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Current weekly ad Boyer's - Valid from 09/11 to 09/17 - Page nb 11

Weekly ad Boyer's 09/11/2022 - 09/17/2022


Products in this weekly ad

MARKET FRESH PRODUCE Vv pples 3b age ted Varieties 27 Hass Avocados fe my “ ‘ nee Broccoli Crowns oe } | 1.495= Green Cabbage Cooking Onions Fy IS Fresh Express Premium Romaine, Green & Crisp, Lettuce Trio or Mature Leaf Spinach The Little Potato Company Microwaveable ee ——_ 1b = ae a SS $ $ 59¢. 2r5 qq = Baby Carrot Iceberg Lettuce Plum or Beefsteak Whole or Sliced 1b a Tomatoes Baby Bella ri aD vs re Mushrooms $ $ $ ‘cE 2r3 2r4 1.99% 2r5 Pretty Lady XL Bagged Red Grapefruit XL Mangoes Seedless Red or Navel Oranges we s Green Grapes ae ¥ 5s ial ‘2°99 Fresh Cut Fruit Bowls 160z it °4.99 213 = a Bolthouse Drinks | Hampton Farms | Green Giant 2 02 - Assorted “AB Cajun, Roasted or Stir ve fae Sa ted Peanuts Mo We Now Have 19 Locations To Serve You! 4/5" ema Dutch Valley Candies 11-14 oz Jelly Pumpkins, Gumi Candy Corn, Fall Gummi cee 7 Pumpkins, Carmel Apple ‘BI99 Birdsboro Pharmacy - 610-582-4005, Open Mon-Fri: 9am - 7pm | Sat: 9am - 3pm | Sun: Closed Nee Se ene een eh Dene Leen Ee tee cee ane Steere ec

Latest weekly ads

MARKET FRESH PRODUCE Vv pples 3b age ted Varieties 27 Hass Avocados fe my “ ‘ nee Broccoli Crowns oe } | 1.495= Green Cabbage Cooking Onions Fy IS Fresh Express Premium Romaine, Green & Crisp, Lettuce Trio or Mature Leaf Spinach The Little Potato Company Microwaveable ee ——_ 1b = ae a SS $ $ 59¢. 2r5 qq = Baby Carrot Iceberg Lettuce Plum or Beefsteak Whole or Sliced 1b a Tomatoes Baby Bella ri aD vs re Mushrooms $ $ $ ‘cE 2r3 2r4 1.99% 2r5 Pretty Lady XL Bagged Red Grapefruit XL Mangoes Seedless Red or Navel Oranges we s Green Grapes ae ¥ 5s ial ‘2°99 Fresh Cut Fruit Bowls 160z it °4.99 213 = a Bolthouse Drinks | Hampton Farms | Green Giant 2 02 - Assorted “AB Cajun, Roasted or Stir ve fae Sa ted Peanuts Mo We Now Have 19 Locations To Serve You! 4/5" ema Dutch Valley Candies 11-14 oz Jelly Pumpkins, Gumi Candy Corn, Fall Gummi cee 7 Pumpkins, Carmel Apple ‘BI99 Birdsboro Pharmacy - 610-582-4005, Open Mon-Fri: 9am - 7pm | Sat: 9am - 3pm | Sun: Closed Nee Se ene een eh Dene Leen Ee tee cee ane Steere ec

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