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Current weekly ad Coastal Farm - Valid from 09/28 to 10/04 - Page nb 2

Weekly ad Coastal Farm 09/28/2022 - 10/04/2022


Products in this weekly ad

FALL HAS ARRIVED AT YOUR ASW WT velty-V.ansst AZ , « - 2 ‘ => ' 20% “—= 202: WRANGLER® LADIES BOTTOMS ALL WESTERN BOGE Regular to $89.99 SPOp Our fuge satevton of siya er Ee ee ae 3} Regula ts 378.90 y PANHANDLE mat 4 tTwisteo x © ROGKEROLL POWDER % MaRIVER nied 25% 20% as OFF Footwear Panhandle® Wes ee ar ort ate dyer Syst Sonn on nse Styles for Men & Women. Peruse 1 Regular to $189.99 . P| a f ¥ Noith Ricons Nostalgia 20% 20% ae. 44” \ North River® Ladies Nostalgia® Wall Plorwer Clothing Clothing Sapa to anes — cones oe Girts Jeaun Shop our seection for Regular to $69.99 antes He = aan oa iocneameen Men & Women. Regular to $64.99 Fequar tb 5104 Fegde I = Chen Pamiay ~~ i SAVE $5 Yo 25% 19” <n Mossy Oak® 20% All Felt & Sapa Mame Men’s Cinch® Flag Sweatshirts OFF — ————_ —— Clothing Fortin i ee Kimes Ranch* Caps Arta che toa me Regular to $199.99 jegular $24. See ape te to ame os Kids sizes SALE $14.99 mapelain rates fegue Ee 0928_B pg2

Latest weekly ads

FALL HAS ARRIVED AT YOUR ASW WT velty-V.ansst AZ , « - 2 ‘ => ' 20% “—= 202: WRANGLER® LADIES BOTTOMS ALL WESTERN BOGE Regular to $89.99 SPOp Our fuge satevton of siya er Ee ee ae 3} Regula ts 378.90 y PANHANDLE mat 4 tTwisteo x © ROGKEROLL POWDER % MaRIVER nied 25% 20% as OFF Footwear Panhandle® Wes ee ar ort ate dyer Syst Sonn on nse Styles for Men & Women. Peruse 1 Regular to $189.99 . P| a f ¥ Noith Ricons Nostalgia 20% 20% ae. 44” \ North River® Ladies Nostalgia® Wall Plorwer Clothing Clothing Sapa to anes — cones oe Girts Jeaun Shop our seection for Regular to $69.99 antes He = aan oa iocneameen Men & Women. Regular to $64.99 Fequar tb 5104 Fegde I = Chen Pamiay ~~ i SAVE $5 Yo 25% 19” <n Mossy Oak® 20% All Felt & Sapa Mame Men’s Cinch® Flag Sweatshirts OFF — ————_ —— Clothing Fortin i ee Kimes Ranch* Caps Arta che toa me Regular to $199.99 jegular $24. See ape te to ame os Kids sizes SALE $14.99 mapelain rates fegue Ee 0928_B pg2

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