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Current weekly ad Grant's Supermarkets - Valid from 06/26 to 07/02 - Page nb 4

Weekly ad Grant's Supermarkets 06/26/2024 - 07/02/2024


Products in this weekly ad

This July Fourth Sold In a 34 Pk for $9.84, 8! x ‘Butterbal @ Ground Turkey 20103202, Selected Claussen Picides 378. 3.98 SNM Sires 077310004] | Hommel Ay Tender $1. 50 off tenscite” : 118. Coupon On : 00837 ; Split Chicken + ‘ Breast ‘ ‘ s Ton: 1 Home! AwwaysTender Sold inastb Bago 1490 Fersac roo : a soston Butt é al E Pork Steaks Party Wings 4 — 2 28 2. 98 ae re 1 " Lb. —— ots 2402, Selected C 1402 Tukey Or 1602 smithfeld Quarter ff Prime Fresh S be Ale Boneless Sliced Ham Sliced Dell Ham pa \ Prime Fresh, Pree 4 ‘ee v0 § vo ~ fet ia " . {2 140r.Seectes 1202, Siced Sausage, Kilbosa Or Cavalier Johnsonville Brats Bologna 3. 98 . Ale tad wits F far Thin Sliced Dell M ortunetabio. : | 498 Gai 1. 98 : ‘oe a ae Off The Hook aye frlsaames ot aj POPS ey | Fillets 602, Selected Sold in a 5:Lb. Bag for $29.90 cater ‘aa. é 1 Jonah Crab 9 g 8 nO 49 3 , 7 | 5 98 Z/ Hts 5.98. PARTY TRAYS AVAILABLE tea ig Oe aN For Your July 4" Event GRAB-N-GO PORK SOLUTIONS A eee RON aco Pulled > ae Hands-on yaecen oe Ser ie me 198. 5.98. Cheese of the Month 802, Selected - 402, Seletes Fresh Pack «| ~=ainsst face fetored Dip "39 ag Jas econ n eosin Crome 1198 253 Palio ¥ GOING ORE? crazy Peel akeres! ies Crs eee w WW ee \ 102 Sracldo Owe We aT ‘ - = Visa, Discover Card, Mastercard, Grants Supermarkets is committed to serving our Debit Cards, EBT And WIC communities with the highest quality product at the ‘ lowest possible price. Due to product availability, we are expecting limited quantities of certain items. Sale prices are good while supplies last. No Rain checks. Apply within store or at 062694 gs GSM

Latest weekly ads

This July Fourth Sold In a 34 Pk for $9.84, 8! x ‘Butterbal @ Ground Turkey 20103202, Selected Claussen Picides 378. 3.98 SNM Sires 077310004] | Hommel Ay Tender $1. 50 off tenscite” : 118. Coupon On : 00837 ; Split Chicken + ‘ Breast ‘ ‘ s Ton: 1 Home! AwwaysTender Sold inastb Bago 1490 Fersac roo : a soston Butt é al E Pork Steaks Party Wings 4 — 2 28 2. 98 ae re 1 " Lb. —— ots 2402, Selected C 1402 Tukey Or 1602 smithfeld Quarter ff Prime Fresh S be Ale Boneless Sliced Ham Sliced Dell Ham pa \ Prime Fresh, Pree 4 ‘ee v0 § vo ~ fet ia " . {2 140r.Seectes 1202, Siced Sausage, Kilbosa Or Cavalier Johnsonville Brats Bologna 3. 98 . Ale tad wits F far Thin Sliced Dell M ortunetabio. : | 498 Gai 1. 98 : ‘oe a ae Off The Hook aye frlsaames ot aj POPS ey | Fillets 602, Selected Sold in a 5:Lb. Bag for $29.90 cater ‘aa. é 1 Jonah Crab 9 g 8 nO 49 3 , 7 | 5 98 Z/ Hts 5.98. PARTY TRAYS AVAILABLE tea ig Oe aN For Your July 4" Event GRAB-N-GO PORK SOLUTIONS A eee RON aco Pulled > ae Hands-on yaecen oe Ser ie me 198. 5.98. Cheese of the Month 802, Selected - 402, Seletes Fresh Pack «| ~=ainsst face fetored Dip "39 ag Jas econ n eosin Crome 1198 253 Palio ¥ GOING ORE? crazy Peel akeres! ies Crs eee w WW ee \ 102 Sracldo Owe We aT ‘ - = Visa, Discover Card, Mastercard, Grants Supermarkets is committed to serving our Debit Cards, EBT And WIC communities with the highest quality product at the ‘ lowest possible price. Due to product availability, we are expecting limited quantities of certain items. Sale prices are good while supplies last. No Rain checks. Apply within store or at 062694 gs GSM

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