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Current weekly ad Food City - Valid from 09/28 to 10/04 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Food City 09/28/2022 - 10/04/2022


Products in this weekly ad

ONAL NS baw hI FOOD CITY Epic a, OFERTAS) pe: DIAS SEPTEMBER 30, OcTOBER 1& 29 DE SEPTIEMBRE; Perales sf oa Aa 1y2pe aes bit} as aan haa Ch i) Steak or Roast Bistec 0 Pulpa de Paleta de Res ATK ae cans OTe Cd Ud Pe Tt) Lidell seg Russet Potatoes > or large. Avocados Petaloes ina5 Lb Bag, tints Brown Onions or Green Cabbage onion Ut Us Cabbage Unt? Heads i i ee AY darcy t ‘alchichas ete en) Nie ree ene FG tsquirt, RC, 7-Up, Mug, if nae nt a Ye or ree Chorizo a - aes etre , ‘ » BGoronita. oe Notrioli Soy Cooking Oil VAihe |e ge) ou Flour ‘Soya 0 Haring Dos are COL Ek Todt ei SECC MUET EA | ae store, limited to stock on hand, * Seleccion puede variar por er da Suet f) Peer Prices Effective Limit Rights Reserved. No Sales to Dealers. We Reserve the Right to Correct Printed Errors. Precios Validos 9/28 to 10/4/22 Derechos Reservados. No venta a Revendedores. Reservamos el derecho de corregir los errores de impresién. FC_092822_WC_WC01_BP.RMA,RMB,ESA,ESC,BT,BN,BO,CG

Latest weekly ads

ONAL NS baw hI FOOD CITY Epic a, OFERTAS) pe: DIAS SEPTEMBER 30, OcTOBER 1& 29 DE SEPTIEMBRE; Perales sf oa Aa 1y2pe aes bit} as aan haa Ch i) Steak or Roast Bistec 0 Pulpa de Paleta de Res ATK ae cans OTe Cd Ud Pe Tt) Lidell seg Russet Potatoes > or large. Avocados Petaloes ina5 Lb Bag, tints Brown Onions or Green Cabbage onion Ut Us Cabbage Unt? Heads i i ee AY darcy t ‘alchichas ete en) Nie ree ene FG tsquirt, RC, 7-Up, Mug, if nae nt a Ye or ree Chorizo a - aes etre , ‘ » BGoronita. oe Notrioli Soy Cooking Oil VAihe |e ge) ou Flour ‘Soya 0 Haring Dos are COL Ek Todt ei SECC MUET EA | ae store, limited to stock on hand, * Seleccion puede variar por er da Suet f) Peer Prices Effective Limit Rights Reserved. No Sales to Dealers. We Reserve the Right to Correct Printed Errors. Precios Validos 9/28 to 10/4/22 Derechos Reservados. No venta a Revendedores. Reservamos el derecho de corregir los errores de impresién. FC_092822_WC_WC01_BP.RMA,RMB,ESA,ESC,BT,BN,BO,CG

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