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Current weekly ad Country Markets of Westchester - Valid from 09/16 to 09/22 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Country Markets of Westchester 09/16/2022 - 09/22/2022


Products in this weekly ad

SALE DATES: September 16 - September 22"4, 2022 SAT 17 SUN 18 19 MON | TUE WED 20 THU 21 22 COUNTRY MARKETS OF WESTCHESTER Bonne Maman Preserves McCann's Instant Oatmeal Asst Var Asst Var 12.7-13 oz 11.8-15.7 oz $4.99 $4.99 Hero Preserves Kraft Dressings Asst Var Asst Var 12 oz 8 oz $3.99 2/$4.00 Heinz Easy Squeeze Ketchup Pearl Milling Co. Pancake Mix w/out card $3.99 32 oz Asst Var 32-35 oz With card $2.99 limit 2 w/out card $3.99 With card $2.99 limit 2 offer w/out card $3.79 Pearl Milling Co. Pancake Syrup Gatorade Sports Drinks Asst Var Asst Var 24 oz 28 0z With card $2.99 limit 2 3/$4.00 Kellogg’s Cereal Froot Loops 10.1, Frosted Mini Wheats Bite Size 18 oz, Corn Pops 10 oz, Apple Jacks 10.1, Rice Krispies 9 oz, Frosted Mini Wheat Little Bites Original 16 oz General Mills Cereals Cheerios 8.9 0z, Cocoa Puffs 10.8, Trix 10.7, Cookie Crisp 10.6, Golden Grahams 12 0z, Multigrain Cheerios 9 oz w/out card $19.99 With card $2.99 limit 3 With card $2.99 limit 3 w/out card 2/$9.00 w/out card $4.99 Tide Pods Tide Laundry Detergent Asst Var Asst Var 25-42 ct 92 oz With card $12.99 _ limit 3 offers With card $12.99 limit 2 w/out card $14.99 w/out card $14.99 Bounty 8 Double Rolls Charmin 16 Mega Roll Select A Size 443 SQ FT Soft, Strong or Ultra Strong Bath Tissue 112.8 -143.2 Sq Ft 420-456 SQ FT With card $16.99 limit 2 With card $16.99 limit 2 w/out card $19.99 Lipton Tea Bags 100 ct or 72 ct Organic With card $3.49 w/out card $4.99 Limit 2 Pillsbury Cake Mix Asst Var 15.25 oz Excludes Funfetti $1.99 Pillsbury Frosting Asst Var 12-16 oz Excludes Funfetti $1.99 More Sales on the back PHOTOS ARE CURRENTLY NOT AVAILABLE. LIMITED SALE ITEMS, SUPPLIERS OUT OF STOCK. SALES ARE GOOD WHILE SUPPLIES LAST

Latest weekly ads

SALE DATES: September 16 - September 22"4, 2022 SAT 17 SUN 18 19 MON | TUE WED 20 THU 21 22 COUNTRY MARKETS OF WESTCHESTER Bonne Maman Preserves McCann's Instant Oatmeal Asst Var Asst Var 12.7-13 oz 11.8-15.7 oz $4.99 $4.99 Hero Preserves Kraft Dressings Asst Var Asst Var 12 oz 8 oz $3.99 2/$4.00 Heinz Easy Squeeze Ketchup Pearl Milling Co. Pancake Mix w/out card $3.99 32 oz Asst Var 32-35 oz With card $2.99 limit 2 w/out card $3.99 With card $2.99 limit 2 offer w/out card $3.79 Pearl Milling Co. Pancake Syrup Gatorade Sports Drinks Asst Var Asst Var 24 oz 28 0z With card $2.99 limit 2 3/$4.00 Kellogg’s Cereal Froot Loops 10.1, Frosted Mini Wheats Bite Size 18 oz, Corn Pops 10 oz, Apple Jacks 10.1, Rice Krispies 9 oz, Frosted Mini Wheat Little Bites Original 16 oz General Mills Cereals Cheerios 8.9 0z, Cocoa Puffs 10.8, Trix 10.7, Cookie Crisp 10.6, Golden Grahams 12 0z, Multigrain Cheerios 9 oz w/out card $19.99 With card $2.99 limit 3 With card $2.99 limit 3 w/out card 2/$9.00 w/out card $4.99 Tide Pods Tide Laundry Detergent Asst Var Asst Var 25-42 ct 92 oz With card $12.99 _ limit 3 offers With card $12.99 limit 2 w/out card $14.99 w/out card $14.99 Bounty 8 Double Rolls Charmin 16 Mega Roll Select A Size 443 SQ FT Soft, Strong or Ultra Strong Bath Tissue 112.8 -143.2 Sq Ft 420-456 SQ FT With card $16.99 limit 2 With card $16.99 limit 2 w/out card $19.99 Lipton Tea Bags 100 ct or 72 ct Organic With card $3.49 w/out card $4.99 Limit 2 Pillsbury Cake Mix Asst Var 15.25 oz Excludes Funfetti $1.99 Pillsbury Frosting Asst Var 12-16 oz Excludes Funfetti $1.99 More Sales on the back PHOTOS ARE CURRENTLY NOT AVAILABLE. LIMITED SALE ITEMS, SUPPLIERS OUT OF STOCK. SALES ARE GOOD WHILE SUPPLIES LAST

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