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Current weekly ad Menards - Valid from 10/06 to 10/16 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Menards 10/06/2022 - 10/16/2022


Products in this weekly ad

SPOOKY! > - . 2-Pack LED Flicker Flame Light Bulbs * Look of a real flame ‘© Switch from realistic flame effect, pulse, or steady light in one bulb * See flicker flame effect in action on ‘® 359-9967 Up itr sod separate SALE PRICE Regular Pumpkin * Great for carving 2102 SALE PRICE 673 2-Pack Hand Warmers ‘* Up to 8 hours of heat 255-2855 Ce 0.55 aT FOR —_-. TRIG OR TREATING! Stack levels on seasonal items can change | before the items you love are cote \ARRRRRERRERREERED LOLOL LLL LLL LLL LLL LOLOL LLL LOL co Dine bare! Wild Bird Food “0: ‘© Contains high-quality cracked corn, milo, millet, and ‘sunflower 266-1340 SALEPRICE 15.72 iD ——~Foam Sealant one OUT! Gaps & Cracks © Fills gaps up to 1" and seals out drafts, moisture, and pests ‘ Bonds to wood, metal, stone, brick, and PVC: sees ect my RICE 673 * 48" Driveway Marker © Reflective Yellow or Orange © Highly visible at night and in bad weather 216-256, 801 PRICE 0.99 11% OFF it EVERYTHING! ~YoctoBER 678 9 10 11 12 13 1415 Water Softener Pellets Rust Defense™ * Helps improve the | taste of your water |» Extends the life of your | appliances 180-2037 Rmorton | ‘& Mail-in Rebate. Rebate is in form of merchandise credit check. See page 15 for more information. YOUR CHOICE PRICE. 8.98 White Ceramic Wall Tile. 2c | MOnawK par caio the Stor [ ° 4-1/4 x 4-1/4 PRICE 015 | Here’s the Sey 735-0400 W%0Fe _ 0.02 | ur fan supplier cranked out ans | sa tat that they frac to stop and | veri ther warehouse Ral | than sitting on them tne ceummer, we snatched them UP | for pennies on the dolar. These fans are so handy you can clip ‘them anywhere! Clip one yur bedroom, bathroom. dorm room, or office! Heck, at this price, you cam clip fan anywhere YOu : RODENT REPELUENT I Saez want! Hurry in before OUF ‘warehouse is empty! be 4-Pack Rodent 20' Repellent Extension ches xis: Cord * Great for cabins, * indoor/outdoor use SALE FRICE bel a Js, basements, S 1% ery SS es a ted © Lasts up to z 370-0103, 1900, = 30 days 1903, 1906 T 20-1000 yay

Latest weekly ads

SPOOKY! > - . 2-Pack LED Flicker Flame Light Bulbs * Look of a real flame ‘© Switch from realistic flame effect, pulse, or steady light in one bulb * See flicker flame effect in action on ‘® 359-9967 Up itr sod separate SALE PRICE Regular Pumpkin * Great for carving 2102 SALE PRICE 673 2-Pack Hand Warmers ‘* Up to 8 hours of heat 255-2855 Ce 0.55 aT FOR —_-. TRIG OR TREATING! Stack levels on seasonal items can change | before the items you love are cote \ARRRRRERRERREERED LOLOL LLL LLL LLL LLL LOLOL LLL LOL co Dine bare! Wild Bird Food “0: ‘© Contains high-quality cracked corn, milo, millet, and ‘sunflower 266-1340 SALEPRICE 15.72 iD ——~Foam Sealant one OUT! Gaps & Cracks © Fills gaps up to 1" and seals out drafts, moisture, and pests ‘ Bonds to wood, metal, stone, brick, and PVC: sees ect my RICE 673 * 48" Driveway Marker © Reflective Yellow or Orange © Highly visible at night and in bad weather 216-256, 801 PRICE 0.99 11% OFF it EVERYTHING! ~YoctoBER 678 9 10 11 12 13 1415 Water Softener Pellets Rust Defense™ * Helps improve the | taste of your water |» Extends the life of your | appliances 180-2037 Rmorton | ‘& Mail-in Rebate. Rebate is in form of merchandise credit check. See page 15 for more information. YOUR CHOICE PRICE. 8.98 White Ceramic Wall Tile. 2c | MOnawK par caio the Stor [ ° 4-1/4 x 4-1/4 PRICE 015 | Here’s the Sey 735-0400 W%0Fe _ 0.02 | ur fan supplier cranked out ans | sa tat that they frac to stop and | veri ther warehouse Ral | than sitting on them tne ceummer, we snatched them UP | for pennies on the dolar. These fans are so handy you can clip ‘them anywhere! Clip one yur bedroom, bathroom. dorm room, or office! Heck, at this price, you cam clip fan anywhere YOu : RODENT REPELUENT I Saez want! Hurry in before OUF ‘warehouse is empty! be 4-Pack Rodent 20' Repellent Extension ches xis: Cord * Great for cabins, * indoor/outdoor use SALE FRICE bel a Js, basements, S 1% ery SS es a ted © Lasts up to z 370-0103, 1900, = 30 days 1903, 1906 T 20-1000 yay

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