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Current weekly ad Fiesta Foods - Valid from 03/19 to 03/25 - Page nb 1

Weekly ad Fiesta Foods 03/19/2025 - 03/25/2025


Products in this weekly ad

BUas eee Ae aaa B Ud Uae Shasta Soda 10 OFF Coca Cola Products PL Tey aed 20 0: Tre ued ‘ en eee) Ft tier ne rinse mm Ln t kh esa ity ole Jalapenos ite or {=} eee oe Purch aha oe ial Eee Mele) eatery Eset Beira S Breet eon Stay up to date on all the best deals. Track your Points valid from & THEAPPCARD APP _ ?rostess, get digital receipts and view your rewards 3/1/25 to 3/31/25 COUPONS imm=mnrn KS | Pe * > Soe PS oS oe oe oe 0.03 0.25 Wve O QO O 0 0 MO EY GS au | BN os FY OSs x SO | x SP x So Ro vest | Ry oS PLU 903 wee PLU #9519 1 Os os oS Hees ‘ PogtWops Oa Patti P lb Yeoh Onions BS ea, et K Ib Limones Large Rabanos y cebollas verdes Tomates Grandes ¥ Paquete econdmico $5.78 Ib | anak | ‘Whole in the Bag, Beef Fiesta Foods Signature Value Pack, Pork Value Pack Fresh, 2b. Bag, Tropical Shrimp, Boneless & Skinless 20140 ct, Cooked Papaderes Bistec de puerco marinado Trozoste came de puerto, Muslo de poll fresco sin cueroy hueso, || Camarones quebrados grandes, enteraen balsa gaquete econémica paquete econdmico Bolsa de 2 libres. TA Bi 7 racy Selected Varieties) Corralejo Gaye caatansaes Reposado j Malt Beverages Tequila rahe omy eek Conmcoeed ey CROC Crise) rte z = Available at all of our locations vy instacart — ——— axe Prices effective the week of CE March 19 - March 25, 2025 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Open Every Day 6:00 AM - 10:00 PM IND USON | fj Flesta Foods cannot be held responsible for typogrophical or pictorial errors. ‘Quantity limit rights reserved. @ Fiesta Foods 2025, Products subject to availabilty. Money Orders» Utilty Payments Coe Prices valid at our Pasco, Sunnyside and Yakima Locations. ‘Check Cashing « Fax Services * Lottery a

Latest weekly ads

BUas eee Ae aaa B Ud Uae Shasta Soda 10 OFF Coca Cola Products PL Tey aed 20 0: Tre ued ‘ en eee) Ft tier ne rinse mm Ln t kh esa ity ole Jalapenos ite or {=} eee oe Purch aha oe ial Eee Mele) eatery Eset Beira S Breet eon Stay up to date on all the best deals. Track your Points valid from & THEAPPCARD APP _ ?rostess, get digital receipts and view your rewards 3/1/25 to 3/31/25 COUPONS imm=mnrn KS | Pe * > Soe PS oS oe oe oe 0.03 0.25 Wve O QO O 0 0 MO EY GS au | BN os FY OSs x SO | x SP x So Ro vest | Ry oS PLU 903 wee PLU #9519 1 Os os oS Hees ‘ PogtWops Oa Patti P lb Yeoh Onions BS ea, et K Ib Limones Large Rabanos y cebollas verdes Tomates Grandes ¥ Paquete econdmico $5.78 Ib | anak | ‘Whole in the Bag, Beef Fiesta Foods Signature Value Pack, Pork Value Pack Fresh, 2b. Bag, Tropical Shrimp, Boneless & Skinless 20140 ct, Cooked Papaderes Bistec de puerco marinado Trozoste came de puerto, Muslo de poll fresco sin cueroy hueso, || Camarones quebrados grandes, enteraen balsa gaquete econémica paquete econdmico Bolsa de 2 libres. TA Bi 7 racy Selected Varieties) Corralejo Gaye caatansaes Reposado j Malt Beverages Tequila rahe omy eek Conmcoeed ey CROC Crise) rte z = Available at all of our locations vy instacart — ——— axe Prices effective the week of CE March 19 - March 25, 2025 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Open Every Day 6:00 AM - 10:00 PM IND USON | fj Flesta Foods cannot be held responsible for typogrophical or pictorial errors. ‘Quantity limit rights reserved. @ Fiesta Foods 2025, Products subject to availabilty. Money Orders» Utilty Payments Coe Prices valid at our Pasco, Sunnyside and Yakima Locations. ‘Check Cashing « Fax Services * Lottery a

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