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Current weekly ad Harvey's Supermarkets - Valid from 12/18 to 12/24 - Page nb 12

Weekly ad Harvey's Supermarkets 12/18/2024 - 12/24/2024


Products in this weekly ad

Fresh produce =o 68! $. QB, Btwederries, Blackberries or Raspberries 6 oz €3 Save upto $2.01 Save Yellow or Zucchini Squash, Green 68 Snap Beans or Vine Ripe Tomatoes ga ee. 4 Bunch or Cauliflower 3b Bag Sunkist Navel Oranges ferhepiee 9 3° ‘seeeeees we y ¥ » _ Green or Red 4 iy” Seediess Grapes ings Buy 1 Get 1 FREE 19 Sunkist Lemons PerbageSave7ic | with our store brands SE Grocers Pineapple Chunks oo. * = 7 7 = rm Be a a a Je henenmenernnow iss Sacre) aemcee nen es ae eee | erent eccrsen : rots ce ta mectentens pa RO-TEL Hunt's Tomatoes or Tomato Sauce 28-29 02 or Rotel 28 = ne Know & Love Frozen Fruit 1607 wewpto$2. 5 $HPU4B 21 7UP, Diet Rite or VJ « = fe ool } 5 W as cal “irs é ad SE Grocers Premium Orange Juice 6 Pk Blue Moon, Cayman Jack, (24 Pk Michelob Ultra: Barefoot or a sevens test.o1 Smirnoff lee or Angry Orchard i!-!202 | 12 or cans 084.01 Sereuptosiaot SE Grocers Natural Sliced Cheese 66-802 or fresh shredded parmesan Sor Savewpte $3.01 12Pk Corona, Heineken, Modeloor | 12 Pk Busch, Miller High Life or 20 Pacifi feehouse 12 0: 750mt a $8 pte $3.or Seve up te $2.01 ene ; s All prices valid with Rewards) | Seniors save 5% every Tuesday eee CL ar: LA EL. ‘Quantity rights reserved. None sold to dealers. ‘ 2 " Wogeay ‘antcctine Prices and items good in the following Georgia Location: De gusiopas weer nes es Copeman Agate ‘Augusta: 1631 Gordon Mwy mek soonest mao sey geome tereom = en 4 RANE 6 wise comme

Latest weekly ads

Fresh produce =o 68! $. QB, Btwederries, Blackberries or Raspberries 6 oz €3 Save upto $2.01 Save Yellow or Zucchini Squash, Green 68 Snap Beans or Vine Ripe Tomatoes ga ee. 4 Bunch or Cauliflower 3b Bag Sunkist Navel Oranges ferhepiee 9 3° ‘seeeeees we y ¥ » _ Green or Red 4 iy” Seediess Grapes ings Buy 1 Get 1 FREE 19 Sunkist Lemons PerbageSave7ic | with our store brands SE Grocers Pineapple Chunks oo. * = 7 7 = rm Be a a a Je henenmenernnow iss Sacre) aemcee nen es ae eee | erent eccrsen : rots ce ta mectentens pa RO-TEL Hunt's Tomatoes or Tomato Sauce 28-29 02 or Rotel 28 = ne Know & Love Frozen Fruit 1607 wewpto$2. 5 $HPU4B 21 7UP, Diet Rite or VJ « = fe ool } 5 W as cal “irs é ad SE Grocers Premium Orange Juice 6 Pk Blue Moon, Cayman Jack, (24 Pk Michelob Ultra: Barefoot or a sevens test.o1 Smirnoff lee or Angry Orchard i!-!202 | 12 or cans 084.01 Sereuptosiaot SE Grocers Natural Sliced Cheese 66-802 or fresh shredded parmesan Sor Savewpte $3.01 12Pk Corona, Heineken, Modeloor | 12 Pk Busch, Miller High Life or 20 Pacifi feehouse 12 0: 750mt a $8 pte $3.or Seve up te $2.01 ene ; s All prices valid with Rewards) | Seniors save 5% every Tuesday eee CL ar: LA EL. ‘Quantity rights reserved. None sold to dealers. ‘ 2 " Wogeay ‘antcctine Prices and items good in the following Georgia Location: De gusiopas weer nes es Copeman Agate ‘Augusta: 1631 Gordon Mwy mek soonest mao sey geome tereom = en 4 RANE 6 wise comme

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