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Current weekly ad Food Town - Valid from 09/09 to 09/15 - Page nb 8

Weekly ad Food Town 09/09/2022 - 09/15/2022


Products in this weekly ad

Quality Meals Begin wi SJ EST PRODUCE Dole Salad Kits or Blends 5-12 02.Bag, Assorted Varieties Hass Ginger Gold $ Large sv pve’ dos 3/ s5 Boles State $469 Pomegranates $399 Fresh Express ‘ __ Chopped Kits Zespri ei =n I Cius cana price Kiwi ‘ -_ 1 Lb. Pkg. Clamshell, (Weg $ 429 New Zealand ; Lamers J . $q99 Tropical 2/3 2 Lb. Bag $9929 Apio Ea. Mangoes Imported, Fancy Ea. | Eat Smart Veggie Kits "ee enol te cis cand price \ oe $399 Red ¥ Fresh o~ E SeedI omaine, Watermelon $4 29 Red or Green $499 Makoto Cut tw. Leaf Lettuce Ea, Dressings Naas Green Giant Acconed varices » i atiseBweck ei a Te it $4q92 Vea soecreaasccee: Carrots Bolthouse - Foxy Farms Dressing Celery Hearts ‘202. Bt, $399 Butternut ~ Si h 2ole ig. o Peeled & Diced ~ tn om. $999 Fresh Green or . aA Ea, Yellow Squash Green Giant Giorgio . » Yellow Petite Whole White y . Onions |) Gourmet Mushrooms > Hy | )2Lb. Bag ~ Potatoes BozPkg usin Pe’ Ea CLUB CARD PRICE 4 CLUB CARD PRICE Ss FF Redo Yellow 49 ss 99 e 99 "2s $42 $32 Dole Sheet Pen Neco’ Bolthouse Wonderful * Meal Orchid Island Jack-Be-Little $949 : sere: Kit 7 Onnge Tee be Farms Pomegranate Mini Pumpkins filer Pes. anos ius "Bolts Shots Juice 16 flo2. BtL ‘Assorted Varieties Fresh Squeezed Se BUS 2h 07 Bt, SE99 ce CLUB CARD Assorted Varieties a5 = $59 = 2/84 orarrental $4 99 Sun-Maid urds b. | Se Mees Chocolate FLORAL Apple Slices Yogurt Covered 40-12 oz. Pkg. Raisins Multi Packs, Red or Green Tor. Pkg. CLUB CARD PRICE $4ee a "ARD PRICE 4° bigest wax at ca 8” Hardy Fall F Garden Mums Assorted Colors $599 Love Beets 65.02. Pkg, White Wine Balsamic Ornamental Cabbage or Kale Plant 8 Inch Pot ove é , Hardy Fe ka ope’ sy _ a Aster Organic Peeled [77""7) Quay B Inch Baby Cut Organic Sweet Organic $699 Carrots $349 Grape Tomatoes $99 Gala Apples $999 Jonathan’s Sprouts 402. Pkg. 1Lb. Bag Pint Cont. Washington State Earthbound Farm Earthbound ine fe ‘Be : Grandparent's Cut Vegetables rganic Green Beans House Foods Shirataki Neste 2/35 9 02. Pkg. Select Varieties ss Day ‘Wipe: Bouquet $999 1 Stonefire Sliced Bells Real » 5 Brooklyn ‘4 Naan Country Bulkie =|) Bialys or Flatbreads White Bread Rolls t . Original, Garlic or 9 Grain or Ne 6 Count, ei Bialy Rolls Sancta cab, Pa oon fed) Caleta, “30 a sar Mini Corn Muffins 12 Pack Bluebery Chocolate Chip, Cafe Vale, 105 oz. Po, ‘Banana Nut, Bran or Lemon Poppy, Pumpkin or Apple Cider Donuts 6 Pack 10 02. Pkg. Spritzal Almond Chocolate Chip Shortbread = Cookies or Assorted Varieties, All Nara, 6 or Less Ingreients, 6 cz. Pkg $529 /9NYPage6 NY NY Trai sss Ge ay SR Se LEN EVERY SOE ney ep

Latest weekly ads

Quality Meals Begin wi SJ EST PRODUCE Dole Salad Kits or Blends 5-12 02.Bag, Assorted Varieties Hass Ginger Gold $ Large sv pve’ dos 3/ s5 Boles State $469 Pomegranates $399 Fresh Express ‘ __ Chopped Kits Zespri ei =n I Cius cana price Kiwi ‘ -_ 1 Lb. Pkg. Clamshell, (Weg $ 429 New Zealand ; Lamers J . $q99 Tropical 2/3 2 Lb. Bag $9929 Apio Ea. Mangoes Imported, Fancy Ea. | Eat Smart Veggie Kits "ee enol te cis cand price \ oe $399 Red ¥ Fresh o~ E SeedI omaine, Watermelon $4 29 Red or Green $499 Makoto Cut tw. Leaf Lettuce Ea, Dressings Naas Green Giant Acconed varices » i atiseBweck ei a Te it $4q92 Vea soecreaasccee: Carrots Bolthouse - Foxy Farms Dressing Celery Hearts ‘202. Bt, $399 Butternut ~ Si h 2ole ig. o Peeled & Diced ~ tn om. $999 Fresh Green or . aA Ea, Yellow Squash Green Giant Giorgio . » Yellow Petite Whole White y . Onions |) Gourmet Mushrooms > Hy | )2Lb. Bag ~ Potatoes BozPkg usin Pe’ Ea CLUB CARD PRICE 4 CLUB CARD PRICE Ss FF Redo Yellow 49 ss 99 e 99 "2s $42 $32 Dole Sheet Pen Neco’ Bolthouse Wonderful * Meal Orchid Island Jack-Be-Little $949 : sere: Kit 7 Onnge Tee be Farms Pomegranate Mini Pumpkins filer Pes. anos ius "Bolts Shots Juice 16 flo2. BtL ‘Assorted Varieties Fresh Squeezed Se BUS 2h 07 Bt, SE99 ce CLUB CARD Assorted Varieties a5 = $59 = 2/84 orarrental $4 99 Sun-Maid urds b. | Se Mees Chocolate FLORAL Apple Slices Yogurt Covered 40-12 oz. Pkg. Raisins Multi Packs, Red or Green Tor. Pkg. CLUB CARD PRICE $4ee a "ARD PRICE 4° bigest wax at ca 8” Hardy Fall F Garden Mums Assorted Colors $599 Love Beets 65.02. Pkg, White Wine Balsamic Ornamental Cabbage or Kale Plant 8 Inch Pot ove é , Hardy Fe ka ope’ sy _ a Aster Organic Peeled [77""7) Quay B Inch Baby Cut Organic Sweet Organic $699 Carrots $349 Grape Tomatoes $99 Gala Apples $999 Jonathan’s Sprouts 402. Pkg. 1Lb. Bag Pint Cont. Washington State Earthbound Farm Earthbound ine fe ‘Be : Grandparent's Cut Vegetables rganic Green Beans House Foods Shirataki Neste 2/35 9 02. Pkg. Select Varieties ss Day ‘Wipe: Bouquet $999 1 Stonefire Sliced Bells Real » 5 Brooklyn ‘4 Naan Country Bulkie =|) Bialys or Flatbreads White Bread Rolls t . Original, Garlic or 9 Grain or Ne 6 Count, ei Bialy Rolls Sancta cab, Pa oon fed) Caleta, “30 a sar Mini Corn Muffins 12 Pack Bluebery Chocolate Chip, Cafe Vale, 105 oz. Po, ‘Banana Nut, Bran or Lemon Poppy, Pumpkin or Apple Cider Donuts 6 Pack 10 02. Pkg. Spritzal Almond Chocolate Chip Shortbread = Cookies or Assorted Varieties, All Nara, 6 or Less Ingreients, 6 cz. Pkg $529 /9NYPage6 NY NY Trai sss Ge ay SR Se LEN EVERY SOE ney ep

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