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Current weekly ad Haggen - Christmas 2024 - Valid from 12/04 to 12/10 - Page nb 3

Weekly ad Haggen 12/04/2024 - 12/10/2024


Products in this weekly ad

— en EO EO Alden’s Organic = Frigo CheeseHeads Land 0° Frost ItalPizza Italian Ice Cream 4th & Heart $ 99 String Cheese $ 49 ieee Lunch Meat $ 49 Wood Fired Pizza $ 99 EUGENE, OR $ 99 Ghee Butter e EA EA w EA EA Br © Selected Vanities Selected Vaneties Sexcted Vat A artes 15 Quarts Selected Varieties Tillamook ps soa 2/Sh mu Sour Cream 2/85 16.02 © Selected Varieties Sencled Vries Nick's Swedish-Style Light Ice Cream $598 1 EA Chobani 10/849 Greek Yogurt 5.3.02 © Selected Varieties $g99 ae $99 item = $399 Selected Varieties Pressed Cold-Pressed Juice Oikos Triple Z our Yogurt RY) 89 orn Yogut ‘a "y Ss] Sects Vitis Sete Vets Scott & Jon’s shrimp Bont $499 Devour Entrée $399 $12 896a Selected Varieties Selected Variebes ——o Jeoomer — =F ath i NL, Nancy , o> ‘be = he = Cream Cheese Parmesan Cheese 960 Box © Selected Varieties 502 Selected Varieties Selected Vari SE Nancy's Probiotic $399 Polly-0 $399 = $599 City Neils $gs9 fears $499 Selected Variebes —— Penelope | 2 Toasted Straight Bourbon Whiskey Kahlia or Laphroaig Coffee Liqueur Islay Single Malt * or Chopin mee Whiskey api oe Vodka 12-Pack Sierra Nevada 6-Pack Icicle 4-Pack 2 Towns Ciderhouse Sule artes Sect Vets or Bale Breaker Brewing Company Hard Cider Brewing Co, $499 or Reuben’s Brews $4999 « Peis coonais $4.99 $7439 $9339 202 FA EA nt Cans Selected Vaneties A | Selected Varieties Tide Liquid Laundry Detergent or PODS, or Downy Unstopables In-Wash Scent Booster or Rinse & Refresh Signature Select fhe Same 00 tahun ON OFF. Bat 41% OFF REGULAR PRICE | 0.5-16.0r« Selected Varieties REGULAR PRICE Ziploc Storage sm or Freezer jer Fetters 1 Seal Top Bags *, 14-24 Count ( Cor Selected Vaneties $49 Full Moon Dog Treats sq 293 ii aoe els 1 is + OFF 14-16 oe « Selected Varieties 7 © Selected Varieties, REGULAR PRICE ae

Latest weekly ads

— en EO EO Alden’s Organic = Frigo CheeseHeads Land 0° Frost ItalPizza Italian Ice Cream 4th & Heart $ 99 String Cheese $ 49 ieee Lunch Meat $ 49 Wood Fired Pizza $ 99 EUGENE, OR $ 99 Ghee Butter e EA EA w EA EA Br © Selected Vanities Selected Vaneties Sexcted Vat A artes 15 Quarts Selected Varieties Tillamook ps soa 2/Sh mu Sour Cream 2/85 16.02 © Selected Varieties Sencled Vries Nick's Swedish-Style Light Ice Cream $598 1 EA Chobani 10/849 Greek Yogurt 5.3.02 © Selected Varieties $g99 ae $99 item = $399 Selected Varieties Pressed Cold-Pressed Juice Oikos Triple Z our Yogurt RY) 89 orn Yogut ‘a "y Ss] Sects Vitis Sete Vets Scott & Jon’s shrimp Bont $499 Devour Entrée $399 $12 896a Selected Varieties Selected Variebes ——o Jeoomer — =F ath i NL, Nancy , o> ‘be = he = Cream Cheese Parmesan Cheese 960 Box © Selected Varieties 502 Selected Varieties Selected Vari SE Nancy's Probiotic $399 Polly-0 $399 = $599 City Neils $gs9 fears $499 Selected Variebes —— Penelope | 2 Toasted Straight Bourbon Whiskey Kahlia or Laphroaig Coffee Liqueur Islay Single Malt * or Chopin mee Whiskey api oe Vodka 12-Pack Sierra Nevada 6-Pack Icicle 4-Pack 2 Towns Ciderhouse Sule artes Sect Vets or Bale Breaker Brewing Company Hard Cider Brewing Co, $499 or Reuben’s Brews $4999 « Peis coonais $4.99 $7439 $9339 202 FA EA nt Cans Selected Vaneties A | Selected Varieties Tide Liquid Laundry Detergent or PODS, or Downy Unstopables In-Wash Scent Booster or Rinse & Refresh Signature Select fhe Same 00 tahun ON OFF. Bat 41% OFF REGULAR PRICE | 0.5-16.0r« Selected Varieties REGULAR PRICE Ziploc Storage sm or Freezer jer Fetters 1 Seal Top Bags *, 14-24 Count ( Cor Selected Vaneties $49 Full Moon Dog Treats sq 293 ii aoe els 1 is + OFF 14-16 oe « Selected Varieties 7 © Selected Varieties, REGULAR PRICE ae

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