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Current weekly ad Country Markets of Westchester - Valid from 10/07 to 10/13 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Country Markets of Westchester 10/07/2022 - 10/13/2022


Products in this weekly ad

SALE DATES: October 7* - October 13*, 2022 FRI SAT SUN MON 7 8 9 TUE WED THU 11 12 13 COUNTRY MARKETS OF WESTCHESTER Rao’s Pasta Sauce Bigelow Teas Asst Var Asst Var 24 oz 18-20 ct box $6.99 $3.19 Rao’s Soups Kraft Salad Dressings Asst Var Asst Var 16 oz 16 oz 2/$9.00 2/$6.00 Campbell's Chunky Soups Heinz Ketchup Asst Var 38 oz 18.6-19 oz With card 4/$8.00 limit 2 offers w/out card $3.49 must buy 4 $3.99 Lipton Tea Bags Clorox Bleach Or Organic Black Tea Asst Var 72 ct 40-43 oz $3.99 With card $2.99 _ limit 3 offers w/out card $3.99 Tide Laundry Detergent Scott Bath Tissue Asst Var 20 Rolls 2096 SQ FT 92 oz With card $12.99 limit 2 offers $16.99 w/out card $15.99 Scott Towels Poland Spring Water 24 pack / 16.9 oz bottles Sports bottles 12 pk 24 oz With card $4.99 _ limit 3 offers w/out card $5.99 15 Mega Rolls 700 SQ FT $15.99 Bumble Bee Chunk Light Tuna Oil or Water 5 0z 4/$5.00 General Mills Cereal Lucky Charms 10.5, Honey Nut Cheerios 10.8 0z, Cinnamon Toast Crunch 12 oz, Reeses Peanut Butter Puffs 11.5 oz, Cinnamon Graham Crunch 12 oz or Cinnamon Toast Crunch 10.7 oz With card $2.99 _ limit 3 offers w/out card $3.99 Kellogg’s Cereal Frosted Flakes 13.5, Raisin Asst Var Bran 16.6, Raisin Bran Crunch | 10.5-11.5 oz 15.7, Crispix 9.6 $3.99 Maxwell House Coffee | Tuttorosso Tomatoes With card $3.49 limit 2 offers w/out card $4.99 Asst Var 28 oz 2/$4.00 More Sales on the back PHOTOS ARE CURRENTLY NOT AVAILABLE. LIMITED SALE ITEMS, SUPPLIERS OUT OF STOCK. SALES ARE GOOD WHILE SUPPLIES LAST

Latest weekly ads

SALE DATES: October 7* - October 13*, 2022 FRI SAT SUN MON 7 8 9 TUE WED THU 11 12 13 COUNTRY MARKETS OF WESTCHESTER Rao’s Pasta Sauce Bigelow Teas Asst Var Asst Var 24 oz 18-20 ct box $6.99 $3.19 Rao’s Soups Kraft Salad Dressings Asst Var Asst Var 16 oz 16 oz 2/$9.00 2/$6.00 Campbell's Chunky Soups Heinz Ketchup Asst Var 38 oz 18.6-19 oz With card 4/$8.00 limit 2 offers w/out card $3.49 must buy 4 $3.99 Lipton Tea Bags Clorox Bleach Or Organic Black Tea Asst Var 72 ct 40-43 oz $3.99 With card $2.99 _ limit 3 offers w/out card $3.99 Tide Laundry Detergent Scott Bath Tissue Asst Var 20 Rolls 2096 SQ FT 92 oz With card $12.99 limit 2 offers $16.99 w/out card $15.99 Scott Towels Poland Spring Water 24 pack / 16.9 oz bottles Sports bottles 12 pk 24 oz With card $4.99 _ limit 3 offers w/out card $5.99 15 Mega Rolls 700 SQ FT $15.99 Bumble Bee Chunk Light Tuna Oil or Water 5 0z 4/$5.00 General Mills Cereal Lucky Charms 10.5, Honey Nut Cheerios 10.8 0z, Cinnamon Toast Crunch 12 oz, Reeses Peanut Butter Puffs 11.5 oz, Cinnamon Graham Crunch 12 oz or Cinnamon Toast Crunch 10.7 oz With card $2.99 _ limit 3 offers w/out card $3.99 Kellogg’s Cereal Frosted Flakes 13.5, Raisin Asst Var Bran 16.6, Raisin Bran Crunch | 10.5-11.5 oz 15.7, Crispix 9.6 $3.99 Maxwell House Coffee | Tuttorosso Tomatoes With card $3.49 limit 2 offers w/out card $4.99 Asst Var 28 oz 2/$4.00 More Sales on the back PHOTOS ARE CURRENTLY NOT AVAILABLE. LIMITED SALE ITEMS, SUPPLIERS OUT OF STOCK. SALES ARE GOOD WHILE SUPPLIES LAST

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