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Current weekly ad CVS Pharmacy - Valid from 09/04 to 09/10 - Page nb 5

Weekly ad CVS Pharmacy 09/04/2022 - 09/10/2022


Products in this weekly ad

Cold relief 26° WITH CARD Select Mucinex 28-40 ct. or Mucinex-D 24-36 ct.t Select CVS Health cold relief + [SPEND $15 ExtraBucks Rewards? offer limit of 1 per household with card. (20003794037) 43% WITH CARD Zyrtec 90 ct. WITH CARD Astepro nasal allergy spray 60 doses. Select Advil Cold, ANY Theraflu or Abreva. WITH CARD Ricola cough drops 19-50 ct. Select Chioraseptic, Luden's or Little Remedies. Vicks DayQuil, NyQuil Severe 24 02 01 48 ct. oe: ANY Flonase. ExtraBucks Rewards" offer limit of 1 per household with card. (20003786123) 202 672 WITH CARD Zyrtec 24-30 ct. ; WITHCARD | WITH CARO Select Nasacort, Xyzal, or Zyrtec-D 24ct:t | Zyrtec soothing face wipes 25 ct, | Allegra or Allegra-D 15-20 ct vevs Sean cvsHeath comers ‘vcvSHieatth Sand cir eae co Seo Support eas FAA ExtraBucks Rewards® offer limit of 1 pper household with card. (200037772) Opti-Free PureMoist twin pack, 20oztotal. 16 Niheard = 6 Extrabucks Send tocard Rewards* for next purchase BUY 1GET1 o 1s Rear 50” OFF ExtraBucks Rewards® offer imi of 1 per WITH CARD Reading glasses household with card (2000374711) (excludes biue light glasses). on select CVS Health sports wraps or tapes. vovstiesin Support Strap v29:31.38:

Latest weekly ads

Cold relief 26° WITH CARD Select Mucinex 28-40 ct. or Mucinex-D 24-36 ct.t Select CVS Health cold relief + [SPEND $15 ExtraBucks Rewards? offer limit of 1 per household with card. (20003794037) 43% WITH CARD Zyrtec 90 ct. WITH CARD Astepro nasal allergy spray 60 doses. Select Advil Cold, ANY Theraflu or Abreva. WITH CARD Ricola cough drops 19-50 ct. Select Chioraseptic, Luden's or Little Remedies. Vicks DayQuil, NyQuil Severe 24 02 01 48 ct. oe: ANY Flonase. ExtraBucks Rewards" offer limit of 1 per household with card. (20003786123) 202 672 WITH CARD Zyrtec 24-30 ct. ; WITHCARD | WITH CARO Select Nasacort, Xyzal, or Zyrtec-D 24ct:t | Zyrtec soothing face wipes 25 ct, | Allegra or Allegra-D 15-20 ct vevs Sean cvsHeath comers ‘vcvSHieatth Sand cir eae co Seo Support eas FAA ExtraBucks Rewards® offer limit of 1 pper household with card. (200037772) Opti-Free PureMoist twin pack, 20oztotal. 16 Niheard = 6 Extrabucks Send tocard Rewards* for next purchase BUY 1GET1 o 1s Rear 50” OFF ExtraBucks Rewards® offer imi of 1 per WITH CARD Reading glasses household with card (2000374711) (excludes biue light glasses). on select CVS Health sports wraps or tapes. vovstiesin Support Strap v29:31.38:

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