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Current weekly ad Western Beef - Valid from 11/21 to 11/27 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Western Beef 11/21/2024 - 11/27/2024


Products in this weekly ad

FRESH FROZEN + YOUR CHOICE > FREE/ Aiea daa oe ac Cae he Oss AL ake ee er hat cg eo) _ SY a. na SU ANKSGIVING! ¢ ¥, : : 7 7 HAPP' THANK VIN x es , 4 c Te ie) ane ee Pr y ol lat aT Ta rep Milly be ome. 5 (i!) (orn ENRICHED R a don Tenn Peat At yt Kea] RICE MARGARINE REG OR GOLD ie Tia | A Sey eer ee Se Ee Bet el) Gas. ee . Pets /| ’ PORK CHOPS F.V.P ASSORTED PEPSI 2 LITER eer ve GANDULES MEKONG (PIGEON PEAS) _ SWAI FILLET aT a eu WED NOV 277 AM - T1PM THUR NOV 28" 7 AM «5 PM begets cra os ie nf reo be Lore frets totes a utd MR me vpn flrs rm, Pte fdr peopel pert tea tok ey ge ep pee pe at a ae — naan eae al ey

Latest weekly ads

FRESH FROZEN + YOUR CHOICE > FREE/ Aiea daa oe ac Cae he Oss AL ake ee er hat cg eo) _ SY a. na SU ANKSGIVING! ¢ ¥, : : 7 7 HAPP' THANK VIN x es , 4 c Te ie) ane ee Pr y ol lat aT Ta rep Milly be ome. 5 (i!) (orn ENRICHED R a don Tenn Peat At yt Kea] RICE MARGARINE REG OR GOLD ie Tia | A Sey eer ee Se Ee Bet el) Gas. ee . Pets /| ’ PORK CHOPS F.V.P ASSORTED PEPSI 2 LITER eer ve GANDULES MEKONG (PIGEON PEAS) _ SWAI FILLET aT a eu WED NOV 277 AM - T1PM THUR NOV 28" 7 AM «5 PM begets cra os ie nf reo be Lore frets totes a utd MR me vpn flrs rm, Pte fdr peopel pert tea tok ey ge ep pee pe at a ae — naan eae al ey

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