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Current weekly ad Buehler's Fresh Food - Easter 2023 - Valid from 04/05 to 04/11 - Page nb 3

Weekly ad Buehler's Fresh Food 04/05/2023 - 04/11/2023


Products in this weekly ad

CA EE er Dole Family Pack Garden Salad 24 oz. bag or Spinach 8 oz. bag 2.5. Kiln Dried ¢ | Brussels S¥4Q | Sweet ¢ (OF Fresh Yams 7 9°. Sprouts | b= | Onions 99%. Marzeti Premium aA se ge M3 qa Fresh ; Wivin Green Beans Whole Caps or Sliced es Ky Z English Cucumbers ", Se ete 2S storms 9.53 GN California Navel Whole Seedless $69 Watermelon Oranges cut halves or quarters, 99¢ Ib. Alb. bag al . Cosmic Apples o 5 lb. bag, Washington State $499 5 Red Raspberries Mixed Fruit Cups or Blackberries #4 or Bowls 6 0z. pkg cut fresh daily! Red or Green 99 99 Seedless cel ibm 52 = 34 ibm Organic Organic Peeled Celery Hearts 4 . Baby Carrots . bag, “aN ib. bag, ea Cited y , x J Usp Cored 5999 599 Tulips 10 stem bunch Daffodils 10 stem bunch Easter Lilies staring at satel i Pall $979 sy” daffodils or hyacinths Russell Stover Chocolate Covered Eggs sy9 1.3 oz. Little Jelly Bean _ Mini Flower “BS Pastel Spider Aramsemetls Mum & Daisies $79 $89 8 stem bunch ey. Spring Blessings Bouquet $9 299 Easter Egg Pot Mums S ] 999 14 stem bunch 6 inch pot . ) Mix or Match! Golden Bakery Fresh Strawberry Pie ! or Wheat Bakery Over a pound of plump, ripe Bakery Mini Di Rall strawberries piled high in : inner Rolls Sr Craonened Glace White Bread 6 pk. $999 $969 $929 > We La Easter Egg Cakes Whole Danish exwerti Noel moist egg shaped Carrot Cupcake of the Month Strudel Ser Ae cakes enrobbed with Moist carrot cupcake topped with tru fe a CO yer chocolate or colored our own homemade pineapple assorted varieties ae icing & beautifully buttercream icing. =a decorated for Easter Act. pkg. 4 $799 half size, $4.99 w/cord 5999 56... or 2 ct. pkg., $3.49

Latest weekly ads

CA EE er Dole Family Pack Garden Salad 24 oz. bag or Spinach 8 oz. bag 2.5. Kiln Dried ¢ | Brussels S¥4Q | Sweet ¢ (OF Fresh Yams 7 9°. Sprouts | b= | Onions 99%. Marzeti Premium aA se ge M3 qa Fresh ; Wivin Green Beans Whole Caps or Sliced es Ky Z English Cucumbers ", Se ete 2S storms 9.53 GN California Navel Whole Seedless $69 Watermelon Oranges cut halves or quarters, 99¢ Ib. Alb. bag al . Cosmic Apples o 5 lb. bag, Washington State $499 5 Red Raspberries Mixed Fruit Cups or Blackberries #4 or Bowls 6 0z. pkg cut fresh daily! Red or Green 99 99 Seedless cel ibm 52 = 34 ibm Organic Organic Peeled Celery Hearts 4 . Baby Carrots . bag, “aN ib. bag, ea Cited y , x J Usp Cored 5999 599 Tulips 10 stem bunch Daffodils 10 stem bunch Easter Lilies staring at satel i Pall $979 sy” daffodils or hyacinths Russell Stover Chocolate Covered Eggs sy9 1.3 oz. Little Jelly Bean _ Mini Flower “BS Pastel Spider Aramsemetls Mum & Daisies $79 $89 8 stem bunch ey. Spring Blessings Bouquet $9 299 Easter Egg Pot Mums S ] 999 14 stem bunch 6 inch pot . ) Mix or Match! Golden Bakery Fresh Strawberry Pie ! or Wheat Bakery Over a pound of plump, ripe Bakery Mini Di Rall strawberries piled high in : inner Rolls Sr Craonened Glace White Bread 6 pk. $999 $969 $929 > We La Easter Egg Cakes Whole Danish exwerti Noel moist egg shaped Carrot Cupcake of the Month Strudel Ser Ae cakes enrobbed with Moist carrot cupcake topped with tru fe a CO yer chocolate or colored our own homemade pineapple assorted varieties ae icing & beautifully buttercream icing. =a decorated for Easter Act. pkg. 4 $799 half size, $4.99 w/cord 5999 56... or 2 ct. pkg., $3.49

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