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219-8 the iZFilgrocer Owned and Operated by Sale! PRICES EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 10TH THRU APRIL 6TH, 2023 429 fivone Re a A 99 Pasa ai ea. Broccoli Russet or White Crowns °TA Potatoes 5-Ib. Ba Pa bowl& a 49 basket. UNSALTED bowle, : basket SALTED = aurrer ‘Tropica i oretarigan® Bow & Basket nolan 52a. cont, Any Vary, Grape Butter 6102 ph, Ary ati, ‘oF Orange Excluding Top 50) ‘bk, Quarters, Sate o Usted Shedd or Chunks Tiger PUD uy Cee Ragu Spaghetti Ertl) PA Tae omit ACL pret Tt Bowl & Basket Vegetable or Canola Oil ra bowl& Ae basket. Middleswarth Potato Chips eee ecg for La iit) Berl el ty peer e 48-02, be. ‘me Bowl & Basket Coffee K-Cups Earned ete ena) Green oo A (Tole) Turkey Hill Ice Cream ‘46 to 48 - oz cont. Any Variety Sherbet Dairy Dessert (Excluding Al Natural) A 99 Pera 99 eps a 90: eer ea: basket. Bowl & Basket Fiora Paper Spring Water Towels or 24-Pack Bath Tissue 16.9.0. bis 05 6-0. tt wt ts Ger t2rale YOU ASKED, MOM LISTENED! Open 7 Days * Owned and Operated by Goiyys * South Main & Eynon 702 S. Main Ave., Scranton * Hanover Mall 2280 San Souci Pkwy, Hanover Twp. * Wyoming Avenue 2020 Wyoming Ave., Wyoming DY bled * Moosic * Meadow Ave. 320 Meadow Ave., Scranton 4015 Birney Ave., Moosic * Luzerne shopping Center 552 Union St., Luzeme We’re bringing back a lot of the items you’ve been missing... And we’re not done! © Keyser Oak shopping Center 1782 N. Keyser Ave., Scranton * Summit Square shopping Center 100 Old Lackawanna Trail, Clarks Summit * Insalaco shopping Center 801 Wyoming Ave., West Pittston ‘Sunday sales sutyct to local be laws, No sales made ta other etalrsor wholesalers. We reserve the righ to ket purchases of any sale fer to four (8) purchases, pe em, er household, per day, except where otherwise noted. Minimum or adltenal purchase requrements noted for any Advertised tem exclude the purchase of ft cards, postage stamps, money orders, mane transfers tary Sickets, bus kets, DART and Smart Care passes, as wol as milk garetts, tobacco products, alcoholic beverages or anyother tems prohibited bylaw. Only one manufacture coupon ‘may be used per tem and we reserve the right to mt manufactxe coupon redemptions to four () ential coupons per household pe day, uness otherwise noted or fuer restcted by manufacturer. Sales taxis applied tothe net retal of any scountd em or any Fresh Grocer coupon ter, We are required by aw to charge sas taxon the ful price of any item or any pot of an item hati counted with the use of a manufacturer coupon ora manufacturer sponsored (or funded) The Fresh Grocer® Price lus Cub® card oiscoxnt. Not responsible fr typographical eros. Artwork doesnot necessarily represent ems onsale; ti for display pusposes only. Copyright© Wakefer Food Carp, 2023. Al righ reserved. Digital Coupon savings can be loaded to your Price Plus® club card IN STORE atthe service desk, Kosk or contact 1-800-ShapRite 219-8
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