varieties, Featuring Made Right Here So Good! So You! Hannaford CZ Immunity Probiotic Snack Cups ‘ Shot Ginger 3 MEAG MEBG PEBG 09/18/22

Latest weekly ads

18.8 07 Campbell's Chunky Spicy Sirloin Burger Soup 225 the freshest fruits & veggies High in Nutrients and Bulk Z Y/ Antioxidants Gold Sweet 49575 Gs Green Seedless Potatoes or 7 e Grapes Sweet Onions 4 t > a 32 Oz Pacific Foods Swanson Organic Chicken Chicken Broth Noodle Soup Ais | Ai 199 «#8 99° URS | Bree Roiion alee) 2 3 — Granny Smith ‘ Campari Take the stress out of meal planning with Apples Tomatoes Zz , n 149° 2 99 = our wide variety of pre-cut vegetables. 16 02. Pkg. Cr 3 Lb. Bag Hannaford pe its] Sunray F Rainbow eee Mandarins Peppers sed : 399 399 4 Ct. Bag - Naturally Good Fats and Cholesterol Free Hannaford Hass Avocados B49 ix Oz. Pkg. ere eon Peace > Eierscina se CUCL) PE UU eli) Neer Cy Cyt Lag Green Beans 8-10 Oz. Pkg. - Whole or Sliced Hannaford Baby Bella Mushrooms 199 5 Lb. Bag - U.S. #1 2 Lb. Pkg. Hannaford 10 Oz. Bi-Color Maine White \ Orcas 40 Oz, Grapes Potatoes 3 ee ee x Hannaford } = Olen Wee ae acg 4 99 2 99 Eyal PT we 17 02. 5102. Select Varieties, Featuring Made Right Here So Good! So You! Hannaford CZ Immunity Probiotic Snack Cups ‘ Shot Ginger 3 MEAG MEBG PEBG 09/18/22

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