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Current weekly ad Ocean State Job Lot - Valid from 08/18 to 08/24 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Ocean State Job Lot 08/18/2022 - 08/24/2022


Products in this weekly ad

ne ae College ayant CH Ae NTT PCa | / N) f B:) | q ) $10 tee fi 545 45" ae Capris or wis, Leggings Famous Makers’ ‘Women’s Far ‘ksues Gace SAE enema wre a? Mapes 99 399" 339% Wee shears kemaars, ae neeeneyÂź ., 299%| Baten atm = 199 ' 4 LQ. 10m 12) 5 \ s } s0Pine ome ' , Seca to weaved & Famous Maker Men's Better Shorts Goa, =I enced Better T-Shir z S ietveshorts Reece tae See OR) stering 2x12" 45999 249 279' Seip Coop te ONS ComSesen Comps Pop-Up Gazebo Spin SOPikwPamp: Choose from over 4 dozen styles! | j= + 4 Gallon Premium =~ Jumbo Tabs, Quick Plus} 9 99 Liquid Pool Shock 12.5* 4” y_ orSticks - 3 mn Sr ace ee 4Lbs. 34" Sell 4% feta ae tan | 7s... 54? gy | Gaptihy 1 ee ‘sits 99” 9» Me =e, ea — 99 faced 25 Lbs. 139° 09) ri | 4 Ă© Clarifier (Quick Tas Pos ot ool in Maine > tes ie 12” Be \ TITTH + black a Twist ight LE nome InGroundPoolCovers Above Ground Pool Covers $4 * = i> = 12'x24'(17%29' cover 12%24' pool)...44” Includes winch & cable 3 ee „ ai 16x28" (2129' cover 16524 pool)..59 18" Round (21 cover 18'pool).49% sf pono a fo = + 16432! (21537 cover 16332 poo). 749% 21 Round (24 cover 21'poo) 69% + Tord —_ & 16436" (2t'xAt'cover 16336 poo).79 24 Round 27 cover 2poo).79% (| 2 56 1 t8'xa6 (23,41 cover 18136 pool) 89% 28°Round (31° cover 28 poo!).99% | 8.70" me 2 7 20'x40' (25245 cover 20x40'poo)... 109 ar r rT; ‘Wed Be eae i + 25%x45" (30250 cover 25x45 poo)... 89” * Garin clas Backwoods '30'x50" (35355 cover 30X50 poo)....174% Above Ground Pool Covers ; Torch 25%or ; AP agltivtsunchtcebe 4, +999 {rotor LAB Round 18 cover) Dark. fed Deeriree ee Oe 48° Round (2 cover) 27° 5 5s eta} Pump Spr porgeraey hess 2 Round\26 cover). 39% 1 Foch Essie atta” ‘24 Round (27 cover). } Pp Bien cr cons sf “A ~~ : 54° A: s , li Deluxe Water Tubes Super k : “0 eam: Han 3 Kea enialiner: Se Ee ee ack Wand a obras PoolPillows —tx4'single.....3 eB: Zr “Os pni Suse a3 55 fans Black oit i F ‘2-1 Lb. Bags ‘Sunt AGT | 4x5" Single. 9” 1x8" Double........7 sed 8 > Heavy Duty | “Y axtrHeavy Duty. 14 1x10’Double 6-134, ags.39” t : Vie) _Sucecae | Ausable : ee 1 Rust-proof grommets ge 1 Many sizes & styles to choose from! ‘Position 2 ated edie quar t 99 i $4.49 $35 Ezan) : Inflatable | 542 195 = ? 49° ! Tilwiet ge cone Tae | xT 22S Stand-up 20Lb, ee ici ie BSTier Beach Umbrella 45 39) | 2508 Paddleboards Couniry Berry Bird. MeltSuet Cake | Heavy 6x8 16'x20 | MixSeed Food Value Pack Feng Âź ——_ 399 24.99 : = MTT HTED x10" 18x20" D ; < 59 | 2799 srt | 2! y 1 Be | ba f 40°12" 15'x30" 25'x45" Seton : sueveao: 3 Tier Kitchen 232 999 3499 76.99 # lH . ‘Ter Adjustable 23 Wiad Hit 42'x16" 20'x30' 30'x50" buy tor $349.99 -$399 45] Ta | STier Adjust : 14.99 45.99 124.99 i ( ‘Tier Heavy Duty Adjustable 10°x20" 20'x40" 30'x60" 121P) acinar ee SewsrnteD 64" |, eee 15.99 65.99 13999 Card of Equal Value! [oer Tr GUST 18TH GUST 24,20 Sev sere ters may at be lable nl stores. Whie Ocean Saeob Lo tive to proide aca oni cu stores Arter oes et necessary represen eso sles for ply purposes on

Latest weekly ads

ne ae College ayant CH Ae NTT PCa | / N) f B:) | q ) $10 tee fi 545 45" ae Capris or wis, Leggings Famous Makers’ ‘Women’s Far ‘ksues Gace SAE enema wre a? Mapes 99 399" 339% Wee shears kemaars, ae neeeneyÂź ., 299%| Baten atm = 199 ' 4 LQ. 10m 12) 5 \ s } s0Pine ome ' , Seca to weaved & Famous Maker Men's Better Shorts Goa, =I enced Better T-Shir z S ietveshorts Reece tae See OR) stering 2x12" 45999 249 279' Seip Coop te ONS ComSesen Comps Pop-Up Gazebo Spin SOPikwPamp: Choose from over 4 dozen styles! | j= + 4 Gallon Premium =~ Jumbo Tabs, Quick Plus} 9 99 Liquid Pool Shock 12.5* 4” y_ orSticks - 3 mn Sr ace ee 4Lbs. 34" Sell 4% feta ae tan | 7s... 54? gy | Gaptihy 1 ee ‘sits 99” 9» Me =e, ea — 99 faced 25 Lbs. 139° 09) ri | 4 Ă© Clarifier (Quick Tas Pos ot ool in Maine > tes ie 12” Be \ TITTH + black a Twist ight LE nome InGroundPoolCovers Above Ground Pool Covers $4 * = i> = 12'x24'(17%29' cover 12%24' pool)...44” Includes winch & cable 3 ee „ ai 16x28" (2129' cover 16524 pool)..59 18" Round (21 cover 18'pool).49% sf pono a fo = + 16432! (21537 cover 16332 poo). 749% 21 Round (24 cover 21'poo) 69% + Tord —_ & 16436" (2t'xAt'cover 16336 poo).79 24 Round 27 cover 2poo).79% (| 2 56 1 t8'xa6 (23,41 cover 18136 pool) 89% 28°Round (31° cover 28 poo!).99% | 8.70" me 2 7 20'x40' (25245 cover 20x40'poo)... 109 ar r rT; ‘Wed Be eae i + 25%x45" (30250 cover 25x45 poo)... 89” * Garin clas Backwoods '30'x50" (35355 cover 30X50 poo)....174% Above Ground Pool Covers ; Torch 25%or ; AP agltivtsunchtcebe 4, +999 {rotor LAB Round 18 cover) Dark. fed Deeriree ee Oe 48° Round (2 cover) 27° 5 5s eta} Pump Spr porgeraey hess 2 Round\26 cover). 39% 1 Foch Essie atta” ‘24 Round (27 cover). } Pp Bien cr cons sf “A ~~ : 54° A: s , li Deluxe Water Tubes Super k : “0 eam: Han 3 Kea enialiner: Se Ee ee ack Wand a obras PoolPillows —tx4'single.....3 eB: Zr “Os pni Suse a3 55 fans Black oit i F ‘2-1 Lb. Bags ‘Sunt AGT | 4x5" Single. 9” 1x8" Double........7 sed 8 > Heavy Duty | “Y axtrHeavy Duty. 14 1x10’Double 6-134, ags.39” t : Vie) _Sucecae | Ausable : ee 1 Rust-proof grommets ge 1 Many sizes & styles to choose from! ‘Position 2 ated edie quar t 99 i $4.49 $35 Ezan) : Inflatable | 542 195 = ? 49° ! Tilwiet ge cone Tae | xT 22S Stand-up 20Lb, ee ici ie BSTier Beach Umbrella 45 39) | 2508 Paddleboards Couniry Berry Bird. MeltSuet Cake | Heavy 6x8 16'x20 | MixSeed Food Value Pack Feng Âź ——_ 399 24.99 : = MTT HTED x10" 18x20" D ; < 59 | 2799 srt | 2! y 1 Be | ba f 40°12" 15'x30" 25'x45" Seton : sueveao: 3 Tier Kitchen 232 999 3499 76.99 # lH . ‘Ter Adjustable 23 Wiad Hit 42'x16" 20'x30' 30'x50" buy tor $349.99 -$399 45] Ta | STier Adjust : 14.99 45.99 124.99 i ( ‘Tier Heavy Duty Adjustable 10°x20" 20'x40" 30'x60" 121P) acinar ee SewsrnteD 64" |, eee 15.99 65.99 13999 Card of Equal Value! [oer Tr GUST 18TH GUST 24,20 Sev sere ters may at be lable nl stores. Whie Ocean Saeob Lo tive to proide aca oni cu stores Arter oes et necessary represen eso sles for ply purposes on

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