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Current weekly ad ABC Warehouse - Valid from 01/19 to 01/25 - Page nb 2

Weekly ad ABC Warehouse 01/19/2025 - 01/25/2025


Products in this weekly ad

ie Clearance *75” OFF’ | —_ MUSE + | + STOREWIDE SAVINGs! centoffour Advertised savings range trom $0 75 “Compare a pring faces unter pre products. Whirlpool FRIGIDAIRE 13cu.ft capacity. 1000 LG wats of poner starless Compare at Utes Got ere ene Four Door steelinteriox 10 power 5829-5233 OFF French Door French Door French Door levels. waaer30«3s/17110 } Refrigerator Refrigerator — ~ Refrigerator Tap Touch Controls ite ‘System With Ice Maker tance LED lighting. 24.7 cu ft. (compares, 45965231] Custom flex temperature 21.8 .cu. ft. capac- Capacity. Maximum ice drawer. Open access door, Capacity, Adaptive defrost ti tiv 16.6 Cu. Ft. ee system. Spilgroot glass Touch deploy Moh eve Refrigerator pers. On) 30" drawer Two te eer tebugnong eacensect, | aspen Mons LED Lighting bins. Gide and serve storage Adjustable door ice&water.Counterdepth } Resovea grease it Asai Fase drawer LeDigtng Paaenansn desi, aq Mesecearss ton tem aus ‘ompare at) secon Sh soe od Now Only | (2585:r20v0FF) | 4 Now Only ee Eerplan alon $ oa 410 door storage bins, $ i GGTSI7OTNRWW/IS850.—-ORLESsi* offic ORLESSI* GeLeeT ORLESSI* a Geanview ws Rewind Vacuum i Easy-Empt) Hotpoint. Hotpoint. FRIGIDAIRE FRIGIDAIRE ce ye py _ Electri G Sa ectric = aS Glass Top Gas Range OnePass technolo ni nnology Range Range Range In-Oven Broilng sone Menon Upswept Sealed Even Baking Salcusft capac rewind. Long a5 GooktOP asses 699" Burners Technology 7 iy Seacdtten Power ord. active Ue cae. i Maat tcapes 53manual iComperests049 omreren 199m 2°. Premium Seersion ity. 1-8" and 3-6" 253 OFF ity. 112.5k 15k clean oven. 6/9" BT 76(0FEI B77 6(0FF] ‘astiron grates. urners2 oven 25k BTU expandable burner. burners Eta large $ racks. Storage ui - 9772-6" burners, fe: r ures. Ex ae Hess enone 100w warming. sl 3 windows. 10000 -RBSIGODMWW/_ ae Tit Xk OR LESS! me teste ume ie $623. onus 7 TE OcALER ji tes Good ED Top Load . HE Top Load Front Load Washer facet Washer Washer 2in-1 Removeable (EUG oodsonse Ultrafresh Vent Agitator oD) ie PEN Sc cape scat ancy vee 873.9 cu. ft capaci v Stainless steel tub. 8 . Microban technology 10 - \, Satiesswash teckel programs 9 options OM oesstemps gultin Tewash cycles. Auto Sinartdlagnosts. 800, Wei Quek ies load sensing. Late id eM spineruebalnce { cycle, ENERGY STAR Iock wrwessarzss Brectarve motor Gssossuiiis oocnrtar » | ElectricDryer 9 == 5939° Corea etal Sm Front Load sompaeat compare t'939 ' l corowen'89" | rinse shel Oton Joagorreach | Electric Dryer EX JOWECMy — Electric Dryer eal 7.3 Cu. Ft. Capacity 7.0cu, ft. capacity. bie Copacty HE Sensor Dry ‘iécycles. Autodry drying system. Timed ‘ry option. Conve: nent hamper door Freshen up option, End-of-cycle signal. WeDessoni2288 MOST KITCHEN APPLIANCES AVAILABLE IN MULTIPLE FINISHES! FRE305285/18500 @LG ™& Sensor dry system. Wrinkle care option, 8 drying programs. 3 tem- peratures. Smartdiagno- sis, Precise temp control Duct clogging indicator. LeTODOWTI2I01, circ APPLIANCES capacity. 10cycles/S heat select. Sanitie cycle Built-in Wi-Fi, Wrinkle care Damp alert. Vent sensor. ENERGY STAR, ances S 4-Pc. Applia 255cu.ft capacity. Spill proof shelves. F Tutbo cool setting. LED ighting. Muttiow 24” Built-In Dishwashe ERIGIDAIRE Whidgoor | Built-In Built-in 4 bottejets Dry boost with fan asi Built-In — acre Dishwasher @Lc Dishaasher Half load wash. Quiet 45 dba operati Dishwasher Boost cle 3rd Rack Convenience 30” Smooth Top Range Effortless Dry System LL Wario Direct feed wash system. 4-hr. ‘ple fitration wash. Quiet 55 dba opera: Quadwash system. 9 wash itd . INLD) ieaystort Moxy option. ee on ae eles, 1 place stings 48 Fifth element warming zone. Easy 7790) tings, Sani rinse option Quick wa prges ts pa rioreonee bet Compare at) 9) ilespray am system, Compare at 779 oo Worstvaaneas Stnless tub. ome Cencevenisolses 256 OF ‘Only so Now Only Over-The-Range Microw 1.7 eu. capac, 1000 wats of power $373... [eco $448... $506... |mamaeanecn a a ea onvenience 41 Stores Thi Ohio & Indiana PAGE 2

Latest weekly ads

ie Clearance *75” OFF’ | —_ MUSE + | + STOREWIDE SAVINGs! centoffour Advertised savings range trom $0 75 “Compare a pring faces unter pre products. Whirlpool FRIGIDAIRE 13cu.ft capacity. 1000 LG wats of poner starless Compare at Utes Got ere ene Four Door steelinteriox 10 power 5829-5233 OFF French Door French Door French Door levels. waaer30«3s/17110 } Refrigerator Refrigerator — ~ Refrigerator Tap Touch Controls ite ‘System With Ice Maker tance LED lighting. 24.7 cu ft. (compares, 45965231] Custom flex temperature 21.8 .cu. ft. capac- Capacity. Maximum ice drawer. Open access door, Capacity, Adaptive defrost ti tiv 16.6 Cu. Ft. ee system. Spilgroot glass Touch deploy Moh eve Refrigerator pers. On) 30" drawer Two te eer tebugnong eacensect, | aspen Mons LED Lighting bins. Gide and serve storage Adjustable door ice&water.Counterdepth } Resovea grease it Asai Fase drawer LeDigtng Paaenansn desi, aq Mesecearss ton tem aus ‘ompare at) secon Sh soe od Now Only | (2585:r20v0FF) | 4 Now Only ee Eerplan alon $ oa 410 door storage bins, $ i GGTSI7OTNRWW/IS850.—-ORLESsi* offic ORLESSI* GeLeeT ORLESSI* a Geanview ws Rewind Vacuum i Easy-Empt) Hotpoint. Hotpoint. FRIGIDAIRE FRIGIDAIRE ce ye py _ Electri G Sa ectric = aS Glass Top Gas Range OnePass technolo ni nnology Range Range Range In-Oven Broilng sone Menon Upswept Sealed Even Baking Salcusft capac rewind. Long a5 GooktOP asses 699" Burners Technology 7 iy Seacdtten Power ord. active Ue cae. i Maat tcapes 53manual iComperests049 omreren 199m 2°. Premium Seersion ity. 1-8" and 3-6" 253 OFF ity. 112.5k 15k clean oven. 6/9" BT 76(0FEI B77 6(0FF] ‘astiron grates. urners2 oven 25k BTU expandable burner. burners Eta large $ racks. Storage ui - 9772-6" burners, fe: r ures. Ex ae Hess enone 100w warming. sl 3 windows. 10000 -RBSIGODMWW/_ ae Tit Xk OR LESS! me teste ume ie $623. onus 7 TE OcALER ji tes Good ED Top Load . HE Top Load Front Load Washer facet Washer Washer 2in-1 Removeable (EUG oodsonse Ultrafresh Vent Agitator oD) ie PEN Sc cape scat ancy vee 873.9 cu. ft capaci v Stainless steel tub. 8 . Microban technology 10 - \, Satiesswash teckel programs 9 options OM oesstemps gultin Tewash cycles. Auto Sinartdlagnosts. 800, Wei Quek ies load sensing. Late id eM spineruebalnce { cycle, ENERGY STAR Iock wrwessarzss Brectarve motor Gssossuiiis oocnrtar » | ElectricDryer 9 == 5939° Corea etal Sm Front Load sompaeat compare t'939 ' l corowen'89" | rinse shel Oton Joagorreach | Electric Dryer EX JOWECMy — Electric Dryer eal 7.3 Cu. Ft. Capacity 7.0cu, ft. capacity. bie Copacty HE Sensor Dry ‘iécycles. Autodry drying system. Timed ‘ry option. Conve: nent hamper door Freshen up option, End-of-cycle signal. WeDessoni2288 MOST KITCHEN APPLIANCES AVAILABLE IN MULTIPLE FINISHES! FRE305285/18500 @LG ™& Sensor dry system. Wrinkle care option, 8 drying programs. 3 tem- peratures. Smartdiagno- sis, Precise temp control Duct clogging indicator. LeTODOWTI2I01, circ APPLIANCES capacity. 10cycles/S heat select. Sanitie cycle Built-in Wi-Fi, Wrinkle care Damp alert. Vent sensor. ENERGY STAR, ances S 4-Pc. Applia 255cu.ft capacity. Spill proof shelves. F Tutbo cool setting. LED ighting. Muttiow 24” Built-In Dishwashe ERIGIDAIRE Whidgoor | Built-In Built-in 4 bottejets Dry boost with fan asi Built-In — acre Dishwasher @Lc Dishaasher Half load wash. Quiet 45 dba operati Dishwasher Boost cle 3rd Rack Convenience 30” Smooth Top Range Effortless Dry System LL Wario Direct feed wash system. 4-hr. ‘ple fitration wash. Quiet 55 dba opera: Quadwash system. 9 wash itd . INLD) ieaystort Moxy option. ee on ae eles, 1 place stings 48 Fifth element warming zone. Easy 7790) tings, Sani rinse option Quick wa prges ts pa rioreonee bet Compare at) 9) ilespray am system, Compare at 779 oo Worstvaaneas Stnless tub. ome Cencevenisolses 256 OF ‘Only so Now Only Over-The-Range Microw 1.7 eu. capac, 1000 wats of power $373... [eco $448... $506... |mamaeanecn a a ea onvenience 41 Stores Thi Ohio & Indiana PAGE 2

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