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Current weekly ad CVS Pharmacy - Valid from 03/23 to 03/29 - Page nb 3

Weekly ad CVS Pharmacy 03/23/2025 - 03/29/2025


Products in this weekly ad

rT when you spend $25 on beauty & EpicBeautySale I Get $10 off ms cecrtce: with extracare, Neurite ert ecu kar y Also get J Spend $15 savings with ] get $5 Spend $15 ExtraBucks sets ¥ ExtraBucks Rewards®* Rewards®* WITH CARD ANY NYX Professional WITH CARD Maybelline Makeup. ‘Sky High mascara. yes Ra hy S$ 5 Buy 2 Get get $4 Spend $15 Lace l= ]UC Cy ExtraBucks get $5 Rewards®’ Oe i Rewards** —_ExtraBucks essie nail polish Rewards®* WITH CARD ANY L'Oreal cosmetics. or care. WITH CARD Maybelline cosmetics. kiss its $ ont Moy Kiss Pa VOGUISH Pg THE NEW NATURAL ' [EFFORTLESS MINIMAL LOOK Hon nan eae FANTASY ca Spend $18 Get $6 eee Rewards® Eye Ear Get <7 | PE CHM instien Rewards® WITH CARD ANY Revion cosmetics or beauty tools. WITH CARD ANY Kiss eyelashes or artificial nails. Allexceptv23.47

Latest weekly ads

rT when you spend $25 on beauty & EpicBeautySale I Get $10 off ms cecrtce: with extracare, Neurite ert ecu kar y Also get J Spend $15 savings with ] get $5 Spend $15 ExtraBucks sets ¥ ExtraBucks Rewards®* Rewards®* WITH CARD ANY NYX Professional WITH CARD Maybelline Makeup. ‘Sky High mascara. yes Ra hy S$ 5 Buy 2 Get get $4 Spend $15 Lace l= ]UC Cy ExtraBucks get $5 Rewards®’ Oe i Rewards** —_ExtraBucks essie nail polish Rewards®* WITH CARD ANY L'Oreal cosmetics. or care. WITH CARD Maybelline cosmetics. kiss its $ ont Moy Kiss Pa VOGUISH Pg THE NEW NATURAL ' [EFFORTLESS MINIMAL LOOK Hon nan eae FANTASY ca Spend $18 Get $6 eee Rewards® Eye Ear Get <7 | PE CHM instien Rewards® WITH CARD ANY Revion cosmetics or beauty tools. WITH CARD ANY Kiss eyelashes or artificial nails. Allexceptv23.47

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