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Current weekly ad Food Town - Valid from 10/14 to 10/20 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Food Town 10/14/2022 - 10/20/2022


Products in this weekly ad

Fresh Blueberries Dry Pint Lemley Fresh Raspberri ~~ 602. Cont. . Golden Fresh Blackberries Go S ’ rae A re Dole Sweet 2 ed Salad Kits or Blends Potatoes Ng A 5-12 02.829, 3Lb. Bag oa) a é Cr Ge Sold By Ea, sigh Rancher’s Legend rents Green Ss 99 ~~ y Premium Fre sod ay —= b; Black Angus f <3 Beef Loin Porterhouse d ‘ I ] iy leaks or T-Bone Steaks “ cL =Total) On The Bone ~ e $399 Lb. Hormel " Chicken a * olden Brown, Signature Sliced To Order | Dietz & sire cor" $4499| “> SQ99 asks $qe9 me se 4 | Sliced To Order Sliced To Order ae al os Foodtown 4 ss Domestic iv . Center Cut owes ‘ . Pork Loin 4 SiccsToover | Foodtown Watson Chops or Roast 9 see Sie br More, oy Ss ee $699 ae 599 F Lb. Lb. Lb. On The Bone Sliced to Order Yellow or White Fresh Atlantic Salmon Fillets Grill or Broil $9°2 ‘ene iA Ns ms Perdue Superior on Main Oven Stuffer Black & White Roaster Cookies win Pop-Up Times, ; Seafood Green| a Ponies \ ¢ | Raw EZ Peel Shrimp Natural few “S 8135 02 Pkg.” 26/30 Ct/Lb. 31/40 Ct/Lb. $4 49 ten 929 cae $799 $399 Lb. Individually Quick Frozé Ea. _| NoAntiviotics Ever, OF Start your day witha = Tree Ripe ot ra Premium i > 4 x 1 Tee J) atnoee te? ; 4 \ oui Ripe Ass etic z d Sane F Eggo é, Thomas’ 4 English Muffins {x2 2 / $ 7 ae Ss a 6 Pack Ss 49 {075103 02 Po, a 222000 "9, limit 2 offers pertamily | Select Varieties Select Varieties ‘Chobani Flip — Greek Yogurt ) J { Cheerios General Mills 5 Sara cute cheerios Crea rw 1 gnoben Yogurt | } Select Varieties Tea Se <- 453 o2.Cont, A | 20,Ct Pia, : » Select Vitis Zero Sugar . CLUB CAR aLUB a ‘CARD PRICE Banquet \ C ‘sez 4/s Brown ‘N Serve 2 S4 CLUB CAR 5 =. t| 2/37 S7 e j v ‘ \ ¢ . I Coca-Cola 6 Pack Mini Cans aff , ss g (Plus Dep) 45 fl. oz. Pkg., 75 fl. oz. Cans, Select Varieties zl hits i i Teak Sunshine cox Papraitve ee Taig Sheet (Goldfish Goldfish Select Varieties, Mountain Dew or Sierra Mist MD S730 fxs 4802. Pig, Select Varieties = 2/55 Pepsi-Cola 8 Pack (Plus =>99. 02, Pkg,, 12 fl. oz. Btls., Select Varieties 1) $399 = a Poland Spring : olar Water 24 Pack Frito Lay Seltzer (Plus Dep) 405.611 oz. Pha. Bisg | © * as 2/59 This Week’s Online Series Features: Endangered Species 1 = GTS Kombucha i Chocolate Bars Drink 30r Pig. iGfloz. Bt, Select Varieties Select Varieties Serotec Nien Brooklyn me a Harvest ; Market _ Brooklyn Harvest Extra Virgin |I whole Riera Brooklyn Harvest Market Qlive Oil Pork “s 35 cus is cu - = lummus Olives Should Green / Fieati / mem $Q99St. $599 $599 ance 29 Siswtains 40/54 Tee. = 10/54 Store Made Assorted Varieties a ww nit ote peta wth on $0 praze_nitte eo wth bir $0 purchare intl pty wth tins 600 pe © Brooklyn Harvest ' Brooklyn rae Goya Wesson = Harvest anic ireen = Market Red or Goya [2X Pigeon Gallon Jug DB rcokivald a Whole Bean wnt Wine Malta Peas Sage rooklyn Harve: Coffee {i jar 12 fl. o2. 15 oz. Can, RICE] Market. Jaa 500 mt tee Bs Sou cor : 8/510 esa 40 — 45°° Parboiled beret l P Eee 2/85 $419 2 i : Shop Online at Get your grocenes Rane delivered . @ Era ea ee [14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 [19 | Instag 10/14 FTBH Paget

Latest weekly ads

Fresh Blueberries Dry Pint Lemley Fresh Raspberri ~~ 602. Cont. . Golden Fresh Blackberries Go S ’ rae A re Dole Sweet 2 ed Salad Kits or Blends Potatoes Ng A 5-12 02.829, 3Lb. Bag oa) a é Cr Ge Sold By Ea, sigh Rancher’s Legend rents Green Ss 99 ~~ y Premium Fre sod ay —= b; Black Angus f <3 Beef Loin Porterhouse d ‘ I ] iy leaks or T-Bone Steaks “ cL =Total) On The Bone ~ e $399 Lb. Hormel " Chicken a * olden Brown, Signature Sliced To Order | Dietz & sire cor" $4499| “> SQ99 asks $qe9 me se 4 | Sliced To Order Sliced To Order ae al os Foodtown 4 ss Domestic iv . Center Cut owes ‘ . Pork Loin 4 SiccsToover | Foodtown Watson Chops or Roast 9 see Sie br More, oy Ss ee $699 ae 599 F Lb. Lb. Lb. On The Bone Sliced to Order Yellow or White Fresh Atlantic Salmon Fillets Grill or Broil $9°2 ‘ene iA Ns ms Perdue Superior on Main Oven Stuffer Black & White Roaster Cookies win Pop-Up Times, ; Seafood Green| a Ponies \ ¢ | Raw EZ Peel Shrimp Natural few “S 8135 02 Pkg.” 26/30 Ct/Lb. 31/40 Ct/Lb. $4 49 ten 929 cae $799 $399 Lb. Individually Quick Frozé Ea. _| NoAntiviotics Ever, OF Start your day witha = Tree Ripe ot ra Premium i > 4 x 1 Tee J) atnoee te? ; 4 \ oui Ripe Ass etic z d Sane F Eggo é, Thomas’ 4 English Muffins {x2 2 / $ 7 ae Ss a 6 Pack Ss 49 {075103 02 Po, a 222000 "9, limit 2 offers pertamily | Select Varieties Select Varieties ‘Chobani Flip — Greek Yogurt ) J { Cheerios General Mills 5 Sara cute cheerios Crea rw 1 gnoben Yogurt | } Select Varieties Tea Se <- 453 o2.Cont, A | 20,Ct Pia, : » Select Vitis Zero Sugar . CLUB CAR aLUB a ‘CARD PRICE Banquet \ C ‘sez 4/s Brown ‘N Serve 2 S4 CLUB CAR 5 =. t| 2/37 S7 e j v ‘ \ ¢ . I Coca-Cola 6 Pack Mini Cans aff , ss g (Plus Dep) 45 fl. oz. Pkg., 75 fl. oz. Cans, Select Varieties zl hits i i Teak Sunshine cox Papraitve ee Taig Sheet (Goldfish Goldfish Select Varieties, Mountain Dew or Sierra Mist MD S730 fxs 4802. Pig, Select Varieties = 2/55 Pepsi-Cola 8 Pack (Plus =>99. 02, Pkg,, 12 fl. oz. Btls., Select Varieties 1) $399 = a Poland Spring : olar Water 24 Pack Frito Lay Seltzer (Plus Dep) 405.611 oz. Pha. Bisg | © * as 2/59 This Week’s Online Series Features: Endangered Species 1 = GTS Kombucha i Chocolate Bars Drink 30r Pig. iGfloz. Bt, Select Varieties Select Varieties Serotec Nien Brooklyn me a Harvest ; Market _ Brooklyn Harvest Extra Virgin |I whole Riera Brooklyn Harvest Market Qlive Oil Pork “s 35 cus is cu - = lummus Olives Should Green / Fieati / mem $Q99St. $599 $599 ance 29 Siswtains 40/54 Tee. = 10/54 Store Made Assorted Varieties a ww nit ote peta wth on $0 praze_nitte eo wth bir $0 purchare intl pty wth tins 600 pe © Brooklyn Harvest ' Brooklyn rae Goya Wesson = Harvest anic ireen = Market Red or Goya [2X Pigeon Gallon Jug DB rcokivald a Whole Bean wnt Wine Malta Peas Sage rooklyn Harve: Coffee {i jar 12 fl. o2. 15 oz. Can, RICE] Market. Jaa 500 mt tee Bs Sou cor : 8/510 esa 40 — 45°° Parboiled beret l P Eee 2/85 $419 2 i : Shop Online at Get your grocenes Rane delivered . @ Era ea ee [14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 [19 | Instag 10/14 FTBH Paget

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