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Current weekly ad Fred Meyer - Valid from 09/21 to 09/27 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Fred Meyer 09/21/2022 - 09/27/2022


Products in this weekly ad

2234FMASO Apples, $2.49 Ib a le) ~ a ME rovers oeencee er is With Card Boneless Chuck Roasts oF Petite Sirloin Steaks, Value Pack ‘or Boneless Chuck Steaks for 5.47 Ib, Value Pack ‘When You Buy 4 04 31 | te With Card* | ‘or Pork Spareribs, 7 |, $1.99 Ib; Bone-in, Natural Halloween Jumbo Candy Select Varieties, 15-21.35 oz | A “Participating item selection may vary by store, ems must be purchased in the same transaction ‘with Card. Discount applied at checkout onthe item of equal or lesser value with Card. When you buy 4 or more in he same 9-13 oz oF Fritos, 9.25-10 oz or transaction with Card. Quantities less than Rold Gold Pretzels, 8.75-16 oz: ‘4 are priced up to $4.99 each with Card. 18-Pack, 12107 oF Miller or Coors, 24-Pack, 12 fl 02 or Busch, 30-Pack, 12 fi oz Bottles or Cans; Select Varieties, — ) Plus Deposit Where Applicable o With Card Coca-Cola, Pepsi or 7UP Select Varieties, 12-Pack, 12 floz Cans ¢ of, ‘or &-Pack, 12 fl oz Bottles, Plus Deposit Where Applicable 4 Pe ‘When you buy 3 or more in the same transaction with Card. Quantities less than 3 are $7.99 each. EX TolMol] Sol Rt ook MeL ao WITH DIGITAL 2 Caeteeuetamr er icen SOP SNE a os test 3/56 8 poo 249% DIGITAL COUPON OFFER .e DIGITAL COUPON OFFER y eas DIGITAL COUPON OFFER AG 2 a eae B )) ? 7 > 79 + 7 2 “— fj > ~ < - /EA* fen v2 =o 2D Doritos Post Cereal 610. Eee cciies Potato 11.14.75 02 or Mot's or Betty Crocker Fruit Kroger Sour Cream Prego or Prego PS oF Snacks, 10 ct or Keebler Cookies, 8-12.6 07; or Cottage Cheese Plus Pasta Sauce Select Varieties Select Varieties Select Varieties, 24 oz Select Varieties, 23-24 oz eee CMe ease ices ON iT Ss J = ; . WV] = Cricut Ww . Accessories a? J ( -7 & Vinyl Oo Shown: Sale 7.69-24.49 1828 09/21-09/27/2022 SOUTH:IQSCETNHMGDABRKU —s _ es q = Prices good Wednesday, September 21 through Tuesday, September 27, 2022, Most stores open daily 6am-11pm. SALE DATES: Wednesday, September 21 through | Pramacy and Jewety hours may vr pleas cal. Pces on applcabeiems donot tec the iy of Sete Sweetened Beverage Tox. ms plus depos os per he Orogon Bole Recover Act We ese the fh omit Tuesday, September 27, 2022 : cqoorieg ond coe ftied eneors fara 19} net be cvcicble ciel tom "A or Erle Sock” sca overs exclude New! Lower Pice: Low Price" and-Low Prices on Yout Fevortes" lame, Pie Blaster homes ond Clearance. SELECTION MAY VARY BY STORE, LIMITED TO STOCK ON HAND. Final savings percentages may be slightty greater than shown.

Latest weekly ads

2234FMASO Apples, $2.49 Ib a le) ~ a ME rovers oeencee er is With Card Boneless Chuck Roasts oF Petite Sirloin Steaks, Value Pack ‘or Boneless Chuck Steaks for 5.47 Ib, Value Pack ‘When You Buy 4 04 31 | te With Card* | ‘or Pork Spareribs, 7 |, $1.99 Ib; Bone-in, Natural Halloween Jumbo Candy Select Varieties, 15-21.35 oz | A “Participating item selection may vary by store, ems must be purchased in the same transaction ‘with Card. Discount applied at checkout onthe item of equal or lesser value with Card. When you buy 4 or more in he same 9-13 oz oF Fritos, 9.25-10 oz or transaction with Card. Quantities less than Rold Gold Pretzels, 8.75-16 oz: ‘4 are priced up to $4.99 each with Card. 18-Pack, 12107 oF Miller or Coors, 24-Pack, 12 fl 02 or Busch, 30-Pack, 12 fi oz Bottles or Cans; Select Varieties, — ) Plus Deposit Where Applicable o With Card Coca-Cola, Pepsi or 7UP Select Varieties, 12-Pack, 12 floz Cans ¢ of, ‘or &-Pack, 12 fl oz Bottles, Plus Deposit Where Applicable 4 Pe ‘When you buy 3 or more in the same transaction with Card. Quantities less than 3 are $7.99 each. EX TolMol] Sol Rt ook MeL ao WITH DIGITAL 2 Caeteeuetamr er icen SOP SNE a os test 3/56 8 poo 249% DIGITAL COUPON OFFER .e DIGITAL COUPON OFFER y eas DIGITAL COUPON OFFER AG 2 a eae B )) ? 7 > 79 + 7 2 “— fj > ~ < - /EA* fen v2 =o 2D Doritos Post Cereal 610. Eee cciies Potato 11.14.75 02 or Mot's or Betty Crocker Fruit Kroger Sour Cream Prego or Prego PS oF Snacks, 10 ct or Keebler Cookies, 8-12.6 07; or Cottage Cheese Plus Pasta Sauce Select Varieties Select Varieties Select Varieties, 24 oz Select Varieties, 23-24 oz eee CMe ease ices ON iT Ss J = ; . WV] = Cricut Ww . Accessories a? J ( -7 & Vinyl Oo Shown: Sale 7.69-24.49 1828 09/21-09/27/2022 SOUTH:IQSCETNHMGDABRKU —s _ es q = Prices good Wednesday, September 21 through Tuesday, September 27, 2022, Most stores open daily 6am-11pm. SALE DATES: Wednesday, September 21 through | Pramacy and Jewety hours may vr pleas cal. Pces on applcabeiems donot tec the iy of Sete Sweetened Beverage Tox. ms plus depos os per he Orogon Bole Recover Act We ese the fh omit Tuesday, September 27, 2022 : cqoorieg ond coe ftied eneors fara 19} net be cvcicble ciel tom "A or Erle Sock” sca overs exclude New! Lower Pice: Low Price" and-Low Prices on Yout Fevortes" lame, Pie Blaster homes ond Clearance. SELECTION MAY VARY BY STORE, LIMITED TO STOCK ON HAND. Final savings percentages may be slightty greater than shown.

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