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Current weekly ad Grant's Supermarkets - Valid from 06/26 to 07/02 - Page nb 3

Weekly ad Grant's Supermarkets 06/26/2024 - 07/02/2024


Products in this weekly ad

Field Ripened we ~~ — FRESHEST FLAVORS —= ai f= yoy select Hotmouse Grown Vidalia Sweet \ Creamy Baking Tomaloos Yellow Onions wy AL ‘OnThe Vine mi Lh - i. Lh, NC Grown Sweet Potatoes 78m id Festioned Instore Cut 75502, Selected eee Fresh Express Cole Slaw Watermelon ~ Wholly Quarters = Guacamole 4 a 1S, a io => 8. a sq Y Cole Slaw Dressing $3.98 = . Lh. ~ oe 6402, Selected * —e a | eee y eo mi ‘aay a" xe * SWEET AMERCIAN CLASSICS x ke wie ee oy Ea =2 mo ee fs 16102407, Selected 5.2570 10502, Selected Foster Farms Chicken Moming Star ‘Wings Or Strips — —S] 1 ee: {502 880 Or Spicy Chicken Or 460r, 1902 Strawberry Or 17-02 Original 11.5810 1602, MAM Sandwiches Or = Fast Bites Sara Lee Snickers OrTwix 7 13970 16802, Selected Cheesecake Ice Cream Bars 648 398 348 _ * BREAKFAST General Mill ni Cereal An All American Tradition jemee sone Chopanl 25] ee =| 59 USAGE = SAM PEN EESE ma f ANT \ Zo tnor nace ea afore. = SANS a — Bea ies Cereal Creamer { { : i as Ges west 3.98 es 498 ss Ve 1602 Hot Or Mild zi ‘Sausage Rol... Soanmeveney ATES Ls 1202, Selected a Bars icon Links Or Patties.. 10.470 192-02, Selected SAVE‘ when you spend £20 or more on Kellogg’s Cereal 0060 062693 gs GSM

Latest weekly ads

Field Ripened we ~~ — FRESHEST FLAVORS —= ai f= yoy select Hotmouse Grown Vidalia Sweet \ Creamy Baking Tomaloos Yellow Onions wy AL ‘OnThe Vine mi Lh - i. Lh, NC Grown Sweet Potatoes 78m id Festioned Instore Cut 75502, Selected eee Fresh Express Cole Slaw Watermelon ~ Wholly Quarters = Guacamole 4 a 1S, a io => 8. a sq Y Cole Slaw Dressing $3.98 = . Lh. ~ oe 6402, Selected * —e a | eee y eo mi ‘aay a" xe * SWEET AMERCIAN CLASSICS x ke wie ee oy Ea =2 mo ee fs 16102407, Selected 5.2570 10502, Selected Foster Farms Chicken Moming Star ‘Wings Or Strips — —S] 1 ee: {502 880 Or Spicy Chicken Or 460r, 1902 Strawberry Or 17-02 Original 11.5810 1602, MAM Sandwiches Or = Fast Bites Sara Lee Snickers OrTwix 7 13970 16802, Selected Cheesecake Ice Cream Bars 648 398 348 _ * BREAKFAST General Mill ni Cereal An All American Tradition jemee sone Chopanl 25] ee =| 59 USAGE = SAM PEN EESE ma f ANT \ Zo tnor nace ea afore. = SANS a — Bea ies Cereal Creamer { { : i as Ges west 3.98 es 498 ss Ve 1602 Hot Or Mild zi ‘Sausage Rol... Soanmeveney ATES Ls 1202, Selected a Bars icon Links Or Patties.. 10.470 192-02, Selected SAVE‘ when you spend £20 or more on Kellogg’s Cereal 0060 062693 gs GSM

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