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Current weekly ad Lowes Foods - Valid from 12/14 to 12/20 - Page nb 8

Weekly ad Lowes Foods 12/14/2021 - 12/20/2021


Products in this weekly ad

Nature's Own 100% Whole Wheat Bread 2000 ae Borden Singles elected 202 256 Hellmann's Real Mayonnaise Lantana Hummus selected or Row ounoeu El Monterey Signature Entrees selected 8-10.25 2 LUMI 4 DIGITAL COUPONS sauepace 2/86 | mR | Not an UUiwo | FINALPRICE GRANT YOUR SAND-WI Se. Deluxe Ham >» Gold Labet 7 ported Swiss Cheese WHERE NMLABLE rougun oe (2.49. , ‘Sandwich ‘Sub Kits ‘aleted 2.02 ‘uM 1IGmAL COUPON | SALE Pace 1. 99 cs Starkist be Chunk Light Mozzarella Se Tuna or Tuna Cheese, String Creations Cheese or Sticks Short Cuts see a sons ae ca 2339 49 257 Kidfresh Entrees sleted 63-725 02 {Ur 4 167 caUPoKs Pretzel . 5 = Hamburger i Bunsor cxstemare | SAEPICE 287 Sub Rolls Atkins Natural Plates = (aig) — as: Entrees EE or P3 Portable yale nouam sete Protein Packs | — 56-S0r selected 32-3302 © /' |rinaerice (2! 258 256 6A 091422

Latest weekly ads

Nature's Own 100% Whole Wheat Bread 2000 ae Borden Singles elected 202 256 Hellmann's Real Mayonnaise Lantana Hummus selected or Row ounoeu El Monterey Signature Entrees selected 8-10.25 2 LUMI 4 DIGITAL COUPONS sauepace 2/86 | mR | Not an UUiwo | FINALPRICE GRANT YOUR SAND-WI Se. Deluxe Ham >» Gold Labet 7 ported Swiss Cheese WHERE NMLABLE rougun oe (2.49. , ‘Sandwich ‘Sub Kits ‘aleted 2.02 ‘uM 1IGmAL COUPON | SALE Pace 1. 99 cs Starkist be Chunk Light Mozzarella Se Tuna or Tuna Cheese, String Creations Cheese or Sticks Short Cuts see a sons ae ca 2339 49 257 Kidfresh Entrees sleted 63-725 02 {Ur 4 167 caUPoKs Pretzel . 5 = Hamburger i Bunsor cxstemare | SAEPICE 287 Sub Rolls Atkins Natural Plates = (aig) — as: Entrees EE or P3 Portable yale nouam sete Protein Packs | — 56-S0r selected 32-3302 © /' |rinaerice (2! 258 256 6A 091422

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