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Current weekly ad Farm Fresh - Labor Day - Valid from 08/31 to 09/06 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Farm Fresh 08/31/2022 - 09/06/2022


Products in this weekly ad

— ‘al elt} —- Savings Ea Be sure to check our app or for even more savings! Cantar Cut Pork Chops Fresh Bone-In Be inspired a) Hanover Red y Tomatoes 1.4 i Boneless Vine Ripe ’ Rib Eye Steaks 8 99 USDA Select Beef _ e Ib. Red Or Green Seedless Grapes Extra Large Red Ri Suarwiberries 2 57 1b. ctn, “Kellogg's pop viens Maxwell House Planters Corsi : Or Nutti Grain Bites Ground Coffee: Peanuts Selected Varieties Selected Varieties 2 Selected Varieties, Excludes Decat = Selected Varieties 10-18 oz. box : Ei7icz. box 245.30.6 oz. ctn. : 16 02. cin 2°6 2.09 te «04 Fri., Sept. 2nd, Sat., Sept. 3rd & Sun., Sept. 4th Pringles Mega Stack : International Delight Totino’s : HG@agen-Dazs Potato cases : Coffee Creamers : Pizza Rolls : Ice Cream Selected Varete 3 Selected Varieties 5 Selected Varieties : Selected Varieties 687.1 03 3 32 02. cin : 248 02. bag i 1.89 2/56 s a. 2S , : - Hellmann’s_— Kratt : Kraft : Bush’s Best ees. Sagi ceske Abia) Bee 4 39 229 APS 2,99 a a, =a a, & oe ae ‘ Sa: - : Ge © Breyers i Deer Park ; hoes Ht, Snap’d — Essential Everyday Ice Cream Spring Water Or Puff'd Apple Juice Or Cider 4 9 7 _ 288 3.29 2 aA = er ; - — f Tt = == am home - Se) | SS Cone ela Or. : _ Pepsi Products Pillsbury Toaster Studl Tropicana tena: “Kratt Crumbled, Chunk Philadelphia Seater hg Commies) OrScrambles : Or Fruit Juices - Or Sredded Cheese “Cream | Cheese 37910 2.99 26 255 257 Nl at ey 7) Not responsiole for typographical errors. Photos for tiustration only and may not be actual product. We reserve the ight to lm quantities. No sales to dealers. Not all tems availabe inal locations. 231,22 FETRA

Latest weekly ads

— ‘al elt} —- Savings Ea Be sure to check our app or for even more savings! Cantar Cut Pork Chops Fresh Bone-In Be inspired a) Hanover Red y Tomatoes 1.4 i Boneless Vine Ripe ’ Rib Eye Steaks 8 99 USDA Select Beef _ e Ib. Red Or Green Seedless Grapes Extra Large Red Ri Suarwiberries 2 57 1b. ctn, “Kellogg's pop viens Maxwell House Planters Corsi : Or Nutti Grain Bites Ground Coffee: Peanuts Selected Varieties Selected Varieties 2 Selected Varieties, Excludes Decat = Selected Varieties 10-18 oz. box : Ei7icz. box 245.30.6 oz. ctn. : 16 02. cin 2°6 2.09 te «04 Fri., Sept. 2nd, Sat., Sept. 3rd & Sun., Sept. 4th Pringles Mega Stack : International Delight Totino’s : HG@agen-Dazs Potato cases : Coffee Creamers : Pizza Rolls : Ice Cream Selected Varete 3 Selected Varieties 5 Selected Varieties : Selected Varieties 687.1 03 3 32 02. cin : 248 02. bag i 1.89 2/56 s a. 2S , : - Hellmann’s_— Kratt : Kraft : Bush’s Best ees. Sagi ceske Abia) Bee 4 39 229 APS 2,99 a a, =a a, & oe ae ‘ Sa: - : Ge © Breyers i Deer Park ; hoes Ht, Snap’d — Essential Everyday Ice Cream Spring Water Or Puff'd Apple Juice Or Cider 4 9 7 _ 288 3.29 2 aA = er ; - — f Tt = == am home - Se) | SS Cone ela Or. : _ Pepsi Products Pillsbury Toaster Studl Tropicana tena: “Kratt Crumbled, Chunk Philadelphia Seater hg Commies) OrScrambles : Or Fruit Juices - Or Sredded Cheese “Cream | Cheese 37910 2.99 26 255 257 Nl at ey 7) Not responsiole for typographical errors. Photos for tiustration only and may not be actual product. We reserve the ight to lm quantities. No sales to dealers. Not all tems availabe inal locations. 231,22 FETRA

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