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Current weekly ad Lunardi's Market - Valid from 07/12 to 07/18 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Lunardi's Market 07/12/2022 - 07/18/2022


Products in this weekly ad

Quite simply ... the best! SEEDLESS WATERMELON CORN resh. ew crop. Locally grown. anta Clara alley. Y ELLOW or WHITE. ery plump, sweet ernels. Tender ears. T . antastic for wee end coo outs. 79 ¢ Ea. $ 499 ORGANIC SEEDLESS GRAPES 379 ORGANIC YELLOW OR WHITE PEACHES 29 4 Beautiful crop! ery sweet, plump berries. famous uality. O . Clamshells Ea. ipened on the tree for pea flavor. ucculent, intensely sweet meat. Certified Organic. Lb. ed, ripe. Beautiful crop! ery sweet, plump berries. famous uality. eaping full int bas et. 26 99 3 99 9 99 3 $ New Crop. Lunch Box size. Tree ripened beauties. ull blush color. ucculent, sweet meat. !!!! YELLOW OR WHITE PEACHES BLUEBERRIES, BLACKBERRIES OR RASPBERRIES ew crop! Bursting with flavor! Our berries are very tangy sweet. uperb as a uic and easy dessert. O . Bas ets. BING CHERRIES umbo. ew crop. ipened on the tree for pea flavor. Bursting with sweetness. “Bet you can’t eat ust one!” APRICOTS New crop. Northwest. Outstanding color! elicious flavor. ipened on the tree for pea flavor. s sweet as sugar! San Jose New Crop. Lunch Box size. Tree ripened beauties. ull blush color. ucculent, sweet, yellow meat. !!!! Ea. SEEDLESS GRAPES RED or G REEN. New Crop.Vine ripened, very sweet clusters. lump, flavorful globes. Crunchy te ture. ensational served with your favorite holiday wine and cheese. Lb. Lb. MELON SALE our Choice of HONEY DEW, G ALIA or O . ssorted ariety melons. ll thic , very sweet meat. ea of the season! reat added to fruit salads. !!! 2 99 2 79 3 49 1 Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. Belmont San Jose San Bruno 4650 Meridian 2801 San Bruno Avenue (Bascom Ave. & Union Ave.) (at Ralston Avenue) Open 7:30 AM - 8 PM Daily Carlmont Village Phone: (650) 591-5768 (at Branham Lane) Open 7:30 AM - 8 PM Daily Meridian Park Plaza Phone: (408) 265-9101 (corner of San Bruno & Skyline Blvd.) Open 7 AM - 8 PM Daily Phone: (650) 952-2851 Open 7am Daily All Lunardi’s stores accept the following: Grab these great ad specials on in store purchases only. Locally grown. reshly cleaned and trimmed everyday! antastic for your favorite wee end salads. Ea. Locally grown. weet, solid stic s. reat added to stews. ull, delicious bunches. Certified Organic. X-LARGE HASS AVOCADOS New Crop. 4 0 size. ery rich flavor. ipe, creamy te ture. antastic for wee end salads. LONG GREEN ASPARAGUS L 25 99 4 $ 25 29 3 F O R $ . ll green. olid, yet tender spears. airs well with your favorite entr e. a es an elegant wee end side dish. !!! BABY BROCCOLINI arm fresh. reshly trimmed. weet. Large, LL, LL, B C !!!!!!! agnificent saut ed with talian sausage. RED BELL PEPPERS Lb. F O R ew Crop, large si e. Crisp, all solid, thic walled. Outstanding for stir frying, stuffing or added to salads. Lb. Ea. WALLA WALLA SWEET ONIONS Lb. BEEFSTEAK TOMATOES ed, ripe. tra fancy, large si e, solid beauties. “ meal in itself!” Lb. PERSIAN CUCUMBERS LARG E SIZ E. o bitter aftertaste! Lb. FRESH EXPRESS CHOPPED KIT SALADS To Open 6am Daily ATM Los Gatos 720 Blossom Hill Road (at Los Gatos Blvd.) Open 7:00 AM - 8 PM Daily Kings Court Shopping Center Phone: (408) 358-1731 O . Open 7am Daily Walnut Creek Burlingame 1600 Palos Verdes Mall 1825 El Camino Real (at Trousdale Drive) Open 7:30 AM - 8 PM Daily Burlingame Plaza Phone: (650) 697-5306 (Geary & Pleasant Hill Road) Open 7:00 AM - 8 PM Daily Phone: (925) 939-6477 Open 6am Daily Open 6am Daily 1 39 2 39 2 69 4 99 ew crop. ild, subtly sweet flavor. reat added to ummer salads. elicious sliced atop burgers. Ea. Specials Effective: Tuesday, July 12 Through Monday, July 18, 2022 1085 Alameda de las Pulgas Phone: (408) 377-6661 Ea. ORGANIC BUNCH CARROTS 29 2666 S. Bascom Ave. Open 7 AM - 8 PM Daily 499 199 199 California Grown. Beautiful color! weet. olid with a very full “tomato” flavor. erfect for gourmet salads. Certified Organic. ssorted arieties. int Bas et. ORGANIC RED OR GREEN LEAF LETTUCE Lb. YELLOW OR WHITE NECTARINES Ea. ORGANIC RED CHERRY TOMATOES RED or G REEN. ine ripened very sweet clusters. lump, flavorful globes. Crunchy te ture. ensational served with your favorite holiday wine and cheese. F O R 5 27 F O R !!! 99 JUMBO 9 size. New Crop. Westside. ery sweet, thic meat. LL COLO . uperb served with prosciutto. !!! ORGANIC STRAWBERRIES STRAWBERRIES Whole. Red, ripe. uby red, crac lin’ sweet. ll the taste without all the seeds! JUMBO CANTALOUPE Danville 345 Railroad Ave. Open 7:00 AM - 8 PM Daily Phone: (925) 855-8920 Open 6am Daily Visit us on the web at Lunardi’s 7/12/2022 - Page 1

Latest weekly ads

Quite simply ... the best! SEEDLESS WATERMELON CORN resh. ew crop. Locally grown. anta Clara alley. Y ELLOW or WHITE. ery plump, sweet ernels. Tender ears. T . antastic for wee end coo outs. 79 ¢ Ea. $ 499 ORGANIC SEEDLESS GRAPES 379 ORGANIC YELLOW OR WHITE PEACHES 29 4 Beautiful crop! ery sweet, plump berries. famous uality. O . Clamshells Ea. ipened on the tree for pea flavor. ucculent, intensely sweet meat. Certified Organic. Lb. ed, ripe. Beautiful crop! ery sweet, plump berries. famous uality. eaping full int bas et. 26 99 3 99 9 99 3 $ New Crop. Lunch Box size. Tree ripened beauties. ull blush color. ucculent, sweet meat. !!!! YELLOW OR WHITE PEACHES BLUEBERRIES, BLACKBERRIES OR RASPBERRIES ew crop! Bursting with flavor! Our berries are very tangy sweet. uperb as a uic and easy dessert. O . Bas ets. BING CHERRIES umbo. ew crop. ipened on the tree for pea flavor. Bursting with sweetness. “Bet you can’t eat ust one!” APRICOTS New crop. Northwest. Outstanding color! elicious flavor. ipened on the tree for pea flavor. s sweet as sugar! San Jose New Crop. Lunch Box size. Tree ripened beauties. ull blush color. ucculent, sweet, yellow meat. !!!! Ea. SEEDLESS GRAPES RED or G REEN. New Crop.Vine ripened, very sweet clusters. lump, flavorful globes. Crunchy te ture. ensational served with your favorite holiday wine and cheese. Lb. Lb. MELON SALE our Choice of HONEY DEW, G ALIA or O . ssorted ariety melons. ll thic , very sweet meat. ea of the season! reat added to fruit salads. !!! 2 99 2 79 3 49 1 Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. Belmont San Jose San Bruno 4650 Meridian 2801 San Bruno Avenue (Bascom Ave. & Union Ave.) (at Ralston Avenue) Open 7:30 AM - 8 PM Daily Carlmont Village Phone: (650) 591-5768 (at Branham Lane) Open 7:30 AM - 8 PM Daily Meridian Park Plaza Phone: (408) 265-9101 (corner of San Bruno & Skyline Blvd.) Open 7 AM - 8 PM Daily Phone: (650) 952-2851 Open 7am Daily All Lunardi’s stores accept the following: Grab these great ad specials on in store purchases only. Locally grown. reshly cleaned and trimmed everyday! antastic for your favorite wee end salads. Ea. Locally grown. weet, solid stic s. reat added to stews. ull, delicious bunches. Certified Organic. X-LARGE HASS AVOCADOS New Crop. 4 0 size. ery rich flavor. ipe, creamy te ture. antastic for wee end salads. LONG GREEN ASPARAGUS L 25 99 4 $ 25 29 3 F O R $ . ll green. olid, yet tender spears. airs well with your favorite entr e. a es an elegant wee end side dish. !!! BABY BROCCOLINI arm fresh. reshly trimmed. weet. Large, LL, LL, B C !!!!!!! agnificent saut ed with talian sausage. RED BELL PEPPERS Lb. F O R ew Crop, large si e. Crisp, all solid, thic walled. Outstanding for stir frying, stuffing or added to salads. Lb. Ea. WALLA WALLA SWEET ONIONS Lb. BEEFSTEAK TOMATOES ed, ripe. tra fancy, large si e, solid beauties. “ meal in itself!” Lb. PERSIAN CUCUMBERS LARG E SIZ E. o bitter aftertaste! Lb. FRESH EXPRESS CHOPPED KIT SALADS To Open 6am Daily ATM Los Gatos 720 Blossom Hill Road (at Los Gatos Blvd.) Open 7:00 AM - 8 PM Daily Kings Court Shopping Center Phone: (408) 358-1731 O . Open 7am Daily Walnut Creek Burlingame 1600 Palos Verdes Mall 1825 El Camino Real (at Trousdale Drive) Open 7:30 AM - 8 PM Daily Burlingame Plaza Phone: (650) 697-5306 (Geary & Pleasant Hill Road) Open 7:00 AM - 8 PM Daily Phone: (925) 939-6477 Open 6am Daily Open 6am Daily 1 39 2 39 2 69 4 99 ew crop. ild, subtly sweet flavor. reat added to ummer salads. elicious sliced atop burgers. Ea. Specials Effective: Tuesday, July 12 Through Monday, July 18, 2022 1085 Alameda de las Pulgas Phone: (408) 377-6661 Ea. ORGANIC BUNCH CARROTS 29 2666 S. Bascom Ave. Open 7 AM - 8 PM Daily 499 199 199 California Grown. Beautiful color! weet. olid with a very full “tomato” flavor. erfect for gourmet salads. Certified Organic. ssorted arieties. int Bas et. ORGANIC RED OR GREEN LEAF LETTUCE Lb. YELLOW OR WHITE NECTARINES Ea. ORGANIC RED CHERRY TOMATOES RED or G REEN. ine ripened very sweet clusters. lump, flavorful globes. Crunchy te ture. ensational served with your favorite holiday wine and cheese. F O R 5 27 F O R !!! 99 JUMBO 9 size. New Crop. Westside. ery sweet, thic meat. LL COLO . uperb served with prosciutto. !!! ORGANIC STRAWBERRIES STRAWBERRIES Whole. Red, ripe. uby red, crac lin’ sweet. ll the taste without all the seeds! JUMBO CANTALOUPE Danville 345 Railroad Ave. Open 7:00 AM - 8 PM Daily Phone: (925) 855-8920 Open 6am Daily Visit us on the web at Lunardi’s 7/12/2022 - Page 1

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