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Current weekly ad Coastal Farm - Christmas 2024 - Valid from 12/11 to 12/17 - Page nb 7

Weekly ad Coastal Farm 12/11/2024 - 12/17/2024


Products in this weekly ad

Country ——_ Companion j = SSE COUNTRY COMPANION = Country Companion Scratch Block Country Companion Dried Mealworms LAYER PELLET OR CRUMBLE 71 bb, SKU: 324006 REG 16.99 lb. SKU: 1374183 REG 44.99 ‘SKU: 324922, 324923 (uN PL PY OKBRAND EVERYDAY LOW PRICE A. . Red Barn Max Stall Mat OK Brand 2-Point Barbed Wire Nutrena NatureWise 15% Premium Nutrena Wet or Dry C.0.B. Feed 4'x6'x3/4". SKU: 6821001 1320'. 12.5 gouge. SKU: 3274001 REG 109.99 Rabbit Pellets 40 Ib. SKU: 324008 50 bb. SKU: 324004, 324213 OK Brand Cattle Panel 50"x16. 10 line. SKU: 3274120 REG 29.99 TARTER = Y POWDER ie & WRIVER Powder Creek 12' Panel with Pin & Clip Connection 6 roll. SKU: 2833126 REG 149.99 Tarter 12’ American Panel 6 bors. SKU: 3299005 REG 149.99 nme — OYirit your local COASTAL STORE 9 mm mmmmmmmmmm [7 JUST WHAT THE COUNTRY NEEDS” Stores in WASHINGTON | OREGON

Latest weekly ads

Country ——_ Companion j = SSE COUNTRY COMPANION = Country Companion Scratch Block Country Companion Dried Mealworms LAYER PELLET OR CRUMBLE 71 bb, SKU: 324006 REG 16.99 lb. SKU: 1374183 REG 44.99 ‘SKU: 324922, 324923 (uN PL PY OKBRAND EVERYDAY LOW PRICE A. . Red Barn Max Stall Mat OK Brand 2-Point Barbed Wire Nutrena NatureWise 15% Premium Nutrena Wet or Dry C.0.B. Feed 4'x6'x3/4". SKU: 6821001 1320'. 12.5 gouge. SKU: 3274001 REG 109.99 Rabbit Pellets 40 Ib. SKU: 324008 50 bb. SKU: 324004, 324213 OK Brand Cattle Panel 50"x16. 10 line. SKU: 3274120 REG 29.99 TARTER = Y POWDER ie & WRIVER Powder Creek 12' Panel with Pin & Clip Connection 6 roll. SKU: 2833126 REG 149.99 Tarter 12’ American Panel 6 bors. SKU: 3299005 REG 149.99 nme — OYirit your local COASTAL STORE 9 mm mmmmmmmmmm [7 JUST WHAT THE COUNTRY NEEDS” Stores in WASHINGTON | OREGON

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